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110th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     110-523




  February 6, 2008.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be 


    Ms. Sutton, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 956]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 956, by a nonrecord vote, report the same to 
the House with the recommendation that the resolution be 


    The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 4137, the 
College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007, under a 
structured rule. The rule provides one hour of general debate 
equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking 
minority member of the Committee on Education and Labor. The 
rule waives all points of order against consideration of the 
bill except clauses 9 and 10 of rule XXI. The rule provides 
that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by 
the Committee on Education and Labor now printed in the bill 
shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose of 
amendment and shall be considered as read. The rule waives all 
points of order against the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute except for clause 10 of rule XXI. This waiver does 
not affect the point of order available under clause 9 of rule 
XXI (regarding earmark disclosure).
    The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in 
this report and the amendments en bloc. The amendments made in 
order may be offered only in the order printed in this report, 
may be offered only by a Member designated in this report, 
shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time 
specified in this report equally divided and controlled by the 
proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, 
and shall not be subject to a demand for a division of the 
question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. All 
points of order against the amendments except for clauses 9 and 
10 of rule XXI are waived. The rule also permits the chairman 
of the Committee on Education and Labor or his designee to 
offer amendments en bloc consisting of those amendments that 
have been printed in this report and not earlier disposed of. 
The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without 
instructions. The rule provides that, notwithstanding the 
operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone 
further consideration of the bill to a time designated by the 
Speaker. The rule tables House Resolution 941.

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
the bill (except for clauses 9 and 10 of rule XXI) includes a 
waiver of clause 3(b) of rule XIII, requiring the results of 
roll call votes in the committee report. The waiver of all 
points of order against the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute (except clause 10 of rule XXI) includes a waiver of 
clause 4 of rule XXI, prohibiting appropriations in legislative 

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    The results of each record vote on an amendment or motion 
to report, together with the names of those voting for and 
against, are printed below:

Rules Committee record vote No. 425

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To grant a modified open rule.
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--

Rules Committee record vote No. 426

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. McKeon (CA), #44, which is a 
Sense of Congress that the Secretary of Education shall monitor 
the availability of student loans in light of the situation 
with the financial markets.
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--

Rules Committee record vote No. 427

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. King, Steve (IA), #31, which 
would require colleges and universities that use Affirmative 
Action policies in admissions to fully disclose their admission 
policies. Would compile this data and make it publicly 
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--

Rule Committee record vote No. 428

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Souder (IN), #35, which would 
state the sense of Congress that no college student should be 
subject to discrimination on the basis of protected speech or 
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--

Rules Committee record vote No. 429

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Diaz-Balart.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Kline (MN), #43, which 
prohibits the disbursement of Higher Education Act funds by 
contract or grant to any institution that partners with any 
entity which discriminates or condones discrimination against 
the military or military recruiting centers.
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--

Rules Committee record vote No. 430

    Date: February 6, 2008.
    Measure: H.R. 4137.
    Motion by: Mr. Diaz-Balart.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for each of the following amendments separately 
debatable for 10 minutes equally divided: an amendment by Rep. 
Hoekstra (MI), #58, which provides that the Secretary shall 
develop a student survey to determine employment or training 
for students graduating from international education programs 
funded by Title VI. The Secretary shall take job placement in 
areas of national need into consideration when institutions 
apply for Title VI grants. The Secretary shall release a 
biennial report to Congress and the public that identifies the 
areas of national need for expertise in foreign languages and 
world regions. Finally, the Assistant Secretary will consult 
with other agencies and departments to determine areas of 
national need for expertise in foreign languages and world 
regions; an amendment by Rep. Bishop, Rob (UT), #36, which 
removes the maintenance of effort language in Title 1 of the 
bill, and instead directs the Secretary to identify and 
disseminate methods of cost containment; an amendment by Rep. 
Shays (CT), #56, which expresses the sense of Congress that 
Federal financial institutions and other entities utilize 
authority to assist in ensuring the liquidity and the 
availability of financing mechanisms for the purpose of 
bringing stability to the student loan marketplace; and an 
amendment by Rep. Davis, Lincoln (TN)/Myrick (NC), #61, which 
would allow the Department of Education to give grants to 
colleges and universities to establish pregnant and parenting 
student services centers for pregnant students, parenting 
students, prospective parenting students anticipating a birth 
or adoption, and students who are placing or have placed a 
child for adoption.
    Results: Defeated 3-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Matsui--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Diaz-Balart--Yea; Sessions--Yea; Slaughter--


    (Summaries derived from information provided by sponsors.)
    1. Miller, George (CA): The Manager's amendment makes 
technical changes to the bill, as well as changes to the 
provisions on college costs to a more consumer friendly 
approach, while keeping the focus on accountability; a revision 
to the definition of the state funds that count toward meeting 
the State Maintenance of Effort requirement; a revised 
technical amendment to Pell grant funding; modifications to the 
Cohort Default Rate provisions to provide for a transition 
period before the new sanctions are imposed and provide for 
targeted technical assistance to schools in danger of losing 
their federal student aid as a result of high Cohort Default 
Rates; provisions to ensure that students are aware of lower-
cost federal student aid options before turning to more 
expensive private loans and a means to help students avoid 
potentially compromising their federal aid eligibility by 
inadvertently relying on private student loans or borrowing 
excess amounts of private student loans; and includes studies. 
(20 minutes)
    2. McKeon (CA): This amendment requires the National 
Research Council to conduct a study of the regulations on 
institutions of higher education. (10 minutes)
    3. Kildee (MI): The amendment authorizes discretion 
currently exercised by the Secretary of Education to reserve 
for competitive grants to Tribally Controlled Colleges and 
Universities for construction, maintenance, or renovation of 
campus facilities a percentage of funds appropriated for Tribal 
Colleges and Universities under Title III of the Higher 
Education Act. (10 minutes)
    4. Petri (WI): The amendment would require the existing 
Education-Treasury Study Group to evaluate the feasibility of 
an alternative market-based reform to the Federal Family 
Education Loan Program. The recommended alternative should 
reduce federal costs to taxpayers and use savings to increase 
need-based grant aid to low-income students. (10 minutes)
    5. Petri (WI): The amendment would extend the new audit and 
reporting provisions applied only to the Direct Loan program to 
the Federal Family Education Loan Program. (10 minutes)
    6. Castle (DE): An amendment to require the Quality 
Efficiency Task Forces to develop annual benchmarks for the top 
5 percent of institutions in each institution category that 
have the largest increase in their tuition and fees over the 
most recent three year period in which data is available. The 
amendment also requires those institutions not meeting the 
benchmarks to provide the Secretary of Education a detailed 
explanation of the reasons why the institution did not meet 
such benchmarks. (10 minutes)
    7. Davis, Danny (IL): An amendment to restore protections 
to private student loan borrowers similar to those afforded 
other unsecured debtors by allowing the discharge of private 
student loans via bankruptcy. (10 minutes)
    8. Davis, Susan (CA): This amendment will prevent interest 
from accruing for active duty service members and qualifying 
National Guard members for the duration of their activation up 
to 60 months when serving in a combat zone. (10 minutes)
    9. Sestak (PA): This amendment includes physical therapists 
as an occupation defined as an area of national need to qualify 
for student loan forgiveness under Sec. 428K of the Higher 
Education Act. (10 minutes)
    10. Sestak (PA): This legislation amends the articulation 
agreement strategies that may be employed by states and 
institutions of higher education to include management systems 
regarding course equivalency, transfer of credit, and 
articulation. (10 minutes)
    11. Yarmuth (KY): Provides competitive Teach to Reach 
grants to eligible partnerships to provide general education 
teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills to effectively 
instruct students with disabilities in their classrooms. 
Eligible partnerships must include an institution of higher 
education; a special education department within that 
institution, and a high-need local education agency. (10 
    12. Hastings (FL)/Sanchez, Linda (CA): The amendment 
authorizes a nationwide pilot program through the Department of 
Education to promote holistic community-centered partnerships 
aimed at mitigating gang violence and reducing recidivism rates 
among juvenile ex-offenders previously detained for gang-
related offenses. (10 minutes)
    13. Welch (VT): Amendment would require annual reporting by 
colleges and universities on how much of their endowment was 
paid out each year for the purpose of containing college costs. 
(10 minutes)
    14. Lantos (CA)/Watt (NC): The amendment makes a technical 
correction to the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need 
(GAANN) program to clarify Congressional intent that a Masters 
Degree level institution or program is eligible to be the lead 
recipient of a grant under the GAANN program. (10 minutes)
    15. Edwards (TX)/Boyda (KS): Prohibits a state from 
charging members of the armed forces who are on active duty for 
more than 30 days and whose domicile or permanent duty station 
is in such state, and such members' dependents, more than the 
in-state tuition for attending a public institution of higher 
education (IHE) in that state. Provides that, even if such 
members' permanent duty station is subsequently changed to a 
location outside the state, they or their dependents must 
continue to be charged no more than the in-state tuition if 
they remain continuously emolled at such IHE in the state. (10 
    16. Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)/Young, Don (AK): This 
amendment expands Pell Grant eligibility to children who lost a 
parent or guardian as a result of the conflicts in Iraq or 
Afghanistan. These children will be eligible for the maximum 
amount of Pell Grant assistance. (10 minutes)
    17. Stupak (MI): Provides federal student loan relief to 
borrowers who go into school administration in low-income 
school districts. Applies to any borrower who has been employed 
as a full-time school superintendent, principal, or other 
administrator for five consecutive complete school years in a 
school district in a low-income area. (10 minutes)
    18. Doggett (TX): The amendment encourages the 
prepopulation of FAFSA income and asset information, by 
taxpayer consent, with tax data provided directly from the IRS 
to the Department of Education, and allows the Secretary of 
Education to provide for the use of second preceding tax year 
information. (10 minutes)
    19. Baird (WA): This amendment would direct the Secretary 
of Education to conduct a study on the costs and benefits of 
making student aid available to less than half-time students. 
The Secretary would then make recommendations on how to best 
design a demonstration loan program targeted for less than 
half-time students. (10 minutes)
    20. Inslee (WA): Ensures that competitive Sustainability 
Planning Grants explicitly provide for ``greenhouse gas 
emissions reductions'' to reduce the, threat of global warming 
and adds an eligibility requirement to FIPSE to ensure that 
institutions meet current energy efficiency standards. 
Additionally, includes a sense of Congress that the Federal 
Perkins Loan Program, which provides low-interest loans to help 
needy students finance a degree in higher education, should 
remain a campus-based aid program and to support increased 
funds to provide more low-income students with options. (10 
    21. Crowley (NY): The amendment would allow community 
college students to have $10 forgiven from their student loans 
for every hour they dedicate to mentoring an at-risk child. (10 
    22. Cooper (TN): Increases the authorization level, from 
$300 million to $500 million, for the 103 Historically Black 
Colleges and Universities. Increases the authorization level, 
from $100 million to $125 million, for the 18 Historically 
Black Graduate Institutions. (10 minutes)
    23. Ryan, Tim (OH)/Altmire (PA): Amendment creates a pilot 
competitive grant program (available to no more than 10 
colleges) to assist institutions of higher education in setting 
up college textbook rental programs. (10 minutes)
    24. Van Hollen (MD)/Castle (DE): This amendment authorizes 
Teach for America at $20 million for FY09 and $25 million for 
FY10. (10 minutes)
    25. Gillibrand (NY): Institutions of Higher Education shall 
adopt a statement of current policy concerning the working 
relationship of campus security personnel with State and local 
law enforcement agencies for the investigation of felonies or a 
report of a missing student. (10 minutes)
    26. Murphy, Patrick (PA)/Myrick (NC): The amendment would 
help students and families plan financially for higher 
education by requiring that colleges provide information about 
the anticipated cost of a post-secondary degree. Institutions 
would have the option of offering either a multi-year tuition 
and fee schedule or a traditional, single-year tuition and fee 
schedule with a nonbinding, multi-year estimate of a student's 
net costs. (10 minutes)
    27. Shuler (NC): To authorize a competitive grant program 
through the Department of Education that would allow 
institutions of higher education or consortia to create 
longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, 
analyze, disaggregate, and use individual student data. The 
amendment authorizes programs in no more than five states for a 
period of three years. (10 minutes)


   1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative George Miller of 
         California, or His Designee, Debatable for 20 Minutes

  Page 12, after line 16, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting before the 
        semicolon the following: ``, or persons who meet the 
        requirements of section 484(d)(3)'';
  Page 15, line 2, strike ``and eligible'' and insert ``or 
  Page 17, line 23, strike ``1988))'' and insert ``1988)); as 
updated by the Secretary from time to time and published in the 
Federal Register,''.
  Page 18, after line 3, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          ``(19) Disconnected students.--The term `disconnected 
        students' means students who are--
                  ``(A) homeless children and youths, as such 
                term is defined in section 725 of the McKinney-
                Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 
                  ``(B) orphans, in foster care, or wards of 
                the court, or who were in foster care or were 
                wards of the court until the students reached 
                the age of 16;
                  ``(C) adjudicated or convicted juveniles, or 
                who were adjudicated juveniles until the 
                juveniles reached the upper age of juvenile 
                court jurisdiction, or who were convicted 
                juveniles who completed the sentence for the 
                juvenile conviction prior to reaching the age 
                of majority; or
                  ``(D) pregnant or parenting youth.
  Page 37, beginning on line 22, strike ``The Secretary'' and 
insert ``Not later than 90 days after the Secretary receives 
the information required under paragraph (2), the Secretary''.
  Page 39, beginning on line 7, strike subsection (a) and 
insert the following:
  ``(a) Maintenance of Effort Required.--A State shall 
          ``(1) for public institutions of higher education in 
        such State for any academic year beginning on or after 
        July 1, 2008, an amount which is equal to or greater 
        than the average amount provided for non-capital and 
        non-direct research and development expenses or costs 
        by such State to such institutions of higher education 
        during the 5 most recent preceding academic years for 
        which satisfactory data are available; and
          ``(2) for private institutions of higher education in 
        such State for any academic year beginning on or after 
        July 1, 2008, an amount which is equal to or greater 
        than the average amount provided for student financial 
        aid for paying costs associated with postsecondary 
        education by such State to such institutions during the 
        5 most recent preceding academic years for which 
        satisfactory data are available.
  Page 39, line 23, after ``precipitous'' insert ``and 
  Page 41, beginning on line 1, strike section 109 through page 
54, line 24, and insert the following:


  (a) Amendment to Title I.--Part C of title I (20 U.S.C. 1015) 
is amended by adding after section 132 (as added by section 108 
of this Act) the following new section:


  ``(a) College Affordability and Transparency Lists.--
Effective July 1, 2011, the Secretary shall annually update and 
make publicly available on the College Navigator website, in a 
manner that is sortable by State, the following lists:
          ``(1) A list of the top 5 percent of the institutions 
        in each category (as defined by subsection (b)) that 
        have the highest tuition and fees.
          ``(2) A list of the top 5 percent of the institutions 
        in each such category that have the lowest tuition and 
          ``(3) A list of the top 5 percent of the institutions 
        in each such category that have the largest increase, 
        expressed as a percentage change, in their tuition and 
        fees over the most recent three year period for which 
        satisfactory data is available.
  ``(b) Categories of Institutions.--The following categories 
shall be used in compiling the information in subsection (a):
          ``(1) 4-year public institutions of higher education.
          ``(2) 4-year private, nonprofit institutions of 
        higher education.
          ``(3) 4-year private, for-profit institutions of 
        higher education.
          ``(4) 2-year public institutions of higher education.
          ``(5) 2-year private, nonprofit institutions of 
        higher education.
          ``(6) 2-year private, for-profit institutions of 
        higher education.
          ``(7) Less than 2-year public institutions of higher 
          ``(8) Less than 2-year private, nonprofit 
        institutions of higher education.
          ``(9) Less than 2-year private, for-profit 
        institutions of higher education.
          ``(10) All types of institutions described in 
        paragraphs (1) through (9).
  ``(c) Institution Reports.--If an institution of higher 
education appears on the list described in subsection (a)(3), 
the institution or a representative association designated by 
the institution shall submit to the Secretary the following 
          ``(1) A description of the factors contributing to 
        the increase in the institution's tuition and fees, 
        including an identification of the major areas in the 
        institution's budget with the greatest cost increases.
          ``(2) If determinations of tuition and fee increases 
        are not within the exclusive control of the 
        institution, a description of the agency or 
        instrumentality of State government or other entity 
        that participates in such determinations, and the 
        authority exercised by such agency, instrumentality, or 
  ``(d) Quality Efficiency Task Forces.--Each institution that 
is required to submit information by subsection (c) shall 
establish a quality-efficiency task force to--
          ``(1) review the operations of such institution;
          ``(2) analyze institutional operating costs in 
        comparison with such costs at other institutions within 
        the same category of institutions;
          ``(3) identify areas where, in comparison with other 
        institutions in such category, the institution operates 
        more expensively to produce a similar result;
          ``(4) conduct an in-depth analysis of such identified 
        areas for cost reduction opportunities; and
          ``(5) submit a report to the Secretary and the 
        institution on the results of the review and analysis 
        conducted under this subsection.
  ``(e) Information to the Public.--The Secretary shall compile 
the information submitted under subsections (c) and (d) and 
shall submit an annual report summarizing such information to 
the authorizing committees and publish such report on the 
College Navigator website.
  ``(f) Exemptions.--An institution shall not be placed on the 
list required under subsection (a)(3) and shall not be subject 
to the reporting in subsection (c) if, for the 3-year interval 
described in subsection (a)(3) the institution meets the 
following criteria:
          ``(1) With respect to the category of institutions 
        described in subsection (b) to which the institution 
        belongs, the computed price of the institution is in 
        the lowest quartile of institutions within such 
        category, as determined by the Secretary, during the 
        last year of such 3-year interval.
          ``(2) The dollar amount of the institution's increase 
        in its full price, as computed under subsection (a)(3), 
        is less than $500 for such 3-year interval.
  ``(g) State Higher Education Appropriations Chart.--The 
Secretary shall annually report on the College Navigator 
website, in charts for each State--
          ``(1) a comparison of--
                  ``(A) the percentage change in State 
                appropriations per full-time equivalent student 
                in each public institution of higher education 
                in the State for each of the 5 most recent 
                preceding academic years; to
                  ``(B) the percentage change in tuition and 
                fees for each public institution of higher 
                education in the State for each of the 5 most 
                recent preceding academic years; and
          ``(2) the total amount of need-based and merit-based 
        aid provided by the State to full-time equivalent 
        students attending an institution of higher education 
        in the State.
  ``(h) Availability of Net Price Information.--
          ``(1) Net price.--In this section, the term `net 
        price' means the average yearly tuition and fees 
        actually charged to a full-time undergraduate student 
        receiving student aid at an institution of higher 
        education, after deduction of any discounts and Federal 
        and State aid, and any other institutional aid, that 
        reduce the full price of tuition and fees at the 
        institution, as determined in accordance with 
        regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
          ``(2) Net price calculator.--
                  ``(A) Development.--Not later than 1 year 
                after the date of enactment of the College 
                Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007, the 
                Secretary shall, in consultation with 
                institutions of higher education, develop a net 
                price calculator to help students, families, 
                and consumers determine the net price of an 
                institution of higher education. The calculator 
                shall be developed in a manner that permits 
                students to determine an estimate of their 
                individual net price of attendance for an 
                  ``(B) Use of net price calculator by 
                institutions.--Not later than 3 years after the 
                date of enactment of the College Opportunity 
                and Affordability Act of 2007, each institution 
                of higher education that receives Federal funds 
                under this Act shall adopt and make available 
                for use on the institution's website the net 
                price calculator developed under subparagraph 
                (A) to help students, families, and other 
                consumers determine the net price of such 
                institution of higher education.
  ``(i) Postsecondary Education Price Indices.--Not later than 
1 year after the date of enactment of the College Opportunity 
and Affordability Act of 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 
in consultation with the Commissioner of Education Statistics 
and representatives of institutions of higher education, shall 
develop, for inclusion in the higher education pricing summary 
page required under subsection (j)(3), postsecondary education 
price indices that accurately reflect the annual change in 
tuition and fees for undergraduate students in the categories 
of institutions described in subsection (b). Such indices shall 
be updated annually. Prior to the completion of the 
postsecondary education price indices, the Secretary is 
authorized to use an alternative, comparable index or indices.
  ``(j) Consumer Cost Information.--
          ``(1) Information from institutions.--Not later than 
        1 year after the date of enactment of the College 
        Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007, the 
        Secretary shall post on the College Navigator website 
        and make available to institutions of higher education, 
        students, families, and other consumers, in a consumer-
        friendly manner, the following information about each 
        institution of higher education for the most recent 
        academic year for which the Secretary has available 
                  ``(A) A statement of the institution's 
                mission and specialties.
                  ``(B) Total number of undergraduate students 
                who applied, were admitted, and enrolled at the 
                  ``(C) Where applicable, reading, writing, 
                mathematics, and combined scores on the SAT or 
                ACT for the middle 50 percent range of the 
                institution's freshman class.
                  ``(D) Enrollment of full-time, part-time, and 
                transfer students at the institution, at the 
                undergraduate and (where applicable) graduate 
                  ``(E) Percentage of male and female 
                undergraduate students enrolled at the 
                  ``(F) Percentage of enrolled undergraduate 
                students from the State in which the 
                institution is located, from other States, and 
                from other countries.
                  ``(G) Percentage of enrolled undergraduate 
                students at the institution by race and ethnic 
                  ``(H) Percentage of enrolled undergraduate 
                students at the institution registered with the 
                office of disability services (or equivalent 
                department) as students with disabilities.
                  ``(I) Retention rates for full-time and part-
                time first-time, first-year undergraduate 
                students enrolled at the institution.
                  ``(J) Average time to degree or certificate 
                completion for first-time, first-year 
                undergraduate students enrolled at the 
                  ``(K) Percentage of enrolled undergraduate 
                students who graduate within 2 years (in the 
                case of 2-year institutions), and 4, 5, and 6 
                years (in the case of 2-year and 4-year 
                institutions), including by income category, as 
                defined in paragraph (4).
                  ``(L) Number of students who obtained a 
                certificate or an associates, bachelors, 
                masters, or doctoral degree at the institution.
                  ``(M) Undergraduate major areas of study with 
                the highest number of degrees awarded.
                  ``(N) The student-faculty ratio, and number 
                of full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty, 
                and graduate teaching and research assistants 
                with instructional responsibilities, at the 
                  ``(O) Percentage of faculty at the 
                institution with the highest degree in their 
                  ``(P) Percentage change in total price in 
                tuition and fees and the net price for an 
                undergraduate at the institution in each of the 
                3 most recent preceding academic years.
                  ``(Q) Total average annual cost of tuition 
                and fees, room and board, and books and other 
                related costs for an undergraduate student 
                enrolled at the institution, for--
                          ``(i) full-time undergraduate 
                        students living on campus;
                          ``(ii) full-time undergraduate 
                        students living off campus; and
                          ``(iii) in the case of students 
                        attending a public institution of 
                        higher education, such costs for in-
                        State and out-of-State students living 
                        on and off campus.
                  ``(R) Average annual grant amount (including 
                Federal, State, and institutional aid) broken 
                down by income category as defined in paragraph 
                (4) for a student enrolled at the institution.
                  ``(S) Average annual amount of Federal 
                student loans, and other loans provided through 
                the institution, to undergraduate students 
                enrolled at the institution.
                  ``(T) Total annual grant aid available to 
                undergraduate students enrolled at the 
                institution, from the Federal Government, a 
                State, the institution, and other sources.
                  ``(U) Percentage of undergraduate students 
                enrolled at the institution receiving Federal, 
                State, and institutional grants, student loans, 
                and any other type of student financial 
                assistance provided publicly or through the 
                institution, such as Federal work-study funds.
                  ``(V) Number of students receiving Federal 
                Pell Grants at the institution.
                  ``(W) Average net price of the institution 
                calculated for each income category, as defined 
                in paragraph (4), for each of the 3 most recent 
                preceding academic years.
                  ``(X) Percentage of first-year undergraduate 
                students enrolled at the institution who live 
                on campus and off campus.
                  ``(Y) The institution's cohort default rate, 
                as defined under section 435(m).
                  ``(Z) Information on the policies of the 
                institution related to transfer of credit from 
                other institutions.
                  ``(AA) Information on campus safety required 
                to be collected under section 485(f).
                  ``(BB) Links to the appropriate sections of 
                the institution's website that provide 
                information on student activities offered by 
                the institution, such as intercollegiate 
                sports, student organizations, study abroad 
                opportunities, intramural and club sports, 
                specialized housing options, community service 
                opportunities, cultural and arts opportunities 
                on campus, religious and spiritual life on 
                campus, and lectures and outside learning 
                  ``(CC) Links to the appropriate sections of 
                the institution's website that provide 
                information on services offered by the 
                institution to students during and after 
                college, such as internship opportunities, 
                career and placement services, and preparation 
                for further education.
          ``(2) Data collection.--The Commissioner of Education 
        Statistics shall continue to redesign the relevant 
        parts of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data 
        System to include additional data as required by this 
        subsection and to continue to improve the usefulness 
        and timeliness of data collected by such System in 
        order to inform consumers about institutions of higher 
          ``(3) Higher education pricing summary page.--The 
        Secretary shall make publicly available on an annual 
        basis, in a sortable and searchable electronic format 
        on the College Navigator website, a list of all 
        institutions of higher education participating in aid 
        programs under title IV of this Act that includes for 
        each such institution:
                  ``(A) The undergraduate tuition and fees for 
                the upcoming academic year.
                  ``(B) The average annual net price by income 
                category, as defined in paragraph (4), over the 
                3 most recent preceding academic years.
                  ``(C) The average annual percentage change 
                and dollar change in such institution's tuition 
                and fees over the 3 most recent preceding 
                academic years.
                  ``(D) The average annual percentage change 
                and dollar change in such institution's per 
                student instructional spending over the 3 most 
                recent preceding academic years.
                  ``(E) The difference between the average 
                annual percentage change in such institution's 
                tuition and fees over the 3 most recent 
                preceding academic years and the postsecondary 
                education price indices, as defined in 
                subsection (i).
                  ``(F) A link to the institution information 
                on the College Navigator website, as detailed 
                in paragraph (1).
          ``(4) Income categories.--
                  ``(A) In general.--For purposes of reporting 
                the information required under this subsection 
                and compiling information for the net price 
                calculator, the following income categories 
                shall apply:
                          ``(i) $0-35,000;
                          ``(ii) $35,001-70,000;
                          ``(iii) $70,001-105,000;
                          ``(iv) $105,001-140,000; and
                          ``(v) $140,000 and up.
                  ``(B) Annual adjustment.--The Secretary shall 
                make available to all institutions of higher 
                education participating in an aid program under 
                title IV of this Act, on an annual basis, the 
                annual inflation adjustment for the income 
                categories set forth in subparagraph (A).
                  ``(C) Impracticable reporting exemption.--An 
                institution that is required by this subsection 
                to report any information pertaining to 
                institutional aid by income category is not 
                required to report such information to the 
                extent that reporting such information by 
                income category is impractical or impossible 
                because information concerning income is not 
                collected from the recipients of such 
                institutional aid.
  ``(k) Student Aid Recipient Survey.--
          ``(1) Survey required.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
        survey of student aid recipients under title IV on a 
        regular cycle and State-by-State basis, but not less 
        than once every 4 years--
                  ``(A) to identify the population of students 
                receiving Federal student aid;
                  ``(B) to describe the income distribution and 
                other socioeconomic characteristics of 
                federally aided students;
                  ``(C) to describe the combinations of aid 
                from State, Federal, and private sources 
                received by students from all income groups;
                  ``(D) to describe the debt burden of 
                educational loan recipients and their capacity 
                to repay their education debts, and the impact 
                of such debt burden on career choices;
                  ``(E) to describe the role played by the 
                price of postsecondary education in the 
                determination by students of what institution 
                to attend; and
                  ``(F) to describe how the increased costs of 
                textbooks and other instructional materials 
                affects the costs of postsecondary education to 
          ``(2) Survey design.--The survey shall be 
        representative of full-time and part-time, 
        undergraduate, graduate, professional, and current and 
        former students in all types of institutions, and 
        designed and administered in consultation with the 
        Congress and the postsecondary education community.
          ``(3) Dissemination.--The Commissioner of Education 
        Statistics shall disseminate the information resulting 
        from the survey in both printed and electronic form.
  ``(l) Regulations.--The Secretary is authorized to issue such 
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of 
this section.''.
  (b) Sense of Congress Regarding Consumer Information About 
Institutions of Higher Education.--
          (1) Findings.--Congress finds that--
                  (A) the diversity of the American higher 
                education systems allows each student to find 
                the right ``fit'' for his or her interests and 
                  (B) while the variety of options available is 
                one of the great strengths of our system of 
                higher education, it can also be overwhelming 
                when students and their families begin a 
                college search;
                  (C) there is a massive amount of information 
                available about institutions of higher 
                education, but it is often difficult to 
                navigate or is scattered among several sources;
                  (D) the data collected and available is 
                comprehensive; however, there is a need to keep 
                consumer needs in mind in packaging the 
                information that already exists and presenting 
                the information in a simple, consumer-friendly 
                  (E) in particular, prospective students and 
                their families want a succinct overview of 
                common key information about institutions, with 
                easy access to more in-depth institution-
                specific information about campus life and the 
                complete college experience; and
                  (F) a variety of efforts have been initiated 
                by colleges and universities and others to 
                provide web-based, consumer-friendly 
                information geared to prospective students and 
                their families.
          (2) Sense of congress.--It is the sense of Congress 
        that institutions of higher education should 
        participate in efforts to provide concise, easily 
        accessible, on-line consumer information to prospective 
        students and families that is consistent across 
        institutions while permitting opportunities for more 
        in-depth exploration of specific institutions.
  Page 59, line 1, after ``writing'' insert ``(which may 
include electronic communications)''.
  Page 59, line 9, after ``textbook'' insert ``in the preceding 
10 years''.
  Page 74, line 18, strike ``August 1 of each year'' and insert 
``March 1 of each year, or such other date determined by the 
  Page 80, beginning on line 10, strike clause (i) and insert 
the following:
                          ``(i) Standard material, activities, 
                        or programs on issues related to a 
                        loan, default aversion, default 
                        prevention, or financial literacy, such 
                        as a brochure, a workshop, or training.
  Page 81, line 4, strike ``Exit'' and insert ``Entrance and 
  Page 81, line 6, strike ``exit'' and insert ``entrance and 
  Page 81, after line 21, insert the following:
                          ``(vi) State education grants, 
                        scholarships, or financial aid funds 
                        administered by or on behalf of a 
  Page 88, line 11, strike ``$25,000'' and insert ``$27,500''.
  Page 88, line 13, after ``Secretary may'' insert ``impose a 
civil penalty in an amount of not more than $27,500, or''.
  Page 97, line 21, insert before the semicolon the following: 
``, and includes Migrant and Seasonal Head Start and American 
Indian/Alaska Native Head Start''.
  Page 97, line 24, after ``program'' insert ``(including a 
program authorized under section 619 or part C of the 
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)''.
  Page 110, line 25, strike ``or''; on page 111, line 14, 
strike the period and insert ``; or'''; and after line 14 
insert the following new subparagraph:
                  ``(C) whose participants include current 
                teachers who seek ongoing professional 
                development in the subject matter knowledge in 
                which the teacher is assigned to teach; and
                  ``(D) that requires the faculty of arts and 
                sciences of the partner institution to lead 
                collaborative seminars for such participants 
                for the purpose of--
                          ``(i) improving student learning;
                          ``(ii) enhancing the quality of 
                        teaching and strengthening subject 
                        matter mastery and the pedagogical 
                        skills of current teachers through 
                        continuing professional development; 
                          ``(iii) developing curriculum units, 
                        based on the subject matter presented, 
                        for use in the teachers' classrooms.
  Page 120, line 10, after ``techniques'' insert ``and 
strategies, consistent with the principles of universal design 
for learning,''.
  Page 120, line 16, after ``teaching skills'' insert ``, 
including the ability to effectively teach higher-order 
analytical, evaluative, problem-solving, and communications 
  Page 122, line 9, strike ``and''; on line 11, after the 
semicolon insert ``and''; and after line 11, insert the 
                                          ``(cc) effectively 
                                        teach high-order 
                                        analytical, evaluative, 
                                        problem solving and 
                                        communications skills 
                                        appropriate for the 
                                        teacher's content or 
                                        specialty area;
  Page 125, beginning on line 24, strike ``incentive, or merit 
or performance-based pay.'' and insert ``or incentive pay, 
based on their extra skills and responsibilities.''.
  Page 127, line 10, after ``school'' insert ``teachers or''.
  Page 127, line 12, after ``instruction for'' insert 
``elementary or secondary school teachers or''.
  Page 128, beginning on line 24, strike ``Modifying'' and all 
that follows through page 129, line 2, and insert ``Where 
feasible, attempt to place''.
  Page 131, line 11, after ``based on'' insert ``, but is not 
required to include all of, the''.
  Page 131, line 12, strike ``teaching as'' and insert 
``teaching, which may include''.
  Page 134, strike lines 22 and 23 and insert the following:
                  ``(C) Stipends; applications; agreements; 
  Page 135, line 3, after the period insert ``The stipend or 
salary shall be provided for no longer than 1 year.''.
  Page 135, strike line 4 and all that follows through line 20 
and insert the following:
                          ``(ii) Applications for stipends.--
                        Each teacher residency candidate 
                        desiring a stipend or salary during the 
                        period of residency shall submit an 
                        application to the eligible partnership 
                        at such time, and containing such 
                        information and assurances, as the 
                        eligible partnership may require.
                          ``(iii) Agreements to serve.--Each 
                        application submitted under clause (ii) 
                        shall contain or be accompanied by an 
                        agreement that the applicant will--
                                  ``(I) serve as a full-time 
                                teacher for a total of not less 
                                than 3 academic years after 
                                successfully completing the 
                                teaching residency program;
                                  ``(II) teach in a high-need 
                                school served by the high-need 
                                local educational agency in the 
                                eligible partnership;
                                  ``(III) teach in a field 
                                designated as high-need by the 
                                eligible partnership;
                                  ``(IV) provide to the 
                                eligible partnership a 
                                certificate, from the chief 
                                administrative officer of the 
                                school at which the resident is 
                                employed, of the employment 
                                required in subclauses (I), 
                                (II), and (III), at the 
                                beginning of, and upon 
                                completion of, each year or 
                                partial year of service;
                                  ``(V) be a highly qualified 
                                teacher, as defined in section 
                                9101 of the Elementary and 
                                Secondary Education Act of 
                                1965, when the applicant begins 
                                to fulfill the service 
                                obligation under this clause; 
                                  ``(VI) comply with the 
                                requirements set by the 
                                eligible partnership under 
                                clause (iv) if the applicant is 
                                unable or unwilling to complete 
                                the service obligation required 
                                by this clause.
                          ``(iv) Repayments.--
                                  ``(I) In general.--An 
                                eligible partnership carrying 
                                out a teaching residency 
                                program under this subsection 
                                shall require a recipient of a 
                                stipend or salary under this 
                                subparagraph who does not 
                                complete the service obligation 
                                required by clause (iii) to 
                                repay the stipend or salary to 
                                the eligible partnership, 
                                together with interest thereon 
                                accruing from the date of the 
                                stipend or salary award, and in 
                                accordance with such other 
                                terms and conditions specified 
                                by the eligible partnership, as 
                                  ``(II) Other terms and 
                                conditions.--Any other terms 
                                and conditions specified by the 
                                eligible partnership may 
                                include reasonable provisions 
                                for deferral of a teaching 
                                resident's service obligation 
                                required by clause (iii) on 
                                grounds of health, 
                                incapacitation, inability to 
                                secure employment in a school 
                                served by the eligible 
                                partnership, or other 
                                extraordinary circumstances.
                                  ``(III) Use of repayments.--
                                An eligible partnership shall 
                                use any repayment received 
                                under this clause to carry out 
                                additional activities that are 
                                consistent with the purposes of 
                                this subsection.
  Page 136, line 8, strike ``rural school districts'' and 
insert ``rural local educational agencies (as such term is 
defined in section 872 of this Act)''.
  Page 138, line 15, strike ``designated by the Secretary''.
  Page 144, line 25, after ``instruction'' insert ``, including 
technology consistent with the principles of universal design 
for learning,''.
  Page 157, beginning on line 2, strike ``As a condition of 
receiving assistance under title IV, each'' and insert 
  Page 157, line 12, strike ``Secretary'' and insert ``State 
educational agency''.
  Page 157, beginning on line 19, strike ``As a condition'' and 
all that follows through ``title IV, each'' on line 20, and 
insert ``Each''.
  Page 158, line 11, before the period insert ``, as 
  Page 164, line 17, and page 165, line 3, strike ``develop 
skills to enter'' and insert ``develop learning skills to 
succeed in higher education and to enter''.
  Page 165, line 2, after ``environments'' insert ``, including 
environments consistent with the principles of universal design 
for learning,''.
  Page 165, line 19, insert ``or masters'' before ``degrees''.
  Page 167, line 10, strike ``technology development'' and 
insert ``development in the use of technology''.
  Page 171, after line 5, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraph accordingly):
          ``(6) A description of how the project--
                  ``(A) will incorporate State teacher 
                technology standards; and
                  ``(B) will incorporate State student 
                technology standards.
  Page 174, line 20, strike ``and''; page 175, line 2, strike 
the period and insert a semicolon; and after line 2, insert the 
following new paragraphs:
          ``(6) may be used to develop and apply virtual 
        classroom simulation and related technologies to 
        enhance recruitment, preparation, and retention for 
        high-need schools in the areas of mathematics, science, 
        foreign languages, special education, or teaching the 
        English language to students who are limited English 
        proficient; and
          ``(7) may be used to develop innovative teacher 
        preparation programs that emphasize the essential 
        components of reading instruction and other strategies 
        based on scientifically valid research and that address 
        early intervention strategies for students with reading 
        difficulty or language processing differences.
  Page 177, line 10, strike ``and''; line 13, strike the period 
and insert a semicolon; and after line 13, insert the following 
new paragraphs:
          ``(12) develop associate's degree programs with an 
        emphasis on the essential components of reading 
        instruction to train educators such as pre-service 
        teachers, paraprofessionals, speech-language pathology 
        assistants, and tutors to teach students with reading 
        difficulties and students who learn to read differently 
        than their peers; and
          ``(13) develop licensure programs for early childhood 
        educators that emphasize the essential components of 
        reading instruction and other strategies based on 
        scientifically valid research, and that address 
        strategies for early screening and early intervention 
        for students with reading difficulty and who learn to 
        read differently than their peers.''.
  Page 179, beginning on line 24, strike ``has the meaning'' 
and all that follows through line 25, and insert ``means a 
publicly funded institution of higher education (as defined in 
section 101) at which the highest degree awarded is 
predominantly the associates degree.''.
  Page 183, line 13, after ``teachers to'' insert ``serve in 
low-performing schools and''.
  Page 188, line 15, strike ``Achievement'' and insert 
``Student learning''; and on lines 17 and 19, strike 
``achievement'' and insert ``student learning''.
  Page 189, line 3, insert after the period the following: 
``Further, the peer review standards shall ensure that 
reviewers have expertise in assessment systems, accountability, 
and instruction.''.
  Page 190, line 10, after ``childhood'' insert ``development 
  Page 190, strike lines 11 and 12, and redesignate the 
succeeding subparagraphs accordingly.
  Page 190, beginning on line 15, strike ``through age 5'' and 
insert ``to school entry''.
  Page 192, line 4, after ``supplemental initiative,'' insert 
``the State Head Start collaboration director,''.
  Page 222, line 2, strike ``by regulation''.
  Page 234, beginning on line 5, strike section 308 and insert 
the following:


  (a) Definitions.--Section 342 (20 U.S.C. 1066a) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (5)(G), by inserting ``by an 
        accrediting agency or association recognized by the 
        Secretary of Education'' after ``agency or 
          (2) in paragraph (8)--
                  (A) is amended by striking ``the private'' 
                and inserting ``any private''; and
                  (B) by inserting adding ``capital project'' 
                after ``issuing taxable''; and
          (3) by adding at the end the following new 
          ``(10) The term `eligible foundation' means a non-
        profit foundation owned and sponsored by an eligible 
        institution, or an entity wholly owned by such a 
          ``(11) The term `borrower' means the eligible 
        institution or the eligible foundation that receives 
        funding pursuant to a loan.''.
  (b) Federal Insurance for Bonds.--
          (1) Responsibilities of designated bonding 
        authority.--Section 343(b) (20 U.S.C. 1066b(b)) is 
                  (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``2 
                percent'' and inserting ``1 percent'';
                  (B) in paragraph (3)(A), by inserting ``, not 
                to exceed 1 percent,'' after ``charge such 
                  (C) in paragraph (8)--
                          (i) by inserting ``for loans closed 
                        before June 15, 2008,'' before 
                        ``establish an escrow account'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B)(ii), by 
                        inserting ``within 90 days'' after 
                        ``loan proceeds'';
                  (D) by striking ``and'' at the end of 
                paragraph (10);
                  (E) by striking the period at the end of 
                paragraph (11) and inserting a semicolon; and
                  (F) by adding at the end the following new 
          ``(12) with respect to any such loan, provide that 
        any loan collateralization shall not exceed 100 percent 
        of the loan amount; and
          ``(13) for loans closed after, June 15, 2008, 
        establish a reserve account which shall be available to 
        the Secretary to pay principal and interest on the 
        bonds in the event of delinquency in loan repayment, 
        which reserve account shall consist of an origination 
        fee of 1 percent with respect to each loan.''.
          (2) Forbearance; deferment.--Section 343 is further 
        amended by adding at the end the follow new 
  ``(f) Forbearance.--An insurance agreement under this 
subsection shall contain provisions providing that, upon 
request from the borrower and with the approval of the 
Secretary in consultation with the Advisory Board, the 
designated bond authority shall grant a borrower forbearance, 
renewable at 12-month intervals, on terms agreed to in writing 
by the parties to the loan with the approval of the Secretary, 
and otherwise consistent with the regulations of the Secretary.
  ``(g) Deferment.--An insurance agreement under this 
subsection shall contain provisions providing that, during 
construction or renovation, the Designated Bond Authority shall 
grant a borrower deferment, renewable at 12-month intervals, on 
terms agreed to in writing by the parties to the loan with the 
approval of the Secretary in consultation with the Advisory 
Board, and otherwise consistent with the regulations of the 
  (c) Limitations on Federal Insurance for Bonds Issued by the 
Designated Bonding Authority.--Section 344(a) (20 U.S.C. 
1066c(a)) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``$375,000,000'' and inserting 
          (2) by striking ``$250,000,000'' and inserting 
        ``$733,333,333''; and
          (3) by striking ``$125,000,000'' and inserting 
  (d) Authority of the Secretary.--Section 345(1) (20 U.S.C. 
1066d(1)) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``the Higher Education Amendments of 
        1992,'' and inserting ``the College Opportunity and 
        Affordability Act of 2007'';
          (2) by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph 
        (A); and
          (3) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following 
        new subparagraphs:
                  ``(C) specify up to 3 designated bonding 
                authorities to be authorized under this part; 
                  ``(D) provide for periodic review of 
                designated bonding authority authorizations no 
                less frequently than every 3 years;''.
  (e) HBCU Capital Financing Advisory Board.--Section 347(b)(1) 
(20 U.S.C. 1066f(b)(1)) is amended--
          (1) by striking out ``9 members'' and inserting ``11 
          (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``two'' and 
        inserting ``three'';
          (3) by adding at the end the following new 
                  ``(G) The president of the Thurgood Marshall 
                Scholarship Fund.''.
  Page 238, beginning on line 8, strike ``this subpart'' and 
all that follows through ``including'' on line 9 and insert 
``this subpart. Such plan shall include, if the Secretary 
determines that it is practical, an objective measure of the 
impact of such projects, such as''.
  Page 238, after line 19, insert the following new 
subparagraph (and redesignate the succeeding subparagraphs 
                  (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting before 
                the semicolon the following: ``, the Department 
                of Defense, or the National Science 
  Page 248, beginning on line 12, strike subsection (d) and 
insert the following:
  (d) Technical Amendments to CCRAA.--Section 401(b)(9) is 
          (1) by amending subparagraph (D) to read as follows:
                  ``(D) Program requirements and operations 
                otherwise unaffected.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraphs (B) and (C), nothing in this 
                paragraph shall be construed to alter the 
                requirements and operations of the Federal Pell 
                Grant Program as authorized under this section, 
                or authorize the imposition of additional 
                requirements or operations for the 
                determination and allocation of Federal Pell 
                Grants under this section.''; and
          (2) by amending subparagraph (F) to read as follows:
                  ``(F) Availability of funds.--The amounts 
                made available by subparagraph (A) for any 
                fiscal year shall be available beginning on 
                October 1 of that fiscal year, and shall remain 
                available through September 30 of the 
                succeeding fiscal year.''.
  Page 254, line 10, insert ``and'' after the semicolon and 
strike lines 11 through 14 and insert the following:
                          (ii) by amending subparagraph (A) to 
                        read as follows:
                  ``(A) to synchronize the awarding of grants 
                for programs under this chapter, the Secretary 
                may, under such terms as are consistent with 
                the purposes of this chapter, provide a one-
                time, limited extension of the length of such 
                an award;''; and
  Page 255, beginning on line 1, strike subparagraph (A) and 
insert the following:
                  (A) in paragraph (2)--
                          (i) by striking ``(2) prior 
                        experience.--In'' and inserting the 
          ``(2) Considerations.--(A) Prior experience.--In'';
                          (ii) by striking ``service delivery'' 
                        and inserting ``high quality service 
                        delivery, as determined under 
                        subsection (f),''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the 
                        following new subparagraph:
          ``(B) Participant need.--In making grants under this 
        chapter, the Secretary shall consider the number, 
        percentages, and needs of eligible participants in the 
        area, college, or school or schools to be served to aid 
        such participants in preparing for, enrolling in, or 
        succeeding in college, as appropriate to the particular 
        program for which the eligible entity is applying.'';
  Page 255, line 12, after ``foster care youth'' insert 
``(including youth in foster care and youth who have left 
foster care after reaching age 16)''.
  Page 261, beginning on line 20, strike paragraph (5) and 
insert the following:
          ``(5) Appeals.--(A) Upon a determination by the 
        Secretary not to accept an application, or upon a 
        determination by the Secretary through the peer review 
        process as specified in subsection (c)(4) not to fund 
        an application, for any program under this chapter, the 
        Secretary shall allow such applicant to appeal the 
        funding decision. An applicant may submit a written 
        request for reconsideration of the application, with 
        appropriate documentary evidence, to the Secretary.
          ``(B) For appeals regarding the awarding of points 
        for prior experience of high quality service delivery 
        or a decision not to read an application or any 
        mishandling of such application, a panel of three 
        Department employees appointed by the Secretary shall 
        review each request for reconsideration. The panel 
        shall review the request for the purpose of identifying 
        any technical errors or administrative problems with 
        the scoring of the application, the awarding of prior 
        experience points, or the handling of the application, 
        including any decision not to read an application. The 
        panel shall make its recommendations to the Secretary 
        in writing.
          ``(C) For appeals regarding scoring decisions by the 
        peer review panel, the Secretary shall refer the 
        application to a second peer review panel.
          ``(D) In each instance, after the Secretary or the 
        Secretary's designee considers the recommendations of 
        the panel and makes a final decision, the Secretary 
        shall notify each entity requesting reconsideration 
        under this paragraph regarding the status of their 
        appeal within 90 days after the date the applicant 
        submitted the appeal.'';
  Page 264, after line 20, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsections accordingly):
  (b) Talent Search.--Section 402B(b)(10) (20 U.S.C. 1070a-
12(b)(10)) is amended by inserting ``, groups of persons from 
disadvantaged backgrounds that have particular lower 
educational access or outcomes, or disconnected students'' 
after ``limited English proficiency''.
  Page 264, line 25, strike ``and''; and on page 265, before 
line 1, insert the following new paragraph (and redesignate the 
succeeding paragraph accordingly):
          (2) in subsection (b)(12), by inserting ``, groups of 
        persons from disadvantaged backgrounds that have 
        particular lower educational access or outcomes, or 
        disconnected students'' after ``limited English 
        proficiency''; and
  Page 265, beginning on line 2, strike subsection (f) and 
insert the following:
  ``(f) Absolute Priority Prohibited in Upward Bound Program.--
Upon enactment of this subsection and except as otherwise 
expressly provided by amendment to this section, the Secretary 
shall not continue implement or enforce the absolute priority 
for Upward Bound Program published by the Department of 
Education in the Federal Register on September 22, 2006 (71 
Fed. Reg. 55447 et seq.). This subsection shall not be applied 
retroactively. In implementing this subsection, the Department 
shall allow the programs and participants chosen in the grant 
cycle to which the priority applies to continue their grants 
and participation without a further recompetition. The entities 
shall not be required to apply the absolute priority conditions 
or restrictions to future participants.''.
  Page 265, after line 9, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsections accordingly):
  (d) Student Support Services.--Section 402D(b)(10) (20 U.S.C. 
1070a-14(b)(10)) is amended by inserting ``, groups of persons 
from disadvantaged backgrounds that have particular lower 
educational access or outcomes, or disconnected students'' 
after ``limited English proficiency''.
  Page 265, after line 14, insert the following new subsections 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsection accordingly):
  (f) Educational Opportunity Centers.--Section 402F(b)(10) (20 
U.S.C. 1070a-16(b)(10)) is amended by inserting ``, groups of 
persons from disadvantaged backgrounds that have particular 
lower educational access or outcomes, or disconnected 
students'' after ``limited English proficiency''.
  (g) Staff Development Activities.--Section 402G(b) (20 U.S.C. 
1070a-17(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
          ``(5) Strategies for recruiting and serving hard-to-
        reach populations, including students of limited 
        English proficiency, groups of persons from 
        disadvantaged backgrounds that have particular lower 
        educational access or outcomes, disconnected students, 
        and students with disabilities.''.
  Page 272, beginning on line 8, strike clauses (iv) and (v) 
and insert the following:
                          (iv) in paragraph (3), by inserting 
                        ``eligible'' before ``for assistance'', 
                        and by striking the period and 
                        inserting ``; or''; and
                          (v) by adding at the end the 
                        following new paragraph:
          ``(4) a disconnected student.''.
  Page 276, strike lines 1 through 13 and insert the following:
  (f) Scholarship Component.--Section 404E(b)(2) (20 U.S.C. 
1070a-25) is amended by striking ``the maximum Federal Pell 
Grant'' and inserting ``the minimum Federal Pell Grant''.
  Page 276, line 23, strike ``subpart 1'' and insert ``subpart 
  Page 283, beginning on line 16, strike ``and include'' and 
all that follows through ``this title'' on line 21.
  Page 289, beginning on line 11, strike ``(less any'' and all 
that follows through ``by the student)'' on line 15.
  Page 290, beginning on line 8, strike ``(less any'' and all 
that follows through ``by the student)'' on line 11.
  Page 290, beginning on line 22, strike ``(less any'' and all 
that follows through ``by the student)'' on line 25.
  Page 301, beginning on line 25, strike paragraph (6) through 
page 302, line 6, and insert the following:
          (6) by inserting after subsection (f) the following:
  ``(g) Reservation and Allocation of Funds.--From the amounts 
made available under subsection (i), the Secretary--
          ``(1) may reserve not more than a total of \1/2\ of 1 
        percent for outreach activities, technical assistance, 
        and professional development programs relating to the 
        programs under subsection (a); and
          ``(2) shall, in awarding grants from the remainder of 
        such amounts--
                  ``(A) make available not less than 45 percent 
                of such remainder for the high school 
                equivalency programs and not less than 45 
                percent of such remainder for the college 
                assistance migrant programs;
                  ``(B) award the rest of such remainder for 
                either high school equivalency programs or 
                college assistance migrant programs based on 
                the number, quality, and promise of the 
                applications; and
                  ``(C) consider the need to provide an 
                equitable geographic distribution of such 
  Page 302, beginning on line 22, strike paragraph (8) through 
page 303, line 8, and insert the following:
          (8) by striking subsection (i) (as redesignated by 
        paragraph (5)) and inserting the following:
  ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--For the purpose of 
making grants and contracts under this section, there are 
authorized to be appropriated $75,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 
and such sums as may be necessary for the each of the 4 
succeeding fiscal years.''.
  Page 305, line 6, strike ``social psychology or''.
  Page 306, strike lines 19 through 22.
  Page 311, line 13, after ``service'' insert ``in a full-time 
position related to the field in which the student obtained his 
or her undergraduate degree,''; and after ``following'' insert 
``the later of--''.
  Page 311, strike lines 14 and 15, and before line 16, insert 
the following:
                  ``(A) the completion of the student's 
                undergraduate degree program; or
                  ``(B) the completion of a graduate degree 
                program in a field related to the field in 
                which the student obtained his or her 
                undergraduate degree.
  Page 323, after line 3, insert the following new subsection:
  ``(g) Report on Best Practices.--Within one year after the 
date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall--
          ``(1) conduct a study to identify the best practices 
        to strengthen the role of institutions that receive 
        funding under title III or title V in increasing 
        America's critical foreign language education efforts; 
          ``(2) submit a report on the results of such study to 
        the authorizing committees.
  Page 323, before line 4, insert the following new section 
(and redesignate the succeeding section accordingly):


  ``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to create 
opportunities for individuals with subject matter expertise in 
mathematics, science, and critical foreign languages to provide 
such subject matter expertise to secondary school students on 
an adjunct basis.
  ``(b) Program Authorized.--The Secretary is authorized to 
award grants to eligible entities to identify, recruit, and 
train individuals with subject matter expertise in mathematics, 
science, and critical foreign languages to serve as adjunct 
content specialists.
  ``(c) Duration of Grants.--The Secretary may award grants 
under this section for a period of not more than 5 years.
  ``(d) Eligible Entity.--For the purpose of this section, an 
eligible entity is--
          ``(1) a local educational agency; or
          ``(2) a partnership consisting of a local educational 
        agency, serving as a fiscal agent, and a public or 
        private educational organization or business.
  ``(e) Uses of Funds.--An eligible entity that receives a 
grant under this section is authorized to use such grant to 
carry out one or both of the following activities:
          ``(1) To develop the capacity of the eligible entity 
        to identify, recruit, and train individuals with 
        subject matter expertise in mathematics, science, and 
        critical foreign languages who are not employed in the 
        elementary and secondary education system (including 
        individuals in business and government, and individuals 
        who would participate through distance-learning 
        arrangements) to become adjunct content specialists.
          ``(2) To provide pre-service training and on-going 
        professional development to adjunct content 
  ``(f) Applications.--
          ``(1) Application required.--To be considered for a 
        grant under this section, an eligible entity shall 
        submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in 
        such manner, and containing such information as the 
        Secretary requires.
          ``(2) Contents.--Such application shall include a 
        description of--
                  ``(A) the need for, and expected benefits of 
                using, adjunct content specialists in the 
                schools of the local educational agency, which 
                may include information on the difficulty the 
                local educational agency faces in recruiting 
                qualified faculty in mathematics, science, and 
                critical foreign language courses;
                  ``(B) measurable objectives for the 
                activities supported by the grant, including 
                the number of adjunct content specialists the 
                eligible entity intends to place in schools and 
                classrooms, and the gains in academic 
                achievement expected as a result of the 
                addition of such specialists;
                  ``(C) how the eligible entity will establish 
                criteria for and recruit the most qualified 
                individuals and public or private organizations 
                and businesses to participate in the activities 
                supported by the grant;
                  ``(D) how the eligible entity will provide 
                pre-service training and on-going professional 
                development to adjunct content specialists to 
                ensure that such specialists have the capacity 
                to serve effectively;
                  ``(E) how the eligible entity will use funds 
                received under this section, including how the 
                eligible entity will evaluate the success of 
                the activities supported by the grant;
                  ``(F) how the eligible entity will support 
                and continue the activities supported by the 
                grant after the grant has expired, including 
                how such entity will seek support from other 
                sources, such as State and local government and 
                the private sector; and
                  ``(G) an assurance that the use of adjunct 
                content specialists will not result in the 
                displacement or transfer of currently employed 
                teachers nor a reduction in the number of 
                overall teachers in the district.
  ``(g) Priorities.--In awarding grants under this section, the 
Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities that 
demonstrate in the application for such a grant a plan to--
          ``(1) serve the schools of the local educational 
        agency that have a large number or percentage of 
        students performing below grade level in mathematics, 
        science, or critical foreign language courses;
          ``(2) serve local educational agencies that have a 
        large number or percentage of students from families 
        with incomes below the poverty line (as such term is 
        defined in section 200); and
          ``(3) recruit and train individuals to serve as 
        adjunct content specialists in schools that have an 
        insufficient number of teachers in mathematics, 
        science, or critical foreign languages.
  ``(h) Matching Requirement.--Each eligible entity that 
receives a grant under this section shall provide, from non-
Federal sources, an amount equal to 100 percent of the amount 
of such grant (in cash or in kind) to carry out the activities 
supported by such grant.
  ``(i) Performance Report.--Each eligible entity receiving a 
grant under this section shall prepare and submit to the 
Secretary a final report on the results of the activities 
supported by such grant, which shall contain such information 
as the Secretary may require, including any improvements in 
student academic achievement as a result of the use of adjunct 
content specialists.
  ``(j) Evaluation.--The Secretary shall evaluate the 
activities supported by grants under this section, including 
the impact of such activities on student academic achievement, 
and shall report the results of such evaluation to the 
authorizing committees.
  ``(k) Definition.--In this section the term `adjunct content 
specialist' means an individual who--
          ``(1) meets the requirements of section 
        9101(23)(B)(ii) of the Elementary and Secondary 
        Education Act of 1965;
          ``(2) has demonstrated expertise in mathematics, 
        science, or a critical foreign language, as determined 
        by the local educational agency; and
          ``(3) may not be the primary provider of 
        instructional services to a student unless the adjunct 
        content specialist is under the direct supervision of a 
        teacher who meets the requirements of Section 9101(23) 
        of such Act.''.
  Page 323, after line 25, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsection accordingly):
  (e) Reporting Requirements.--Section 419N(e) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ``18 months,'' 
        and all that follows through the end thereof and 
        inserting ``annually.''; and
          (2) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) by striking ``the third annual grant 
                payment'' and inserting ``continuation 
                awards''; and
                  (B) by striking ``the 18-month report'' and 
                inserting ``the reports''.
  Page 324, line 23, strike ``and'' and after such line insert 
the following new paragraph (and redesignate the succeeding 
paragraph accordingly):
          (3) in section 420N--
                  (A) in subsection (b)--
                          (i) in paragraph (1)(E), by striking 
                        ``and'' after the semicolon;
                          (ii) in paragraph (2), by striking 
                        the period at the end and inserting ``; 
                        and''; and
                          (iii) by adding at the end the 
                        following new paragraph:
          ``(3) contains, or is accompanied by, a plain-
        language disclosure form developed by the Secretary 
        that clearly describes the nature of the TEACH Grant 
        award, the service obligation, and the loan repayment 
        requirements that are the consequence of the failure to 
        complete the service obligation.''; and
                  (B) by adding a the end the following new 
  ``(d) Additional Administrative Provisions.--
          ``(1) Change of high-need designation.--In the event 
        that a recipient of an initial grant under this subpart 
        has acquired an academic degree, or expertise, in a 
        field that was, at the time of the recipient's 
        application for that grant, designated as high-need in 
        accordance with subsection (b)(1)(C)(vii), but is no 
        longer so designated, the grant recipient may fulfill 
        the service obligation described in subsection (b)(1) 
        by teaching in that field.
          ``(2) Extenuating circumstances.--The Secretary shall 
        establish, by regulation, categories of extenuating 
        circumstances under which a recipient of a grant under 
        this subpart who is unable to fulfill all or part of 
        his or her service obligation may be excused from 
        fulfilling that portion of the service obligation.''; 
  Page 325, beginning on line 4, strike ``Such evaluation 
shall'' and all that follows through line 18 and insert close 
quotations marks and a period.
  Page 326, line 21, after ``this title'' insert ``, as 
determined by the Secretary,''.
  Page 327, beginning on line 1, strike subparagraph (B) and 
insert the following:
                  ``(B) An institution and any third party 
                servicer obtaining access to information under 
                subparagraph (A), including any subcontractor 
                obtaining access to information under 
                subparagraph (C)(iii), shall safeguard that 
                          ``(i) as required by any law 
                        applicable to the institution, third 
                        party servicer, or subcontractor; and
                          ``(ii) at least to the same extent 
                        that the disclosing financial 
                        institution is required to safeguard 
                        its customer information under sections 
                        501 and 505(b) of the Gramm-Leach-
                        Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6801, 6805(b)).
  Page 327, line 16, after ``the borrower'' insert ``, a 
subcontractor of the third party servicer for purposes of skip 
  Page 327, line 23, strike the close quotation marks and the 
following period; and after line 23, insert the following:
                  ``(D) Any requirement under subparagraph (A) 
                to provide student loan information shall be 
                considered an applicable legal requirement for 
                the purposes of section 502(e)(8) of the Gramm-
                Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6802(e)(8)).
                  ``(E) Any subcontractor obtaining access to 
                information under subparagraph (C)(iii) shall 
                meet the same restrictions that apply to third 
                party servicers under subparagraph (C).''.
  Page 328, before line 1, insert the following new sections 
(and redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Section 428A(a) (20 U.S.C. 1078-1(a)) is amended by adding at 
the end the following new paragraph:
          ``(3) Report required.--The Secretary, in 
        consultation with the guaranty agencies participating 
        under voluntary flexible agreements, shall report on an 
        annual basis to the authorizing committees regarding 
        the program outcomes that the voluntary flexible 
        agreements have had with respect to program integrity, 
        program and cost efficiencies, delinquency prevention, 
        default aversion, and consumer education programs 
        described in section 433A, and the availability and 
        delivery of student financial aid. Such report shall 
                  ``(A) a description of each voluntary 
                flexible agreement and the performance goals 
                established by the Secretary for each 
                  ``(B) a list of participating guaranty 
                agencies and the specific statutory or 
                regulatory waivers provided to each guaranty 
                agency and any waivers provided to other 
                guaranty agencies under paragraph (2);
                  ``(C) a description of the standards by which 
                each agency's performance under the agency's 
                voluntary flexible agreement was assessed and 
                the degree to which each agency achieved the 
                performance standards;
                  ``(D) an analysis of the fees paid by the 
                Secretary, and the costs and efficiencies 
                achieved under each voluntary flexible 
                agreement; and
                  ``(E) an identification of promising 
                practices for program improvement that could be 
                replicated by other guaranty agencies.''.


  (a) Amendment.--Section 428B(d) (20 U.S.C. 1078-2(d)) is 
amended by amending paragraphs (1) and (2) to read as follows:
          ``(1) Commencement of repayment.--Repayment of 
        principal on loans made under this section shall--
                  ``(A) commence not later than--
                          ``(i) in the case of a parent 
                        borrower, 60 days after the date such 
                        loan is disbursed by the lender; and
                          ``(ii) in the case of a graduate or 
                        professional student borrower, commence 
                        at the beginning of a repayment period 
                        that begins the day after 6 months 
                        after the date the student ceases to 
                        carry at least one-half the normal 
                        full-time academic workload (as 
                        determined by the institution); and
                  ``(B) be subject to deferral during any 
                period during which the graduate or 
                professional student or the parent meets the 
                conditions required for a deferral under 
                section 427(a)(2)(C) or 428(b)(1)(M).
          ``(2) Capitalization of interest.--
                  ``(A) In general.--Interest on loans made 
                under this section--
                          ``(i) which accrues prior to the 
                        beginning of repayment under paragraph 
                        (1)(A)(i), shall be added to the 
                        principal amount of the loan; and
                          ``(ii) which accrues during a period 
                        in which payments of principal are 
                        deferred pursuant to paragraph (1)(B) 
                        shall, if agreed upon by the borrower 
                        and the lender--
                                  ``(I)(aa) be paid monthly or 
                                quarterly; or
                                  ``(bb) be added to the 
                                principal amount of the loan 
                                not more frequently than 
                                quarterly by the lender.
                  ``(B) Insurable limits.--Capitalization of 
                interest under this paragraph shall not be 
                deemed to exceed the annual insurable limit on 
                account of the borrower.''.
  (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 428(b)(7)(C) (20 U.S.C. 
1078(b)(7)(C)) is amended by striking ``, 428B,''.
  (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
shall be effective for loans issued on or after July 1, 2008.
  Page 329, after line 4 insert the following new sections (and 
redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Section 428C(e) (20 U.S.C. 1078-3(c)) is amended by striking 
``2012'' and inserting ``2013.''


  (a) Special Rule.--Section 428G(a) (20 U.S.C. 1078-7(a)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
          ``(4) Amendment to special rule.--Beginning on 
        October 1, 2011, the special rule under paragraph (3) 
        shall be applied by substituting `15 percent' for `10 
  (b) Requirements for Disbursements to First Year Students.--
Section 428G(b) (20 U.S.C. 1078-7(b)) is amended by adding at 
the end the following new paragraph:
          ``(3) Amendment to cohort default rate exemption.--
        Beginning on October 1, 2011, the exemption to the 
        requirements of paragraph (1) in the second sentence of 
        such paragraph shall be applied by substituting `15 
        percent' for `10 percent'.''.
  Page 332, line 22, after ``pathologists'' insert ``and 
audiologists''; and line 23, after ``pathologist'' insert ``or 
  Page 333, line 2, insert ``, audiology'' before the comma.
  Page 335, after line 14, insert the following new paragraphs:
          ``(14) Dentists.--An individual who--
                  ``(A) has received his or her degree from an 
                accredited dental school (as accredited by the 
                Commission on Dental Accreditation) and has 
                completed residency training in pediatric 
                dentistry, general dentistry, or dental public 
                health; or
                  ``(B) is employed as a member of the faculty 
                at a program or school accredited by the 
                Commission on Dental Accreditation.
          ``(15) STEM employees.--An individual who is employed 
        in engineering, technology, applied sciences, or 
  Page 336, after line 18, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          ``(1) Audiologist.--The term `audiologist' means an 
        individual who--
                  ``(A) has received, at a minimum, a graduate 
                degree in audiology from an institution of 
                higher education accredited by an agency or 
                association recognized by the Secretary 
                pursuant to section 496(a) of this Act; and
                  ``(B) provides audiology services under 
                subsection (ll)(2) of section 1861 of the 
                Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(ll)(2)), 
                or meets or exceeds the qualifications for a 
                qualified audiologist under subsection (ll)(4) 
                of such section (42 U.S.C. 1395x(ll)(4)).
  Page 348, beginning on line 5, strike subsection (c) and 
insert the following:
  ``(c) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be 
construed to prohibit--
          ``(1) a guaranty agency from using activities, 
        programs, and materials existing on the date of 
        enactment of this section in meeting the requirements 
        of this section; or
          ``(2) a lender or loan servicer from providing 
        outreach or financial aid literacy information in 
        accordance with subsection (b).''.
  Page 348, after line 8, insert the following new section (and 
redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  (a) Amendments.--Section 435(a) (20 U.S.C. 1085(a)) is 
          (1) in paragraph (2)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking 
                ``paragraph (4)'' and inserting ``paragraph 
                (5)''; and
                  (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) by striking ``and'' at the end of 
                        clause (ii); and
                          (ii) by striking clause (iii) and 
                        inserting the following new clauses:
                          ``(iii) 25 percent for fiscal year 
                        1994 through fiscal year 2011; and
                          ``(iv) 30 percent for fiscal year 
                        2012 and any succeeding fiscal year.'';
          (2) by redesignating paragraph (6) as paragraph (8), 
        and redesignating paragraphs (3) through (5) as 
        paragraphs (4) through (6), respectively;
          (3) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following 
        new paragraph:
          ``(3) Appeals for regulatory relief.--An institution 
        whose cohort default rate, calculated in accordance 
        with subsection (m), is equal to or greater than the 
        threshold percentage specified in paragraph (2)(B)(iv) 
        of this subsection, for two consecutive fiscal years 
        may, within 30 days of receiving notification from the 
        Secretary, file an appeal demonstrating exceptional 
        mitigating circumstances, as defined in paragraph (5). 
        The Secretary shall issue a decision on any such appeal 
        within 45 days after its submission. If the Secretary 
        determines that the institution demonstrates 
        exceptional mitigating circumstances, the Secretary 
        shall not subject the institution to provisional 
        certification based solely on the institution's cohort 
        default rate.'';
          (4) in paragraph (5)(A) (as redesignated by paragraph 
        (2) of this subsection), by striking ``For the purposes 
        of paragraph (2)(A)(ii)'' and all that follows through 
        ``following criteria:'', and inserting ``For purposes 
        of this subsection, an institution of higher education 
        shall be treated as having exceptional mitigating 
        circumstances that make application of paragraph (2) 
        inequitable, and that provide for regulatory relief 
        under paragraph (3), if such institution, in the 
        opinion of an independent auditor, meets the following 
          (5) by inserting after paragraph (6) (as redesignated 
        by paragraph (2) of this subsection) the following new 
          ``(7) Default prevention and assessment of 
        eligibility based on high default rates.--
                  ``(A) First year.--(i) An institution whose 
                cohort default rate is equal to or greater than 
                the threshold percentage specified in paragraph 
                (2)(B)(iv) in any fiscal year shall establish a 
                default prevention task force to prepare a plan 
                                  ``(I) identify the factors 
                                causing the institution's 
                                cohort default rate to exceed 
                                such threshold;
                                  ``(II) establish measurable 
                                objectives to improve the 
                                institution's cohort default 
                                rate; and
                                  ``(III) specify actions that 
                                the institution can take to 
                                improve student loan repayment, 
                                including enhanced use of 
                                professional judgment and 
                                discretion of student financial 
                                aid administrators.
                  ``(ii) Each institution subject to this 
                subparagraph shall submit the plan under clause 
                (i) to the Secretary, who shall review the plan 
                and offer technical assistance to the 
                institution to promote improved student loan 
                  ``(B) Second consecutive year.--(i) An 
                institution whose cohort default rate is equal 
                to or greater than the threshold percentage 
                specified in paragraph (2)(B)(iv) for two 
                consecutive fiscal years shall require the 
                institution's default prevention task force 
                established under subparagraph (A) to review 
                and revise the plan required under such 
                subparagraph, and shall submit such revised 
                plan to the Secretary.
                  ``(ii) The Secretary shall review each 
                revised plan submitted in accordance with this 
                subparagraph, and may direct that such a plan 
                be amended to include actions, with measurable 
                objectives, that the Secretary determines, 
                based on available data and analyses of student 
                loan defaults, will promote student loan 
                  ``(C) Cohort default rates published.--The 
                Secretary shall make available to the public on 
                the College Navigator web site the cohort 
                default rate and the plan of the default 
                prevention task force of each institution that 
                is subject to this paragraph.''; and
          (6) in paragraph (8)(A) (as redesignated by paragraph 
        (2) of this subsection), by striking ``0.0375'' and 
        inserting ``0.0625''.
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a)(6) 
is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 
  Page 348, line 22, strike ``beginning of the third'' and 
insert ``end of the second''.
  Page 348, after line 23, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          (2) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``such fiscal 
        year'' and inserting ``such second fiscal year'';
  Page 349, beginning on line 1, strike ``beginning of the 
third'' and insert ``end of the second''.
  Page 349, strike lines 4 through 10 and insert the following:
          (3) in paragraph (2)(C)--
                  (A) by striking ``end of such following 
                fiscal year is not considered as in default for 
                the purposes of this subsection'' and inserting 
                ``end of the second fiscal year following the 
                year in which the loan entered repayment is not 
                considered as in default for purposes of this 
                subsection''; and
                  (B) by striking ``such fiscal year'' and 
                inserting ``such second fiscal year''; and
  Page 349, line 21, strike ``cohort default data'' and insert 
``cohort default rate''.
  Page 348, line 19, insert ``(a) Amendments.--'' before 
``Section 435(m)''; and on page 350, after line 13, insert the 
following new subsection:
  (b) Effective Date and Transition.--
          (1) Effective date.--The amendments made by 
        subsection (a) shall be effective for purposes of 
        calculating cohort default rates for fiscal year 2008 
        and succeeding fiscal years.
          (2) Transition.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the 
        method of calculating cohort default rates under 
        section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as 
        in effect on the day before the date of enactment of 
        this Act shall continue in effect, and the rates so 
        calculated shall be the basis for any sanctions imposed 
        on institutions of higher education because of their 
        cohort default rates, until three consecutive years of 
        cohort default rates calculated in accordance with the 
        amendments made by subsection (a) are available.
  Page 351, line 19, strike ``2752(d)(4)(D)'' and insert 
  Page 351, after line 20, insert the following new 
  (c) Grants for Federal Work-Study Programs.--Section 443 (42 
U.S.C. 2753) is amended --
          (1) in subsection (b)(2)(B), strike ``(as described 
        in subsection (d)), is'' insert the following: ``(as 
        described in subsection (d)), and not less than 1 civic 
        education and participation project (as described in 
        subsection (e)), are'';
          (2) by adding at the end the following new 
  ``(e) Civic Education and Participation Activities.--
          ``(1) Use of funds.--In any academic year to which 
        subsection (b)(2)(B) applies, an institution shall 
        ensure that funds granted to such institution under 
        this section are used in accordance with such 
        subsection to compensate (including compensation for 
        time spent in training and travel directly related to 
        civic education and participation activities) students 
        employed in projects that--
                  ``(A) teach civics in schools;
                  ``(B) raise awareness of government functions 
                or resources; or
                  ``(C) increase civic participation such as in 
                voting or running for elected office.
          ``(2) Priority for schools.--To the extent 
        practicable, an institution shall--
                  ``(A) give priority to the employment of 
                students participating in projects that educate 
                or train the public about evacuation, emergency 
                response, and injury prevention strategies 
                relating to natural disasters, acts of 
                terrorism, and other emergency situations; and
                  ``(B) ensure that any student compensated 
                with the funds described in paragraph (1) 
                receives appropriate training to carry out the 
                educational services required.
          ``(3) Federal share.--The Federal share of the 
        compensation of work-study students compensated under 
        this subsection may exceed 75 percent.''.
  (d) Flexible Use of Funds.--Section 445 (42 U.S.C. 2755) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(d) Flexibility in the Event of a Major Disaster.--
          ``(1) In the event of a major disaster, an eligible 
        institution located in any area affected by such major 
        disaster, as determined by the Secretary, may make 
        payments under this part to disaster-affected students 
        as follows:
                  ``(A) For any academic year during which a 
                major disaster occurs, such an eligible 
                institution may pay wages under this part to 
                disaster-affected students in an amount equal 
                to or less than the amount of wages such 
                students would have been paid under this part 
                had the students been able to complete the work 
                obligation necessary to receive work study 
                funds for such academic year.
                  ``(B) Wages shall not be awarded to any 
                student who, for the academic year during which 
                a major disaster occurs, was not eligible for 
                work study or was not completing the work 
                obligation necessary to receive work study 
                funds under this part prior to the occurrence 
                of the major disaster.
                  ``(C) Any wages awarded to disaster-affected 
                students under this subsection shall meet the 
                matching requirements outlined in section 443.
          ``(2) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  ``(A) The term `disaster-affected students' 
                means students enrolled at an eligible 
                institution who--
                          ``(i) were receiving Federal work 
                        study payments from such eligible 
                        institution for an academic year prior 
                        to the occurrence of a major disaster 
                        during such academic year; and
                          ``(ii) were prevented from fulfilling 
                        their work-study obligations for such 
                        academic year due to such major 
                        disaster, as determined by the 
                  ``(B) The term `major disaster' has the 
                meaning given such term in section 102(2) of 
                the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and 
                Emergency Assistance Act.''.
  Page 367, after line 3, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsections accordingly):
  (c) Treatment of Cooperative Education Work Income.--Section 
480(e) (20 U.S.C. 1087vv(e)) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through (4) as 
        paragraphs (3) through (5), respectively; and
          (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following 
        new paragraph:
          ``(2) any income earned from work under a cooperative 
        education program offered by an institution of higher 
  Page 400, beginning on line 3, strike paragraphs (1) through 
page 402, line 6, and insert the following (and redesignate the 
succeeding paragraph accordingly):
          ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsections (a), 
        (c), and (d), in order to receive any grant or work 
        assistance under section 401, subpart 3 of part A, and 
        part C of this title, a student with an intellectual 
        disability (as defined in section 768(2)) shall--
                  ``(A) be enrolled or accepted for enrollment 
                in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary 
                education program for students with 
                intellectual disabilities at an institution of 
                higher education;
                  ``(B) be maintaining satisfactory progress in 
                the program as determined by the institution, 
                in accordance with standards established by the 
                institution; and
                  ``(C) meet the requirements of paragraphs 
                (3), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (a).
          ``(2) Authority.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
        of law, unless enacted with specific reference to this 
        section, the Secretary is authorized to waive any 
        statutory provision applicable to the student financial 
        assistance programs under section 401, subpart 3 of 
        part A, or part C of this title, or any institutional 
        eligibility provisions of this title, as the Secretary 
        deems necessary to ensure that programs enrolling 
        students with intellectual disabilities otherwise 
        determined to be eligible under this subsection may 
        receive such financial assistance.
  Page 402, line 7, strike ``rules'' and insert 
  Page 405, strike lines 7 through 9 and insert the following:
  (a) Disclosure of Policies.--Section 485(a) (20 U.S.C. 
1092(a)) is amended--
  Page 405, after line 9, insert the following new paragraph:
          (1) in paragraph (1)--
                  (A) in subparagraph (G), by striking 
                ``program, and'';
  Page 405, beginning on line 10, redesignate paragraphs (1), 
(2), and (3) as subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D), respectively, 
and move the margins of such subparagraphs (as so redesignated) 
to the right two ems spaces.
  Page 405, strike line 13 and insert ``graph (O) and inserting 
a semicolon; and''.
  Page 405, line 15, strike ``paragraph'' and insert 
  Page 406, line 12, strike the period, close quotation marks, 
and following period and insert ``; and'', and after such line 
insert the following new subparagraph:
                  ``(Q) institutional policies regarding 
                meningoccal vaccinations which may include 
                offering the vaccinations through the 
                institution at a cost to the student.''; and
  Page 406, before line 13, insert the following new paragraph:
          (2) by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows:
          ``(4) For purposes of this section, institutions 
                  ``(A) exclude from the information disclosed 
                in accordance with subparagraph (L) of 
                paragraph (1) the completion or graduation 
                rates of students who leave school to serve in 
                the Armed Forces, on official church missions, 
                or with a recognized foreign aid service of the 
                Federal Government; or
                  ``(B) in cases in which the students 
                described in subparagraph (A) represent 20 
                percent or more of the certificate- or degree-
                seeking, full-time, undergraduate students at 
                an institution, the institution may recalculate 
                the completion or graduation rates of such 
                students by excluding from the calculation 
                described in paragraph (3) the time period 
                during which such students were not enrolled 
                due to the service described in subparagraph 
                (A) of this paragraph.''.
  Page 406, beginning on line 18, strike paragraph (2) through 
page 407, line 23, and insert the following:
          (2) in subparagraph (F)(ii), by inserting after 
        ``through (VIII) of clause (I)'' the following: ``, and 
        for larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and 
        destruction, damage, or vandalism of property,''.
  Page 417, line 18, strike ``Each'' and insert the following:
          ``(1) Notice upon enrollment.--Each
  Page 417, line 21, strike the close quotation marks and 
following period, and after such line insert the following;
          ``(2) Notice after loss of eligibility.--Within two 
        weeks of notification by the Secretary that a student 
        has lost eligibility under section 484(r) for any 
        grant, loan, or work assistance, an institution of 
        higher education shall provide to each such student 
        affected by the penalties listed under 484(r)(1) a 
        separate, clear, and conspicuous written notice that 
        notifies the student of the loss of eligibility and 
        advises the student of the ways in which the student 
        can regain eligibility under section 484(r)(2).''.
  Page 417, before line 22, insert the following new 
  (e) Disclosure of Athletically Related Graduation Rates.--
Section 485(e)(3) (20 U.S.C. 1092(e)(3)) is amended to read as 
          ``(3) For purposes of this subsection, institutions 
                  ``(A) exclude from the reporting requirements 
                under paragraphs (1) and (2) the completion or 
                graduation rates of students and student 
                athletes who leave school to serve in the Armed 
                Forces, on official church missions, or with a 
                recognized foreign aid service of the Federal 
                Government; or
                  ``(B) in cases in which the students 
                described in subparagraph (A) represent 20 
                percent or more of the certificate- or degree-
                seeking, full-time, undergraduate students at 
                an institution, the institution may calculate 
                the completion or graduation rates of such 
                students by excluding from the calculations 
                described in paragraph (1) the time period 
                during which such students were not enrolled 
                due to the service described in subparagraph 
                (A) of this paragraph.''.
  Page 418, line 4, strike ``requirements'' and insert 
  Page 418, beginning on line 12, strike ``, and on the 
application materials of such institutions''.
  Page 418, line 18, insert ``and'' after the semicolon; strike 
lines 19 through 21; and redesignate the succeeding 
subparagraphs accordingly.
  Page 419, beginning on line 4, strike ``limit the'' and all 
that follows through line 5 and insert ``authorize the 
Secretary to require particular policies, procedures, or 
practices by institutions of higher education with respect to 
articulation agreements.''.
  Page 419, beginning on line 10, strike ``, including private 
nonprofit and for-profit institutions''.
  Page 420, line 24, after ``degree'' insert ``or program''.
  Page 430, beginning on line 6, strike clause (i) and insert 
the following new clauses (and redesignate the succeeding 
clause accordingly):
                          ``(i) in the case of loans made by an 
                        institution, for each of the 
                        institution's fiscal years 2009 through 
                        2012, the principal amount of loans 
                        made by the institution, based on the 
                        expected interest earned less the 
                        estimated amount to account for future 
                        defaults and loan forgiveness accounted 
                        for on an accrual basis, in accordance 
                        with Generally Accepted Accounting 
                        Principles and related standards and 
                        guidance, if the loans are bona fide as 
                        evidenced by enforceable promissory 
                        notes, are issued at intervals related 
                        to the institution's enrollment 
                        periods, and are subject to regular 
                        loan repayments and collections;
                          ``(ii) in the case of loans made by 
                        an institution, for the institution's 
                        fiscal year 2013 and each of the 
                        institution's subsequent fiscal years, 
                        only the amount of loan repayments 
                        received during the fiscal year; and
  Page 435, after line 10, insert the following new subsection:
  (f) Institutional Certifications for Private Educational 
Loans.--Section 487(a) is further amended by adding at the end 
the following new paragraph:
          ``(29)(A) The institution will--
                          ``(i) upon the request of a private 
                        educational lender, acting in 
                        connection with an application 
                        initiated by a consumer for a private 
                        educational loan, provide certification 
                        to such private educational lender--
                                  ``(I) that the student who 
                                initiated the application for 
                                the private educational loan, 
                                or on whose behalf the 
                                application was initiated, is 
                                enrolled or is scheduled to 
                                enroll at the institution;
                                  ``(II) of the student's cost 
                                of attendance at the 
                                institution as determined under 
                                part F of this title; and
                                  ``(III) of the difference 
                                between the cost of attendance 
                                of the institution and the 
                                student's estimated financial 
                                assistance received under this 
                                title and other assistance 
                                known to the institution;
                          ``(ii) disclose a borrower's ability 
                        to select a private educational lender 
                        of the borrower's choice; and
                          ``(iii) inform students about the 
                        impact of a proposed private 
                        educational loan on the students' 
                        potential eligibility for other 
                        financial assistance, including Federal 
                        financial assistance under this title.
          ``(B) For purposes of this paragraph, the terms 
        `private educational lender' and `private educational 
        loan' have the meanings given in section 140 of the 
        Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1631 et seq.).''.
  Page 437, after line 12, insert the following new section 
(and redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Section 488 (20 U.S.C. 1095) is amended by striking ``section 
413D.'' and inserting ``section 413D or 462 (or both).''.
  Page 443, line 2, after ``graph'' insert ``, nor shall the 
agency or association be required to obtain the approval of the 
Secretary to expand its scope of accreditation to include 
distance education, provided that the agency or association 
notifies the Secretary in writing of the change in scope''.
  Page 443, after line 9, insert the following new subparagraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding subparagraphs accordingly):
                  (B) in paragraph (5), by amending 
                subparagraph (A) to read as follows:
                  ``(A) success with respect to student 
                achievement in relation the institution's 
                mission, which may include different standards 
                for different institutions or programs, as 
                established by the institution, including, as 
                appropriate, consideration of State licensing 
                examinations, consideration of course 
                completion, and job placement rates;'';
  Page 447, after line 9, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsection accordingly):
  (b) Rule of Construction.--Section 496 is further amended by 
adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(p) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in subsection (a)(5) of 
this section shall restrict the authority of--
          ``(1) an accrediting agency or association to set, 
        with the involvement of its members, and to apply 
        accreditation standards to institutions or programs 
        that seek review by the agency or association; or
          ``(2) an institution to develop and use institutional 
        standards to show its success with respect to student 
        achievement, which shall be considered as part of any 
        accreditation review.''.
  Page 481, beginning on line 24, strike subsection (e) through 
page 482, line 2, and redesignate the succeeding subsection 
  Page 492, line 14, strike ``subpart 5'' and insert ``subpart 
6''; line 17, strike ``THROUGH 4'' and insert ``THROUGH 5''; 
line 20, strike ``through 4'' and insert ``through 5''; and 
line 23, strike ``or 4'' and insert ``4, or 5''.
  Page 502, after line 23, insert the following new section 
(and redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Part A of title VII (20 U.S.C. 1134) is further amended by 
inserting after subpart 4 (as added by section 704 of this Act) 
the following subpart:

 ``Subpart 5--Masters Degrees Programs at Historically Black Colleges 
        and Universities and Other Minority Serving Institutions


  ``(a) Grant Authority.--
          ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated 
        under subsection (g), the Secretary shall make grants 
        to graduate academic departments, programs, and other 
        academic units at historically Black colleges and 
        universities and other minority-serving institutions 
        that provide qualified courses of study leading to a 
        degree in a qualified masters degree program described 
        in subsection (d)(1)(B). Such grants shall be used to 
        make fellowship awards to eligible students and may be 
        combined with matching grants from non-Federal sources 
        to strengthen qualified masters degree programs.
          ``(2) Additional grants.--From the amounts 
        appropriated under subsection (g), The Secretary may 
        also make grants to consortia and cooperative 
        arrangements among eligible institutions that submit 
        joint proposals, and have formal arrangements designed 
        to fulfill the purposes of this subpart.
  ``(b) Award and Duration of Grants.--
          ``(1) Awards.--The Secretary shall make awards to 
        institutions that are eligible under subsection (d) and 
        that submit an application to the Secretary in 
        accordance with subsection (c). Awards shall be based 
        on the following criteria:
                  ``(A) The number of students enrolled in the 
                masters degree program.
                  ``(B) The number of students who earned such 
                degrees in the previous year from the program 
                for which the eligible institution is seeking 
                  ``(C) The average cost of education per 
                student, for all full-time masters degree 
                students enrolled in the qualified masters 
                degree program.
                  ``(D) The quality of the academic program at 
                the institution.
                  ``(E) The quality of the application 
                submitted by the institution or consortium.
          ``(2) Duration and amount.--
                  ``(A) Duration.--The Secretary shall award a 
                grant under this subpart for a period of 5 
                years, which may be renewed for an additional 5 
                years consistent with subsection (c).
                  ``(B) Amount.--The Secretary shall award a 
                grant to an academic department, program, or 
                consortium at an eligible institution of higher 
                education under this subpart for a fiscal year 
                in an amount that is not less than $100,000, 
                and not greater than $750,000.
  ``(c) Application.--
          ``(1) Contents of applications.--An institution that 
        is eligible under subsection (d) that seeks a grant 
        under this subpart shall submit an application to the 
        Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied 
        by such information as the Secretary may require. The 
        application shall include--
                  ``(A) a description of the qualified masters 
                degree program or programs that the institution 
                intends to provide fellowship awards to, 
                including the number of student awards to be 
                  ``(B) a budget describing the amount of the 
                fellowship awards to students for 2 successive 
                academic years, based on the academic progress 
                of such students and the cost of attendance at 
                the eligible institution, except that in no 
                instance shall a graduate student receive a 
                fellowship in excess of the award level 
                provided for such students by the National 
                Science Foundation;
                  ``(C) a budget for stipends to students who 
                are awarded fellowships under this subpart in 
                order to encourage highly qualified students to 
                pursue graduate study for the purposes 
                described in this part; and
                  ``(D) a description of activities to be 
                undertaken with institutional, private 
                foundation, or State matching funds that will 
                be used to contribute to the increased 
                production of minority masters degree 
          ``(2) Preference to continuing grant recipients.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall make 
                initial grant awards consistent with the 
                criteria in subsection (b)(1), and shall renew 
                such awards if the grantee demonstrates success 
                in satisfying the criteria in subparagraphs (A) 
                and (B) of such subsection by increasing the 
                number of African Americans and other 
                minorities earning masters degrees at the 
                institution based on benchmarks established by 
                the Secretary.
                  ``(B) Ratable reduction.--To the extent that 
                appropriations are insufficient to comply with 
                subparagraph (A) and subsection (b)(2)(B), 
                available funds shall be distributed by ratably 
                reducing the amounts required to be awarded 
                under subsection (b)(2)(B).
  ``(d) Institutional Eligibility.--
          ``(1) Qualified masters degree programs.--
                  ``(A) In general.--To be eligible to apply 
                for a grant under this part, an applicant shall 
                be an academic department, program, or unit at 
                an institution of higher education that is 
                within the meaning of the term `part B 
                institution' as defined in section 322(2), that 
                offers a qualified masters degree program, and 
                that is specifically enumerated in paragraph 
                (2), or a consortium of such institutions.
                  ``(B) Qualified masters degree program.--For 
                purposes of this subpart, the term `qualified 
                masters degree program' means a program of 
                study leading to a masters degree in the 
                physical or natural sciences, mathematics, 
                engineering, computer science, information 
                technology, nursing, allied health, or related 
                scientific or health field identified by the 
                  ``(C) Limitation.--No department, program, or 
                unit shall be eligible to apply unless the 
                qualified masters degree program has been in 
                existence and awarded such degrees for at least 
                four years.
          ``(2) Enumerated institutions.--For purposes of 
        paragraph (1)(A), the institutions enumerated in this 
        paragraph are--
                  ``(A) Albany State University;
                  ``(B) Alcorn State University;
                  ``(C) Chicago State University;
                  ``(D) Columbia Union College;
                  ``(E) Coppin State University;
                  ``(F) Elizabeth City State University;
                  ``(G) Fayetteville State University;
                  ``(H) Fisk University;
                  ``(I) Fort Valley State University;
                  ``(J) Grambling State University;
                  ``(K) Kentucky State University;
                  ``(L) Long Island University, Brooklyn 
                  ``(M) Mississippi Valley State University;
                  ``(N) Robert Morris College;
                  ``(O) Savannah State University;
                  ``(P) South Carolina State University;
                  ``(Q) University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff;
                  ``(R) Virginia State University;
                  ``(S) West Virginia Sate University;
                  ``(T) Winston-Salem State University; and
                  ``(U) York College, The City University of 
                New York.
          ``(3) Limitation.--No institution that is eligible 
        for and receives an award under section 326 for a 
        fiscal year shall be eligible to apply for, or receive 
        funds under this subpart for the same fiscal year.
  ``(e) Matching Funds Rule.--Each eligible institution or 
consortium that receives an award under this subpart, may elect 
to use up to 25 percent of the total grant to carry out 
activities designed to strengthen its qualified masters degree 
program. An institution that elects to use funds for 
strengthening a qualified masters degree program shall provide 
an equal amount for such purpose from institutional, private 
foundation, or State sources. Matching funds must supplement, 
not supplant, existing resources available at the time of the 
Secretary's award.
  ``(f) Uses of Funds.--Funds made available under this section 
shall be used in accordance with the application under 
subsection (c).
  ``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 and such 
sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal 
  Page 510, strike lines 4 through 9 and insert ``shall be 
  Page 513, line 15, strike the close quotation marks and 
following period, and after line 15 insert the following new 
          ``(6) Establishment of centers to incorporate 
        education in quality and safety into the preparation of 
        medical and nursing students, through grants to medical 
        schools, nursing schools, and osteopathic schools. Such 
        grants shall be used to assist in providing courses of 
        instruction that specifically equip students to 
        understand the causes and remedies for medical error, 
        medically-induced patient injuries and complications, 
        and other defects in medical care; engage effectively 
        in personal and systemic efforts to continually reduce 
        medical harm; and improve patient care and outcomes, as 
        recommended by the Institute of Medicine.''.
  Page 521, line 13, strike ``The Secretary'' and insert ``The 
Office of Postsecondary Education''.
  Page 522, line 10, strike ``disabilities,'' and insert 
``disabilities and''; and on line 11, strike ``, and disability 
support service personnel''.
  Page 523, line 19, strike ``or'' and insert ``and''.
  Page 524, line 3, strike ``and maintaining'' and insert ``, 
maintaining, and updating''.
  Page 524, line 5, after ``education,'' insert ``or for 
expanding and updating an existing database of disabilities 
support services information with respect to institutions of 
higher education,''.
  Page 524, line 9, after ``shall include'' insert 
  Page 524, beginning on line 21, strike paragraph (4) and 
insert the following:
          ``(4) Professional standards for disability support 
        personnel.--The Center shall work with organizations 
        and individuals with proven expertise related to 
        disability support services for postsecondary students 
        with disabilities to consolidate, evaluate, improve 
        upon, and disseminate information related to 
        professional standards and best practices for 
        disability support services personnel and offices in 
        institutions of higher education.
  Page 525, line 4, strike ``The Center'' and insert ``Not 
later than 3 years after the establishment of the Center, and 
every 2 years thereafter, the Center''.
  Page 525, strike line 5, and insert ``prepare and disseminate 
a report to Congress and the Secretary analyzing''.
  Page 525, line 9, strike ``ths'' and insert ``this'', on line 
10, insert ``annual'' before ``enrollment'', and on line 12, 
insert before the semicolon the following: ``from existing 
  Page 526, beginning on line 1, strike ``Such personnel'' and 
all that follows through line 5.
  Page 542, line 13, strike ``The'' and insert ``Not later than 
3 years after the date of the first grant award under this 
section, the''.
  Page 542, strike line 14 and insert ``mit to Congress a 
report that''.
  Page 544, beginning on line 13, strike section 768 and insert 
the following:


  ``In this Act:
          ``(1) Comprehensive transition and postsecondary 
        program for students with intellectual disabilities.--
        The term `comprehensive transition and postsecondary 
        program for students with intellectual disabilities' 
        means a degree, certificate, or nondegree program that 
                  ``(A) offered by an institution of higher 
                  ``(B) designed to support students with an 
                intellectual disability who are seeking to 
                continue academic, vocational, and independent 
                living instruction at an institution of higher 
                education in order to prepare for gainful 
                employment and independent living;
                  ``(C) includes an advising and curriculum 
                structure; and
                  ``(D) requires students to participate on at 
                least a half-time basis, as determined by the 
                institution, with such participation focusing 
                on academic components such as reading, 
                language arts, or math, and occurring through a 
                combination of one or more of the following 
                          ``(i) Regular enrollment in courses 
                        offered by the institution.
                          ``(ii) Auditing or participating in 
                        courses offered by the institution for 
                        which the student does not receive 
                        regular academic credit.
                          ``(iii) Enrollment in noncredit, 
                        nondegree courses.
                          ``(iv) Participation in internships 
                        or apprenticeships.
          ``(2) Student with an intellectual disability.--The 
        term `student with an intellectual disability' means a 
        student who is--
                  ``(A) an individual whose mental retardation 
                or other significant cognitive impairment 
                substantially impacts the individual's 
                intellectual and cognitive functioning; and
                  ``(B)(i) a student eligible for assistance 
                under the Individuals with Disabilities 
                Education Act who has completed secondary 
                school; or
                  ``(ii) an individual who was, but is no 
                longer, eligible for assistance under the 
                Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 
                because the individual has exceeded the maximum 
                age for which the State in which the student 
                resides provides a free appropriate public 
  Page 545, lines 7, 18, 20, and 22, strike ``Secretary'' and 
insert ``Office of Postsecondary Education''.
  Page 545, beginning on line 24, strike paragraph (1) and 
insert the following:
          ``(1) are located in geographically diverse, 
        underserved areas; or
  Page 548, beginning on line 21, strike ``Not later'' and all 
that follows through ``Secretary'' on line 23, and insert ``Not 
later than 5 years after the date of the first grant award 
under this section, the Office of Postsecondary Education''.
  Page 549, line 7, strike ``ACCREDITATION''.
  Page 549, line 9, strike ``Secretary'' and insert ``Office of 
Postsecondary Education''.
  Page 549, line 13, after ``and'' insert ``recommendations 
related to the''.
  Page 549, lines 14 and 24, strike ``model''.
  Page 550, strike line 17 and all that follows through page 
551, line 7; on page 551, beginning on line 8, redesignate 
subparagraph (B) and clauses (i) through (v) thereof as 
paragraph (5) and subparagraphs (A) through (E), respectively; 
and move such redesignate paragraph 2 em spaces to the left.
  Page 552, line 6, strike ``and''; on line 8, strike the 
period and insert ``; and''; and after line 8, insert the 
following (and redesignate the succeeding subsection 
          ``(10) convene a workgroup to develop recommendations 
        on criteria, standards, and components of such programs 
        as described in paragraph (5), to include the 
        participation of--
                  ``(A) an expert in higher education;
                  ``(B) an expert in special education;
                  ``(C) a disability organization that 
                represents students with intellectual 
                disabilities; and
                  ``(D) a national, State, or regional 
                accrediting agency or association recognized by 
                the Secretary under subpart 2 of part H of 
                title IV.
  ``(c) Report.--No later than 5 years after the date of the 
establishment of the coordinating center under this section, 
such center shall report to the Secretary, the Congress, and 
the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity on the recommendations of the workgroup described in 
subsection (b)(10).
  Page 553, line 16, strike ``section 435(d)(5)(J)'' and insert 
``section 435(j)''.
  Page 554, line 18, after ``program students'' insert ``, in 
each of the institution's nursing programs (associate, 
baccalaureate, or advanced nursing degree program),''.
  Page 554, line 23, after ``average number'' insert ``in each 
of the institution's nursing programs''.
  Page 557, beginning on line 18, strike ``fund release time 
for qualified nurse employees, so that'' and insert ``ensure 
  Page 559, line 6, after ``higher education'' insert the 
following: ``, including institutions providing alternative 
methods of delivery of instruction in addition to on-site 
  Page 560, line 2, after ``technologies'' insert the 
following: ``and to expand methods of delivery of instruction 
to include alternatives in addition to on-site learning''.
  Page 560, line 22, after ``program'' insert the following: 
``if the program requires a clinical site''.
  Page 560, line 24, insert ``at least'' before ``a''.
  Page 561, line 2, insert ``at least'' before ``a''.
  Page 561, line 4, strike ``class schedule'' and insert 
``program requirements, as necessary''.
  Page 563, after line 3, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          ``(3) the provision of accommodations for students 
        with disabilities on college entrance and graduate 
        admissions tests, including--
                  ``(A) the frequency of, and approval rate 
                for, accommodations requests;
                  ``(B) documentation requirements for 
                accommodations requests and criteria used to 
                determine if an accommodation is appropriate; 
                  ``(C) challenges facing students in accessing 
                reasonable accommodations on such tests;''.
  Page 565, line 10, strike ``Competitive''; and on line 12, 
strike ``on a competitive basis''.
  Page 565, line 14, strike ``year,'' and insert ``year (A)''; 
and on line 19, insert before the period the following: ``; (B) 
are public institutions of higher education that have a net 
tuition that is in the lowest quartile of comparable 
institutions; or (C) are public institutions of higher 
education that have a tuition increase of less than $500 for a 
full-time undergraduate student''.
  Page 565, line 18, on page 567, line 8, and on page 568, line 
2 and line 13, strike ``higher'' and insert ``postsecondary''.
  Page 566, beginning on line 18, strike paragraphs (2) and (3) 
through page 568, line 6, and insert the following:
          ``(2) 4-year institutions.--An institution of higher 
        education that provides a program of instruction for 
        which it awards a bachelor's degree complies with the 
        requirements of this paragraph if--
                  ``(A) for a public institution of higher 
                education, such institution's tuition is in the 
                lowest quartile of comparable institutions; or
                  ``(B) for any institution of higher 
                education, such institution guarantees that for 
                any academic year (or the equivalent) beginning 
                on or after July 1, 2008, and for each of the 4 
                succeeding continuous academic years, the net 
                tuition charged to an undergraduate student 
                will not exceed--
                          ``(i) for a public institution of 
                        higher education, $500 per year for a 
                        full-time undergraduate student; or
                          ``(ii) for any other institution of 
                        higher education--
                                  ``(I) the amount that the 
                                student was charged for an 
                                academic year at the time he or 
                                she first enrolled in the 
                                institution of higher 
                                education, plus
                                  ``(II) the product of the 
                                percentage increase in the 
                                higher education price index 
                                for the prior academic year, or 
                                the most recent prior academic 
                                year for which data is 
                                available, multiplied by the 
                                amount determined under 
                                subclause (I).
          ``(3) Less-than 4-year institutions.--An institution 
        of higher education that does not provide a program of 
        instruction for which it awards a bachelor's degree 
        complies with the requirements of this paragraph if--
                  ``(A) for a public institution of higher 
                education, such institution's tuition is in the 
                lowest quartile of comparable institutions; or
                  ``(B) for any institution of higher 
                education, such institution guarantees that for 
                any academic year (or the equivalent) beginning 
                on or after July 1, 2008, and for each of the 
                1.5 succeeding continuous academic years, the 
                net tuition charged to an undergraduate student 
                will not exceed--
                          ``(i) for a public institution of 
                        higher education, $500 per year for a 
                        full-time undergraduate student; or
                          ``(ii) for any other institution of 
                        higher education--
                                  ``(I) the amount that the 
                                student was charged for an 
                                academic year at the time he or 
                                she first enrolled in the 
                                institution of higher 
                                education, plus
                                  ``(II) the product of the 
                                percentage increase in the 
                                higher education price index 
                                for the prior academic year, or 
                                the most recent prior academic 
                                year for which data is 
                                available, multiplied by the 
                                amount determined under 
                                subclause (I).
  Page 568, line 14, after ``year,'' insert ``and, with respect 
to any public institution of higher education, has a tuition 
that is not in the lowest quartile of comparable 
  Page 569, beginning on line 20, strike paragraph (2) and 
insert the following:
          ``(2) Postsecondary education price index.--The term 
        `postsecondary education price index' means the 
        postsecondary education price index developed pursuant 
        to section 133(i).
  Page 604, line 22, strike ``contract with'' and insert 
``award a grant to''.
  Page 623, line 23, strike ``and''; page 624, line 5, strike 
the period and insert ``; and''; and after line 5, insert the 
following subparagraph:
                  ``(E) acquisition and installation of access 
                control, video surveillance, intrusion 
                detection, and perimeter security technologies 
                and systems.
  Page 626, line 2, insert ``natural or man-made'' after 
``event of a''.
  Page 632, line 22, strike ``education'' and insert 
``educational''; and line 23, strike ``education'' and insert 
  Page 633, line 1, strike ``all of the schools of which meet'' 
and insert ``that is designated with''.
  Page 633, line 13, strike ``or less than part-time''.
  Page 633, line 22, insert before the period ``or the 
recognized equivalent of such a diploma''.
  Page 638, after line 8, insert the following new subsection:
  ``(d) Preference in Selection.--In determining which 
applications to approve for a grant under this section, the 
Secretary shall give priority to applications from partnerships 
that include one or more regional employers that are located in 
a rural area.
  Page 646, line 19, page 647, line 7 and line 18, page 648, 
line 17, page 651, line 17 and line 21, page 652, line 11 and 
line 23, and page 653, line 22, strike ``Commerce'' and insert 
  Page 658, line 19, after ``Secretary'' insert ``, in 
consultation with the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency,''.
  Page 664, line 4, after ``Education'' insert ``, in 
consultation with the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency,''.
  Page 667, line 18, strike ``and'' after the semicolon; line 
20, strike the period and insert ``; and''; and after line 20, 
insert the following:
                  ``(F) the Office of Science and Technology 
  Page 675, line 7, strike ``an institution'' and insert ``one 
or more institutions''.
  Page 675, after line 23, insert the following new paragraph:
          ``(3) Existing partnerships.--Nothing in this 
        subsection shall be construed to prohibit a partnership 
        that is in existence on the date of enactment of this 
        section from applying for a grant under this section.
  Page 689, line 22, strike ``10 years'' and insert ``20 
  Page 695, line 10, strike ``Such'' and insert ``The 
  Page 695, line 11, after ``Education'' insert ``from a list 
of recommendations received from the House of Representatives 
and the Senate''.
  Page 696, line 3, strike ``may use Trust funds'' and insert 
``shall use Trust funds to support research that is in the 
public interest but that is unlikely to be undertaken entirely 
with private funds''.
  Page 696, line 4, strike ``basic'' and insert 
  Page 696, beginning on line 5, strike ``demonstrations of 
innovative learning and assessment systems'' and insert 
``demonstrations, and assessments of prototypes of innovative 
digital learning and information technologies''.
  Page 696, line 8, before ``testing'' insert ``pilot'', and 
line 9, strike ``systems; and'' and insert ``prototype 
  Page 696, line 11, strike ``effective approaches to 
learning.'' and insert ``effective, innovative digital 
approaches to learning supported by this Act; and''.
  Page 696, after line 11, insert the following:
                  (D) to support innovative digital media 
                education programs for parents, teachers, and 
                children to help children in the United States 
                learn digital safety and build technology 
  Page 696, line 20, strike ``(with or without private 
partners)'' and insert ``with or without for-profit partners, 
and to for-profit organizations'', and
  Page 700, after line 13, insert the following new sections:


  (a) Study.--The Comptroller General shall conduct a study to 
review the methodology that is used to determine the expected 
family contribution under part F of title IV of the Higher 
Education Act of 1965.
  (b) Study Components.--The study conducted under subsection 
(a) shall identify and evaluate the need analysis formula under 
part F of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and 
examine the need for regional sensitivity in need analysis. The 
study shall include--
          (1) the factors that are used to determine a 
        student's expected family contribution under part F of 
        title IV of the Higher Education Act;
          (2) the varying allowances that are made in 
        calculating the expected family contribution;
          (3) the effects of the income protection allowance on 
        all aid recipients; and
          (4) options for modifying the income protection 
        allowance to reflect the significant differences in the 
        cost of living in various parts of the United States.
  (c) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, Comptroller General shall report to the 
authorizing committees (as such term is defined in section 103 
of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1003)) on the 
results of the study conducted under this section.


  (a) Independent Evaluation.--The Secretary of Education shall 
enter into an agreement with the Center for Education of the 
National Academy of Sciences for a scientifically based study 
of the quality of teacher education programs, to determine if 
teachers are adequately prepared to meet the needs of students 
with reading and language processing challenges, including 
dyslexia. Such study shall--
          (1) establish the prevalence of dyslexia and other 
        processing difficulties in the general population by 
        conducting a review of existing research and available 
        relevant data; and
          (2) conduct a survey of institutions of higher 
        education to provide data on the extent to which 
        teacher education programs are based on the essential 
        components of reading instruction and scientifically 
        valid research.
  (b) Components.--The study conducted under subsection (a) 
shall be designed to provide statistically reliable information 
          (1) the number, type of courses, and credit hours 
        required to meet the requirements of the reading degree 
        programs; and
          (2) the extent to which the content of the reading 
        degree programs are based on--
                  (A) the essentials of reading instruction and 
                scientifically valid research, including 
                phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, 
                vocabulary, and comprehension; and
                  (B) early intervention strategies based on 
                scientific evidence concerning challenges to 
                the development of language processing 
                capacity, specifically dyslexia, and the extent 
                to which such strategies are effective in 
                preventing reading failure before it occurs.
  (c) Scope.--The National Academy of Sciences shall select for 
participation in the evaluation under subsection (a) a diverse 
group of institutions of higher education with respect to size, 
mission, and geographic distribution.
  (d) Interim and Final Reports.--The National Academy of 
Sciences shall submit to the Secretary of Education, the 
Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the 
Senate, and the Committee on Education and Labor of the House 
of Representatives--
          (1) an interim report regarding the study under 
        subsection (a) not later than 9 months after the award 
        of the contract to the Center for Education, as 
        specified in this Act; and
          (2) a final report summarizing the findings, 
        conclusions, and recommendations of such study not 
        later than 18 months after the award of such contract.
  (e) Task Force.--
          (1) Establishment.--Upon completion of the final 
        report under subsection (d)(2), the Secretary of 
        Education shall assemble a task force to make policy 
        recommendations regarding the findings of the report to 
        the Secretary.
          (2) Membership.--The membership of the task force 
        under this subsection shall include chief State school 
        officers, State reading consultants, a panel of master 
        teachers, national reading experts, and researchers 
        with expertise in the relevant fields.
          (3) Public hearings.--The task force under this 
        subsection shall hold public hearings to provide an 
        opportunity for public comment on the results of the 
        findings of the task force.


  (a) Study.--The Secretary of Education shall conduct a 
          (1) on the impact of the standard 10-year student 
        loan repayment term on the ability of undergraduate 
        borrowers in low-income areas, including Puerto Rico, 
        to repay their loans made under title IV, part B, of 
        the Higher Education Act of 1965; and
          (2) to examine the extent to which longer payment 
        terms would assist borrowers in such low-income areas 
        in reducing their monthly loan payments.
  (b) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this title, the Secretary shall submit a report to 
Congress on the results of the study required by this section.


  (a) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows:
          (1) Researchers in the field of public health have 
        identified the need for a national study to identify 
        constraints encountered by schools of nursing in 
        graduating the number of nurses sufficient to meet the 
        health care needs of the United States.
          (2) The shortage of qualified registered nurses has 
        adversely affected the health care system of the United 
          (3) Individual States have had varying degrees of 
        success with programs designed to increase the 
        recruitment and retention of nurses.
          (4) Schools of nursing have been unable to provide a 
        sufficient number of qualified graduates to meet the 
        workforce needs.
          (5) Many nurses are approaching the age of 
        retirement, and the problem worsens each year.
          (6) In 2004, an estimated 125,000 applications from 
        qualified applicants were rejected by schools of 
        nursing, due to a shortage of faculty and a lack of 
        capacity for additional students.
  (b) Study With Respect to Constraints With Respect to Schools 
of Nursing.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall request the 
        Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of 
        Sciences to enter into an agreement under which the 
        Institute conducts a study for the purpose of--
                  (A) identifying constraints encountered by 
                schools of nursing in admitting and graduating 
                the number of registered nurses necessary to 
                ensure patient safety and meet the need for 
                quality assurance in the provision of health 
                care; and
                  (B) developing recommendations to alleviate 
                the constraints on a short-term and long-term 
          (2) Certain components.--The Secretary shall ensure 
        that the agreement under paragraph (1) provides that 
        the study under such subsection will include 
        information on the following:
                  (A) The trends in applications for attendance 
                at schools of nursing that are relevant to the 
                purpose described in such subsection, including 
                trends regarding applicants who are accepted 
                for enrollment and applicants who are not 
                accepted, particularly qualified applicants who 
                are not accepted.
                  (B) The number and demographic 
                characteristics of entry-level and graduate 
                students currently enrolled in schools of 
                nursing, the retention rates at the schools, 
                and the number of recent graduates from the 
                schools, as compared to previous years and to 
                the projected need for registered nurses based 
                on two-year, five-year, and ten-year 
                  (C) The number and demographic 
                characteristics of nurses who pursue graduate 
                education in nursing and non-nursing programs 
                but do not pursue faculty positions in schools 
                of nursing, the reasons therefor, including any 
                regulatory barriers to choosing to pursue such 
                positions, and the effect of such decisions on 
                the ability of the schools to obtain adequate 
                numbers of faculty members.
                  (D) The extent to which entry-level graduates 
                of the schools are satisfied with their 
                educational preparation, including their 
                participation in nurse externships, 
                internships, and residency programs, and to 
                which they are able to effectively transition 
                into the nursing workforce.
                  (E) The satisfaction of nurse managers and 
                administrators with respect to the preparation 
                and performance levels of entry-level graduates 
                from the schools after one year, three years, 
                and five years of practice, respectively.
                  (F) The extent to which the current salary, 
                benefit structures, and characteristics of the 
                workplace, including the number of nurses who 
                are presently serving in faculty positions, 
                influence the career path of nurses who have 
                pursued graduate education.
                  (G) The extent to which the use of innovative 
                technologies for didactic and clinical nursing 
                education might provide for an increase in the 
                ability of schools of nursing to train 
                qualified nurses.
          (3) Recommendations.--Recommendations under paragraph 
        (2)(B) may include recommendations for legislative or 
        administrative changes at the Federal or State level, 
        and measures that can be taken in the private sector--
                  (A) to facilitate the recruitment of students 
                into the nursing profession;
                  (B) to facilitate the retention of nurses in 
                the workplace; and
                  (C) to improve the resources and ability of 
                the education and health care systems to 
                prepare a sufficient number of qualified 
                registered nurses.
          (4) Methodology of study.--
                  (A) Scope.--The Secretary shall ensure that 
                the agreement under paragraph (1) provides that 
                the study under such subsection will consider 
                the perspectives of nurses and physicians in 
                each of the various types of inpatient, 
                outpatient, and residential facilities in the 
                health care delivery system; faculty and 
                administrators of schools of nursing; providers 
                of health plans or health insurance; and 
                  (B) Consultation with relevant 
                organization.--The Secretary shall ensure that 
                the agreement under paragraph (1) provides that 
                relevant agencies and organizations with 
                expertise on the nursing shortage will be 
                consulted with respect to the study under such 
                subsection, including but not limited to the 
                          (i) The Agency for Healthcare 
                        Research and Quality.
                          (ii) The American Academy of Nursing.
                          (iii) The American Association of 
                        Colleges of Nursing.
                          (iv) The American Nurses Association.
                          (v) The American Organization of 
                        Nurse Executives.
                          (vi) The National Institute of 
                        Nursing Research.
                          (vii) The National League for 
                          (viii) The National Organization for 
                        Associate Degree Nursing.
                          (ix) The National Student Nurses 
          (5) Report.--The Secretary shall ensure that the 
        agreement under paragraph (1) provides that not later 
        than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this 
        section, a report providing the findings and 
        recommendations made in the study under such subsection 
        will be submitted to the Secretary, the Committee on 
        Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, 
        and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and 
        Pensions of the Senate.
          (6) Other organization.--If the Institute declines to 
        conduct the study under paragraph (1), the Secretary 
        may enter into an agreement with another appropriate 
        private entity to conduct the study.
  (c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
          (1) The term ``Institute'' means the Institute of 
        Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.
          (2)(A) The term ``school of nursing'' means a 
        collegiate, associate degree, or diploma school of 
        nursing in a State.
          (B) The terms ``collegiate school of nursing'', 
        ``associate degree school of nursing'', and ``diploma 
        school of nursing'' have the meanings given to such 
        terms in section 801 of the Public Health Service Act.
          (3) The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of 


  (a) Study.--The Secretary of Education, in consultation with 
the Office of Management and Budget, is authorized to 
coordinate with an organization with expertise in the field of 
public service, such as the National Academy of Public 
Administrators or the American Society for Public 
Administration, to coordinate with interested parties to 
conduct a study of how student loan debt levels impact the 
decisions of graduates of postsecondary and graduate education 
programs to enter into public service careers. Such study shall 
          (1) an assessment of the challenges to recruiting and 
        retaining well-qualified public servants, including the 
        impact of student loan debt;
          (2) an evaluation of existing Federal programs to 
        recruit and retain well-qualified public servants;
          (3) an evaluation of whether additional Federal 
        programs could increase the number of graduates of 
        postsecondary and graduate education programs who enter 
        careers in public service; and
          (4) recommendations related to any potential pilot 
        programs, including an academy for public service, that 
        could be used to encourage new graduates of 
        postsecondary and graduate education programs to enter 
        public service careers.
  (b) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Education, in 
consultation with the Office of Management and Budget, shall 
submit to Congress a report related to the findings of the 
study conducted under subsection (a).
  Page 701, line 20, strike ``(I)''; on page 702, line 2, 
strike ``or'' and insert ``and''; and strike lines 3 and 4.
  Page 702, strike lines 13 through 19 and insert the 
following: ``by the State that has adopted and implemented the 
standards and assessments selected under subparagraph (A)(i); 
  Page 703, beginning on line 19, strike subparagraph (A) 
through page 704, line 3, and insert the following:
                  (A) in paragraph (1), by striking the second 
  Page 704, beginning on line 9, strike ``Rochester Institute 
of Technology'' and insert ``institution of higher education''.
  Page 706, strike lines 14 through 17 and insert the 
          (4) in paragraph (3)(B), by striking ``of the 
        institution of higher education'' and all that follows 
        through ``section 203'' and inserting ``of NTID 
        programs and activities''.
  Page 708, line 16, strike ``NTID or the University and'' and 
insert ``the University or the NTID,''; and on line 17, after 
``United States'' insert ``, and are not enrolled in a degree 
program at the University or the NTID''.
  Page 709, line 16, before the period insert the following: 
``, or a country that was a developing country for any academic 
year during the student's period of uninterrupted enrollment in 
a degree program at the University or NTID, except that such a 
surcharge shall not be adjusted retroactively''.
  Page 710, line 20, strike ``$4,825'' and insert ``$5,345''.
  Page 710, lines 20 and 22, strike ``1999'' and insert 
  Page 730, line 16, strike ``or Federal''.
  Page 730, beginning on line 23, strike ``, and to the Federal 
Bureau of Prisons,''.
  Page 731, line 14, and page 734, beginning on lines 4 and 18, 
strike ``and the Federal Bureau of Prisons''.
  Page 731, beginning on line 19, and page 732, line 14, strike 
``or the Federal Bureau of Prisons''.
  Page 733, lines 13 and 16, strike ``and Federal''.
  Page 733, beginning on line 22, strike ``and Federal Bureau 
of Prisons entity''.
  Page 735, line 4, strike ``, the Federal Bureau of 
  Page 735, beginning on line 17, strike subsections (g) and 
(h) through page 736, line 13, and insert the following (and 
redesignate the succeeding subsection accordingly):
  ``(g) Allocation of Funds.--From the funds appropriated 
pursuant to subsection (h) for each fiscal year, the Secretary 
shall allot to each State an amount that bears the same ratio 
to such funds as the total number of incarcerated individuals 
in such State bears to the total number of such incarcerated 
individuals in all States.
  Page 748, line 25, after ``including'' insert ``off-campus 
housing safety,''.
  Page 749, line 16, after ``information'' insert ``(including 
ways to increase off-campus housing safety)''.
  Page 751, after line 4, insert the following new subsection:
  (e) Sense of the House of Representatives.--It is the sense 
of the House of Representatives that in order to increase 
awareness of the importance of student safety in off-campus 
housing that is located in the areas surrounding colleges and 
universities, the following should be encouraged:
          (1) The creation of chapters at colleges and 
        universities that aim to raise awareness of the issue 
        of off-campus student safety.
          (2) Public awareness on the benefits of security 
        measures that may increase the safety of students 
        living in off-campus housing.
          (3) Collaborative partnerships between Federal 
        agencies, local law enforcement agencies, non-profit 
        organizations, colleges and universities, and 
        communities to disseminate information and best 
        practices related to off-campus housing safety for 
  Page 751, beginning on line 5, strike section 953 and insert 
the following:


  Notwithstanding any other provision of law--
          (1) a public or private institution of higher 
        education may provide an officer or employee of any 
        branch of the United States Government, of any 
        independent agency of the United States, or of the 
        District of Columbia who is a current or former student 
        of such institution, financial assistance for the 
        purpose of repaying a student loan or providing 
        forbearance of student loan repayment: Provided, that 
        such repaying or providing forbearance is provided to 
        any such officer or employee in accordance with a 
        written, published policy of the institution relating 
        to repaying or providing forbearance, respectively, for 
        students or former students who perform public service; 
          (2) an officer or employee of any branch of the 
        United States Government, of any independent agency of 
        the United States, or of the District of Columbia may 
        receive repayment or forbearance permitted under 
        paragraph (1).
  Page 765, line 23, page 770, line 9, and page 784, line 17, 
strike ``part B of''.
  Page 766, line 12, and page 770, line 23, after ``credit 
plan,'' insert ``a reverse mortgage transaction,''.
  Page 768, beginning on line 7, strike clause (i) and insert 
the following:
                          ``(i) standard material, activities, 
                        or programs on issues related to a 
                        loan, default aversion, default 
                        prevention, or financial literacy, such 
                        as a brochure, a workshop, or training;
  Page 768, line 19, strike ``or''; on page 769, line 2, strike 
``and''; and after line 2 insert the following new clauses:
                          ``(iv) the provision of financial 
                        literacy counseling or services to 
                        students or parents, including 
                        counseling or services provided in 
                        coordination with a covered educational 
                        institution, to the extent that such 
                        counseling or services--
                                  ``(I) are not undertaken to 
                                secure applications for private 
                                educational loans or to secure 
                                private educational loan 
                                  ``(II) are not undertaken to 
                                secure applications or loan 
                                volume for any loan made, 
                                insured, or guaranteed under 
                                part B of title IV of the 
                                Higher Education Act of 1965; 
                                  ``(III) do not promote the 
                                products or services of any 
                                private educational lender;
                          ``(v) philanthropic contributions to 
                        a covered institution from a private 
                        educational lender that are unrelated 
                        to educational loans, to the extent 
                        that such contributions are disclosed 
                        pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of 
                        section 153(a) of the Higher Education 
                        Act of 1965, if applicable; or
                          ``(vi) State education grants, 
                        scholarships, or financial aid funds 
                        administered by or on behalf of a 
                        State; and
  Page 770, line 24, strike ``mortgage transaction,'' and 
insert ``mortgage transaction (as those terms are defined in 
section 103 of the Truth in Lending Act),''.
  Page 774, strike lines 13 and 14 and insert the following:
                          (ii) by inserting ``128(e)(8), or'' 
                        after ``125,''; and
  Page 778, line 20, after the period insert the following: 
``The form of such written acknowledgment shall be subject to 
the regulations of the Board.''.
  Page 781, beginning on line 19, strike paragraph (4) and 
insert the following:
          ``(4) Institutional certification required.--Before a 
        creditor may issue any funds with respect to an 
        extension of credit described in paragraph (1), the 
        creditor shall obtain from the relevant institution of 
        higher education such institution's certification of--
                  ``(A) the enrollment status of the borrower;
                  ``(B) the borrower's cost of attendance at 
                the institution as determined by the 
                institution under part F of title IV of the 
                Higher Education Act of 1965; and
                  ``(C) the difference between the borrower's 
                cost of attendance and the borrower's estimated 
                financial assistance received under title IV of 
                the Higher Education Act of 1965 and other 
                assistance known to the institution.
  Page 784, before line 1, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraph accordingly):
          ``(9) Provision of information.--On or before the 
        date a creditor issues any funds with respect to an 
        extension of credit described in paragraph (1), the 
        creditor shall notify the relevant institution of 
        higher education, in writing, of the amount of the 
        extension of credit and the student on whose behalf 
        credit is extended. The form of such written 
        notification shall be subject to the regulations of the 
  Page 785, line 10, strike ``mortgage transaction,'' and 
insert ``mortgage transaction (as those terms are defined in 
section 103 this Act),''.

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McKeon of California, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title VIII, add the following new section:


  (a) Analysis of Federal Regulations on Institutions of Higher 
Education.--The Secretary of Education shall contract with the 
National Research Council of the National Academies to conduct 
a study to ascertain the amount and scope of all Federal 
regulations and reporting requirements with which institutions 
of higher education must comply. The study shall include 
information describing--
          (1) by agency, the number of Federal regulations and 
        reporting requirements affecting institutions of higher 
          (2) by agency, the estimated time required and costs 
        to institutions of higher education (disaggregated by 
        types of institutions) to comply with the regulations 
        and reporting requirements as required in (a)(1); and
          (3) by agency, recommendations for consolidating, 
        streamlining, and eliminating redundant and burdensome 
        Federal regulations and reporting requirements 
        affecting institutions of higher education.
  (b) Submission of Report.--The Secretary shall submit the 
report required by subsection (a) to the authorizing committees 
(as such term is defined in section 103 of the Higher Education 
Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1003)) not later than 18 months after 
the date of enactment of this Act.

3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Kildee of Michigan, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 206, line 18, strike ``Allotment of Remaining Funds'' 
and insert ``Allocation of Funds''.
  Page 206, line 20, strike ``subsection'' and insert 
``subsections'', and after line 20 insert the following new 
subsection (and redesignate the succeeding subsection 
  ``(e) Construction Grants.--
          ``(1) In general.--Of the amount appropriated to 
        carry out this section for any fiscal year, beginning 
        with fiscal year 2009, the Secretary may reserve 30 
        percent of such amount for the purpose of awarding 1-
        year grants of not less than $1,000,000 to address 
        construction, maintenance, and renovation needs at 
        eligible institutions.
          ``(2) Preference.--In providing grants under 
        paragraph (1) for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall 
        give preference to eligible institutions that have not 
        received an award under this section for a previous 
        fiscal year.

4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Petri of Wisconsin, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 451, line 24, strike ``and''; on page 452, line 5, 
strike the period and insert ``; and''; and after such line 
insert the following new paragraph:
          ``(8) the feasibility of a specific alternative 
        market-based mechanism that will--
                  ``(A) determine lender returns;
                  ``(B) result in reduced Federal costs on a 
                program-wide basis, on loans made, insured, or 
                guaranteed under part B of this title, 
                excluding from consideration the Federal PLUS 
                loans described in section 428B that are the 
                subject of the competitive loan auction pilot 
                program under this section;
                  ``(C) include not more than--
                          ``(i) 10 percent of the annual loan 
                        volume under this part B of this title 
                        during the first year of the 
                        alternative pilot program; and
                          ``(ii) 20 percent of the annual loan 
                        volume under this part B of this title 
                        during the subsequent years of the 
                        alternative pilot program;
                  ``(D) permit participation in any alternative 
                auction-based pilot program on a voluntary 
                basis for eligible institutions and eligible 
                lenders participating under part B of this 
                title prior to July 1, 2007; and
                  ``(E) provide for all savings to the United 
                States Treasury generated by such alternative 
                pilot program to be distributed to institutions 
                participating under this section on a basis 
                proportionate to loan volume under such part 
                for supplemental, need-based financial aid, 
                except than an institution that is operating as 
                an eligible lender under section 435(d)(2) 
                shall not be eligible for any such 
  Page 452, line 14, strike the close quotation marks and 
following period, and after line 14 insert the following new 
  ``(e) Independent Evaluation.--The Government Accountability 
Office shall conduct an independent evaluation of any auction 
or auctions conducted under this section no later than 
September 1, 2013.''.

5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Petri of Wisconsin, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 359, beginning on line 13, strike subparagraphs (C), 
(D), and (E) and insert the following (and redesignate the 
succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
                  ``(C) with respect to each of the guaranty 
                agencies operating under a guaranty agreement 
                under section 428(c)--
                          ``(i) un-reconciled balances in held 
                        loans by year of origination;
                          ``(ii) status and number of defaulted 
                        loans by length of default in 30-day 
                        increments; and
                          ``(iii) status and number of 
                        delinquent loans by length of 
                        delinquency in 30-day increments;
  Page 359, line 23, insert before the period the following: 
``carrying out activities under this part''.
  Page 359, beginning on line 24, strike subsection (c) through 
page 360, line 12.
  Page 360, after line 12, insert the following new subsection:
  (d) Audit of Federal Family Education Loan Program Portfolio 
and Guaranty Agencies.--The Secretary of Education shall have a 
financial and compliance audit of all guaranty agencies 
participating in the loan programs under part B of title IV of 
the Higher Education Act of 1965 (including each guaranty 
agencies' contract for the servicing, collecting, and related 
activities of such loans), conducted annually by a qualified 
independent organization from a list of qualified organizations 
promulgated by the Secretary in accordance with the standards 
established by the Comptroller General. The standards shall 
measure the guaranty agency's compliance with the due diligence 
standards and shall include a defined statistical sampling 
technique designed to measure the performance rating of the 
guaranty agency for the purpose of this subsection. The 
Secretary shall submit the audit to Congress within 60 days of 
its completion and shall at the same time make the results of 
the audit publicly available.

6. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Castle of Delaware, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  In section 133(d) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as 
amended by section 109 of the bill:
          (1) insert ``(1)'' after ``Task Forces.--'';
          (2) redesignate paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) as 
        subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (E);
          (3) strike ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (C) as 
        so redesignated;
          (4) insert after such subparagraph (C) the following 
        new subparagraph:
                  ``(D) develop annual benchmarks for the 
                institution to reduce costs in areas identified 
                under subparagraph (C); and''.
          (5) add at the end the following new paragraph:
  ``(2) An institution of higher education that does not meet 
the benchmarks established under paragraph (1)(D) shall provide 
to the Secretary a detailed explanation of the reasons why the 
institution did not meet such benchmarks.''.

 7. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Davis of Illinois, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of the bill, add the following (and make such 
technical and conforming changes as may be appropriate):

                      TITLE XI--RELATED AMENDMENTS


  Section 523(a)(8) of title 11, the United States Code, is 
          (1) in subparagraph (A)(i) by striking ``or made'' 
        and all that follows through ``institution'', and 
        inserting ``or made under any program funded in whole 
        or in part by a governmental unit, or made under any 
        program in which a substantial portion of the funds for 
        making such overpayment or loan is provided by a 
        nonprofit institution or an institution of higher 
        education as defined in section 102 of the Higher 
        Education Act and in which no part is funded by a 
        governmental unit''; and
          (2) in subparagraph (B) by inserting before the 
        semicolon at the end the following:
                ``unless the period beginning on the date when 
                such loan first became due and ending on the 
                date of the filing of the petition, excluding 
                any time during such period when the repayment 
                obligation was deferred while the borrower was 
                attending an eligible educational institution 
                as defined in section 221(d)(2) of the Internal 
                Revenue Code of 1986, is longer than 5 years''.

8. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Davis of California, or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  After section 453 of the bill, insert the following new 
section (and redesignate the succeeding section accordingly):


  (a) Amendment.--Section 455 (20 U.S.C. 1087e) is further 
amended by adding at the end the following:
  ``(o) No Accrual of Interest for Active Duty Service 
          ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other 
        provision of this part, and except as provided in 
        paragraph (3), interest shall not accrue for an 
        eligible borrower on a loan made under this part that 
        is disbursed on or after October 1, 2008.
          ``(2) Consolidation loans.--In the case of any 
        consolidation loan made under this part that is 
        disbursed on or after October 1, 2008, interest shall 
        not accrue pursuant to this subsection only on such 
        portion of such loan as was used to repay a loan made 
        under this part that was disbursed on or after October 
        1, 2008.
          ``(3) Eligible borrower.--In this subsection, the 
        term `eligible borrower' means an individual who--
                  ``(A)(i) is serving on active duty during a 
                war or other military operation or national 
                emergency; or
                  ``(ii) is performing qualifying National 
                Guard duty during a war or other military 
                operation or national emergency; and
                  ``(B) is serving in an area of hostilities in 
                which service qualifies for special pay under 
                section 310 of title 37, United States Code.
          ``(4) Limitation.--An individual who qualifies as an 
        eligible borrower under this subsection may receive the 
        benefit of this subsection for not more than 60 
  (b) Consolidation Loans.--Section 428C(b)(5) (20 U.S.C. 1078-
3(b)(5)) is amended by inserting after the first sentence the 
following: ``In addition, in the event that a borrower chooses 
to obtain a consolidation loan for the purposes of using the no 
accrual of interest for active duty service members program 
offered under section 455(o), the Secretary shall offer a 
Federal Direct Consolidation loan to any such borrower who 
applies for participation in such program.''.

9. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Sestak of Pennsylvania, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 335, after line 14, insert the following new paragraph:
          ``(14) Physical therapists.--Individuals who are 
        physical therapists and who are providing physical 
        therapy services to children, adolescents, or veterans.
  Page 338, after line 21, insert the following new paragraph 
(and redesignate the succeeding paragraphs accordingly):
          ``(5) Physical therapist.--The term `physical 
        therapist' means an individual who--
                  ``(A) has received, at a minimum, a graduate 
                degree in physical therapy from an institution 
                of higher education accredited by an agency or 
                association recognized by the Secretary 
                pursuant to section 496(a) of this Act; and
                  ``(B) provides physical therapy services 
                under 1861(p) of the Social Security Act (42 
                U.S.C. 1395x(p), or meets or exceeds the 
                qualifications for a qualified physical 
                therapist as determined by State law.

      10. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Sestak of 
        Pennsylvania, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

   Page 418, strike lines 19 through 21 and insert the 
                  ``(C) management systems regarding course 
                equivalency, transfer of credit, and 
                articulation; and
  Page 419, beginning on line 22, strike ``and'' and insert a 
comma; and on line 23, before the semicolon insert ``, and 
management systems''.

 11. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Yarmuth of Kentucky, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 200, line 15, strike the close quotation mark and the 
following period, and after such line insert the following:

 ``Subpart 6--Preparing General Education Teachers to More Effectively 
                   Educate Students With Disabilities


  ``(a) Authorization of Program.--
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary is authorized to 
        award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible 
        partnerships to improve the preparation of general 
        education teacher candidates to ensure that such 
        teacher candidates possess the knowledge and skills 
        necessary to effectively instruct students with 
        disabilities in their classrooms.
          ``(2) Duration of grants.--A grant under this section 
        shall be awarded for a period of five years.
          ``(3) Non-federal share.--An eligible partnership 
        that receives a grant under this section shall provide 
        not less than 25 percent of the cost of the activities 
        carried out with such grant from non-Federal sources, 
        which may be provided in cash or in kind.
  ``(b) Definition of Eligible Partnership.--In this section, 
the term `eligible partnership' is a partnership that--
          ``(1) shall include--
                  ``(A) one or more departments or programs at 
                an institution of higher education--
                          ``(i) that prepare elementary or 
                        secondary general education teachers;
                          ``(ii) that have a program of study 
                        that leads to an undergraduate degree, 
                        a master's degree, or completion of a 
                        post-baccalaureate program required for 
                        teacher certification; and
                          ``(iii) the graduates of which are 
                        highly qualified, as defined in section 
                        9101 of the Elementary and Secondary 
                        Education Act of 1965;
                  ``(B) a department or program of special 
                education at an institution of higher 
                education; and
                  ``(C) a high-need local educational agency; 
          ``(2) may include a department or program of 
        mathematics, earth or physical science, foreign 
        language, or other departments at the institution that 
        have a role in preparing teachers.
  ``(c) Required Activities.--An eligible partnership that 
receives a grant under this section shall use the grant funds 
          ``(1) develop or strengthen an undergraduate, post-
        baccalaureate, or master's teacher preparation program 
        by integrating special education strategies into the 
        general education curriculum and academic content;
          ``(2) provide teacher candidates participating in the 
        program under paragraph (1) with skills related to--
                  ``(A) response to intervention, positive 
                behavioral supports, differentiated 
                instruction, and data driven instruction;
                  ``(B) developing and administering alternate 
                assessments of students with disabilities;
                  ``(C) determining and utilizing 
                accommodations for instruction and assessments;
                  ``(D) collaborating with special educators, 
                related services providers, and parents, 
                including participation in Individualized 
                Education Program development and 
                implementation; and
                  ``(E) utilizing technology and assistive 
                technology for students with disabilities; and
          ``(3) provide extensive clinical experience for such 
        participants, with mentoring and induction support 
        throughout the program that continues during the first 
        year of full-time teaching.
  ``(d) Application.--An eligible partnership seeking a grant 
under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary 
at such time, in such manner, and containing such information 
as the Secretary may require. Such application shall include--
          ``(1) A self-assessment by the eligible partnership 
        of the existing teacher preparation program at the 
        institution of higher education and needs related to 
        preparing general education teacher candidates to 
        instruct students with disabilities.
          ``(2) An assessment of the existing personnel needs 
        for general education teachers who instruct students 
        with disabilities, performed by the local educational 
        agency in which most graduates of the teacher 
        preparation program are likely to teach after 
        completion of the program under subsection (c)(1).
  ``(e) Peer Review.--The Secretary shall convene a peer review 
committee to review applications for grants under this section 
and to make recommendations to the Secretary regarding the 
selection of grantees. Members of the peer review committee 
shall be recognized experts in the fields of special education, 
teacher preparation, and general education, and shall not be in 
a position to benefit financially from any grants awarded under 
this section.
  ``(f) Evaluations.--
          ``(1) By the partnership.--An eligible partnership 
        receiving a grant under this section shall conduct an 
        evaluation at the end of the grant period to determine 
        the effectiveness of the general education teachers who 
        completed a program under subsection (c)(1) at 
        instruction of students with disabilities in general 
        education classrooms, and the systemic impact of the 
        activities carried out by such grant on how each 
        institution of higher education that is a member of the 
        partnership prepares teachers for instruction in 
        elementary and secondary schools. Each eligible 
        partnership performing an evaluation under this 
        paragraph shall report the findings of such evaluation 
        to the Secretary.
          ``(2) Report by the secretary.--Not later than 180 
        days after the last day of the grant period under this 
        section, the Secretary shall make available to Congress 
        and the public the findings of the evaluations 
        submitted under paragraph (1), and information on best 
        practices related to effective instruction of students 
        with disabilities in general education classrooms.''.

 12. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Hastings of Florida, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 679, line 13, strike the close quotation marks and 
following period and after such line insert the following new 

                   ``PART R--PATH TO SUCCESS PROGRAM


  ``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this part is to encourage 
community supported programs that--
          ``(1) leverage and enhance community support for at-
        risk young adults by facilitating the transition of 
        such young adults who are eligible individuals into 
        productive learning environments where such young 
        adults can obtain the life, social, academic, and 
        vocational skills and credentials necessary to 
        strengthen the Nation's workforce;
          ``(2) provide counseling, as appropriate, for 
        eligible individuals participating in the programs to 
        allow such individuals to build a relationship with one 
        or more guidance counselors during the period that the 
        individuals are enrolled in the programs, including 
        providing referrals and connections to community 
        resources that help eligible individuals transition 
        back into the community with the necessary life, 
        social, academic, and vocational skills after being in 
        detention, or incarcerated, particularly resources 
        related to health, housing, job training, and work-
        place readiness;
          ``(3) provide training and education for eligible 
        individuals participating in the programs, to allow 
        such individuals to assist community officials and law 
        enforcement agencies with the deterrence and prevention 
        of gang and youth violence by participating in 
        seminars, training, and workshops throughout the 
        community; and
          ``(4) provide each eligible youth participating in 
        the programs with individual attention based on a 
        curriculum that matches the interests and abilities of 
        the individual to the resources of the program.
  ``(b) Reentry Education Program.--
          ``(1) Grant program established.--The Secretary is 
        authorized to award grants to community colleges to 
        enter into and maintain partnerships with juvenile 
        detention centers and secure juvenile justice 
        residential facilities to provide assistance, services, 
        and education to eligible individuals who reenter the 
        community and pursue, in accordance with the 
        requirements of this part, at least one of the 
                  ``(A) A certificate of graduation from a 
                school providing secondary education, a general 
                equivalency diploma (GED), or another 
                recognized equivalent of such a certificate or 
                  ``(B) A certificate of completion for a 
                specialized area of study, such as vocational 
                training and other alternative post-secondary 
                educational programs.
                  ``(C) An associate's degree.
          ``(2) Grant period.--A grant awarded under this part 
        shall be for one 2-year period, and may be renewed for 
        an additional period as the Secretary determines to be 
          ``(3) Application.--A community college desiring to 
        receive a grant under this section shall submit an 
        application to the Secretary at such time, in such 
        manner, and containing such information as the 
        Secretary shall require, which shall include--
                  ``(A) an assessment of the existing community 
                resources available to serve at-risk youth;
                  ``(B) a detailed description of the program 
                and activities the community college will carry 
                out with such grant; and
                  ``(C) a proposed budget describing how the 
                community college will use the funds made 
                available by such grant.
          ``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this part, 
        the Secretary of Education shall give priority to 
        community colleges that accept the highest number of 
        eligible individuals from high-risk areas, and among 
        such community colleges, shall give priority to 
        community colleges that the Secretary determines will 
        best carry out the purposes of this part, based on the 
        applications submitted in accordance with paragraph 
  ``(c) Allowable Uses of Funds.--A community college awarded a 
grant under this part may use such grant to--
          ``(1) pay for tuition and transportation costs of 
        eligible individuals;
          ``(2) establish and carry out an education program 
        that includes classes for eligible individuals that--
                  ``(A) provide marketable life and social 
                skills to such individuals;
                  ``(B) meet the education program requirements 
                under subsection (d);
                  ``(C) promote the civic engagement of such 
                individuals; and
                  ``(D) facilitate a smooth reentry of such 
                individuals into the community;
          ``(3) create and carry out a mentoring program--
                  ``(A) that is specifically designed to help 
                eligible individuals with the potential 
                challenges of the transitional period from 
                detention to release;
                  ``(B) is created in consultation with 
                guidance counselors, academic advisors, law 
                enforcement officials, and other community 
                resources; and
                  ``(C) that is administered by a program 
                coordinator, selected and employed by the 
                community college, who shall oversee each 
                individual's development and shall serve as the 
                immediate supervisor and reporting officer to 
                whom the academic advisors, guidance 
                counselors, and volunteers shall report 
                regarding the progress of each such individual;
          ``(4) facilitate employment opportunities for 
        eligible individuals by entering into partnerships with 
        public and private entities to provide opportunities 
        for internships, apprenticeships, and permanent 
        employment, as possible, for such individuals; and
          ``(5) provide training for eligible individuals 
        participating in the programs, to allow such 
        individuals to assist community officials and law 
        enforcement agencies with the deterrence and prevention 
        of gang and youth violence by participating in seminars 
        and workshop series throughout the community.
  ``(d) Education Program Requirements.--An education program 
established and carried out under subsection (c) shall--
          ``(1) include classes that are required for 
        completion of a certificate, diploma, or degree 
        described in subparagraphs (A) through (C) of 
        subsection (b)(1);
          ``(2) provide a variety of academic programs, with 
        various completion requirements, to accommodate the 
        distinctive academic backgrounds, learning curves, and 
        concentration interests of the eligible individuals who 
        participate in the program;
          ``(3) offer flexible academic programs that are 
        designed to improve the academic development and 
        achievement of eligible individuals, and to avoid high 
        attrition rates for such individuals; and
          ``(4) provide for a uniquely designed education plan 
        for each eligible individual participating in the 
        program, which shall require such individual to 
        receive, at a minimum, a certificate or diploma 
        described in subparagraph (A) of subsection (b)(1) to 
        successfully complete such program.
  ``(e) Reports.--Each community college awarded a grant under 
this part shall submit to the Secretary of Education a report--
          ``(1) documenting the results of the program carried 
        out with such grant; and
          ``(2) evaluating the effectiveness of activities 
        carried out through such program.
  ``(f) Definitions.--In this part:
          ``(1) Community college.--The term `community 
        college' means a public or nonprofit institution of 
        higher education (as such term is defined in section 
        101 or 102(a)(2)(B)), that--
                  ``(A) provides an educational program of not 
                less than two years; and
                  ``(B) that is accredited by a regional 
                accrediting agency or association.
          ``(2) Eligible individual.--The term `eligible 
        individual' means an individual who--
                  ``(A) is 16 to 25 years of age;
                  ``(B) has been convicted of a gang-related 
                offense, and has served a period of detention 
                in a juvenile detention center for such 
                offense; and
                  ``(C) is detained in, or has been released 
                from, such center.
          ``(3) Gang-related offense.--The term `gang-related 
        offense' means conduct constituting any Federal or 
        State crime, punishable by imprisonment in any of the 
        following categories:
                  ``(A) A crime of violence.
                  ``(B) A crime involving obstruction of 
                justice, tampering with or retaliating against 
                a witness, victim, or informant, or burglary.
                  ``(C) A crime involving the manufacturing, 
                importing, distributing, possessing with intent 
                to distribute, or otherwise dealing in a 
                controlled substance or listed chemical (as 
                those terms are defined in section 102 of the 
                Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)).
          ``(4) Guidance counselor.--The term `guidance 
        counselor' means an individual who works with at-risk 
        youth on a one-on-one basis, to establishing a 
        supportive relationship with such at-risk youth and to 
        provide such at-risk youth with academic assistance and 
        exposure to new experiences that enhance their ability 
        to become responsible citizens.
          ``(5) High-risk area.--The term `high-risk area' 
        means a specified area within a State where there is a 
        disproportionately high number of gang-related 
        activities reported to State and local law enforcement 

 13. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Welch of Vermont, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 63, after line 17, insert the following new section (and 
redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Part C of title I (20 U.S.C. 1015) is further amended by 
adding after section 135 (as added by section 111 of this Act) 
the following new section:


  ``Each institution of higher education shall annually submit 
to the Secretary, in a form prescribed by the Secretary, a 
report on the expenditures made by such institution from any 
endowment funds of the institution for the purpose of reducing 
the costs of the programs of instruction offered by such 
institution, including the specific amounts expended for grants 
and other aid to reduce the amounts charged for tuition, fees, 
textbooks, meals, room and board.''.

14. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lantos of California, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 490, after line 13, insert the following new subsection:
  (g) Additional Technical Amendments.--
          (1) Section 711(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1135(a)) is amended 
        by inserting ``(including a masters degree)'' after 
        ``leading to a graduate degree''.
          (2) Section 712(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1135a(a)(1)) is 
        amended by inserting ``(including a masters degree)'' 
        after ``leading to a graduate degree''.
          (3) Section 713 (b)(5)(C) (20 U.S.C. 1135b(b)(5)(C)) 
        is amended by inserting ``at the institution'' before 
        the semicolon at the end.

 15. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Edwards of Texas, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 63, after line 17, insert the following new section (and 
redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):

                    ACTIVE DUTY AND DEPENDENTS.

  Part C of title I (20 U.S.C. 1015) is further amended by 
adding after section 135 (as added by section 111 of this Act) 
the following new section:

                    ACTIVE DUTY AND DEPENDENTS.

  ``(a) Requirement.--A member of the armed forces on active 
duty for a period of more than 30 days whose domicile or 
permanent duty station is in a State, and the dependents of 
such a member, may not be charged tuition for attendance at a 
public institution of higher education in that State at a rate 
that is greater than the rate charged for residents of that 
  ``(b) Continuation.--If a member of the armed forces, or a 
dependent of a member, pays tuition at a public institution of 
higher education in a State at a rate determined by reason of 
subsection (a), the provisions of subsection (a) shall continue 
to apply to such member or dependent while continuously 
enrolled at that institution, notwithstanding a subsequent 
change in the permanent duty station of the member to a 
location outside the State.
  ``(c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect at each 
public institution of higher education in a State at the 
beginning of the first period of enrollment at that institution 
that begins more than 90 days after the date of enactment of 
the Military Child College Affordability Act.
  ``(d) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
          ``(1) State.--The term `State' has the meaning given 
        that term in section 103 of this Act.
          ``(2) Military definitions.--The terms `armed forces' 
        and `active duty for a period of more than 30 days' 
        have the meanings given those terms in section 101 of 
        title 10, United States Code.''.

16. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson 
          of Texas, or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 249, after line 5, insert the following new subsection 
(and redesignate the succeeding subsections accordingly):
  (f) Calculation of Federal Pell Grant Eligibility.--
          (1) Amendment.--Section 401(f) of the Higher 
        Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a(f)) is amended 
        by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
          ``(4)(A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) or any other 
        provision of this section, the expected family 
        contribution of each student described in subparagraph 
        (B) shall be deemed to be zero for the period during 
        which each such student is eligible to receive a 
        Federal Pell Grant under subsection (c).
          ``(B) Subparagraph (A) shall apply to any student at 
        an institution of higher education--
                  ``(i) whose parent or guardian was a member 
                of the Armed Forces of the United States who 
                died as a result of performing military service 
                in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 
                2001; and
                  ``(ii) who was 18 years or less, or was 
                enrolled as a full-time or part-time student at 
                an institution of higher education, as of the 
                time of the parent or guardian's death.''.
          (2) Effective date.--The amendment made by paragraph 
        (1) shall apply with respect to Federal Pell Grants 
        awarded for academic year 2009-2010, and each 
        succeeding academic year.

17. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Stupak of Michigan, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 335, after line 14, insert the following:
          ``(14) Superintendents, principals, and other 
        administrators.--Individuals who are school 
        superintendents, principals, or other administrators 
        for 5 consecutive complete school years in a school 
        district of a local educational agency in which 30 
        percent or more of the schools are schools that qualify 
        under section 465(a)(2)(A) for loan cancellation for 
        Perkins loan recipients who teach in such a school.

 18. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Doggett of Texas, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 367, after line 19, insert the following new section:


  Section 480(a)(1) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
U.S.C. 1087vv(a)(1)), as amended by section 473 of this Act, is 
further amended by adding at the end the following new 
sentence: ``Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the 
Secretary shall, by regulation, provide for the use of the 
second preceding tax year when and to the extent necessary to 
carry out the simplification of applications used for the 
estimation and determination of financial aid eligibility 
through the sharing of data with the Internal Revenue Service 
with the consent of the taxpayer.''.
  Page 395, line 17, strike ``; REPORT''; on line 18, strike 
``(a) Sense of Congress.--''; and on page 396, beginning on 
line 18, strike subsection (b).

 19. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Baird of Washington, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title VIII of the bill, add the following new 


  (a) Study Required.--The Secretary shall conduct a study on 
making and expanding the student aid available under title IV 
of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to less-than-half-time 
students. The Secretary shall submit a report on the results of 
such study, including the Secretary's recommendations, to the 
authorizing committees not later than one year after the date 
of enactment of this Act.
  (b) Subjects for Study.--The study required by this section 
shall, at a minimum, examine the following:
          (1) The existing sources of Federal aid for less-
        than-half-time students seeking a college degree or 
          (2) The demand for Federal aid for less-than-half-
        time students and whether the demand is satisfied by 
        existing sources of Federal aid, taking into 
        consideration not only the number of less-than-half-
        time students currently seeking a college degree or 
        certificate, but also any increase in the number of 
        less-than-half-time students that may result from an 
        expansion of Federal aid for less-than-half-time 
        students seeking a college degree or certificate.
          (3) The potential costs to the Federal Government and 
        the potential benefits that could be received by 
        students resulting from expanding Federal aid for less-
        than-half-time students seeking a college degree or 
          (4) The barriers to expanding Federal aid for less-
        than-half-time students, including identifying--
                  (A) statutory and regulatory barriers, such 
                as student eligibility, institutional 
                eligibility, need analysis, program integrity, 
                and award amounts; and
                  (B) other factors that may limit 
                participation in an expanded Federal aid 
                program for less-than-half-time students.
  (c) Recommendations to Be Provided.--The Secretary's 
recommendations under this section shall include 
recommendations for designing a demonstration student loan 
program tailored to less-than-half-time students. The 
recommendations shall include any required statutory or 
regulatory modifications, as well as proposed accountability 
mechanisms to protect students, institutions, and the Federal 
investment in higher education.
  (d) Definitions.--As used in this section:
          (1) the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of 
          (2) the term ``authorizing committees'' has the 
        meaning provided in section 103 of the Higher Education 
        Act of 1965, as amended by this Act;
          (3) the term ``less-than-half-time student'' means a 
        student who is carrying less than one-half the normal 
        full-time work load for the course of study that the 
        student is pursuing, as determined by the institution 
        such student is attending.

20. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Inslee of Washington, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

    Page 365, after line 11, insert the following:


  It is the sense of Congress that--
          (1) the Federal Perkins Loan Program, which provides 
        low-interest loans to help needy students finance the 
        costs of postsecondary education, is an important part 
        of Federal student aid, and should remain a campus-
        based aid program at colleges and universities; and
          (2) in order to strengthen the Federal Perkins Loan 
        Program, the Federal Government should support 
        increased funds to the Program and restore the capital 
        contribution funds for the Program, to provide more 
        low-income students with affordable borrowing options.
  Page 512, strike lines 4 through 7 and insert the following:
  ``(e) Prohibition.--No funds made available under this part 
may be used to provide financial assistance--
          ``(1) to students who do not meet the requirements of 
        section 484(a)(5); or
          ``(2) to any institution of higher education after 
        the date of enactment of this subsection unless the 
        institution demonstrates to the Secretary that the 
        institution meets or exceeds the most current version 
        of ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 (as such term is used in 
        section 342(a)(6) of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
        Act (42 U.S.C. 6313(a)(6)) for any new facilities 
        construction or major renovation of that institution 
        after that date, except that this paragraph shall not 
        apply with respect to barns or greenhouses or similar 
        structures owned by the institution.''.
  Page 658, line 22, after ``energy management,'' insert 
``greenhouse gas emissions reductions,''.
  Page 661, line 15, after ``energy management,'' insert 
``greenhouse gas emissions reductions,''.

 21. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Crowley of New York, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 346, after line 20, insert the following new section 
(and redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Part B of title IV is further amended by inserting after 
section 428L (as added by the preceding section) the following 
new section:


  ``(a) Program Authorized.--
          ``(1) Loan forgiveness authorized.--The Secretary 
        shall forgive, in accordance with this section, the 
        student loan obligation of a borrower in the amount 
        specified in subsection (c) who--
                  ``(A) commits to volunteering as a mentor for 
                a period of at least one school year as 
                described in subsection (b);
                  ``(B) attends a recognized community college; 
                  ``(C) is not in default on a loan for which 
                the borrower seeks forgiveness.
          ``(2) Method of loan forgiveness.--To provide loan 
        forgiveness under paragraph (1), the Secretary is 
        authorized to carry out a program--
                  ``(A) through the holder of the loan, to 
                assume the obligation to repay a qualified loan 
                amount for a loan made, insured, or guaranteed 
                under this part (other than an excepted PLUS 
                loan (as such term is defined in section 
                493C(a))); and
                  ``(B) to cancel a qualified loan amount for a 
                loan made under part D of this title (other 
                than such an excepted PLUS loan).
          ``(3) Regulations.--The Secretary is authorized to 
        issue such regulations as may be necessary to carry out 
        the provisions of this section.
  ``(b) Volunteer Mentoring.--For purposes of this section, an 
individual shall be treated as participating in a volunteer 
mentoring program if they commit to mentoring an at-risk child 
for a period of not less than one school year.
  ``(c) Qualified Loan Amount.--At the end of each school, 
academic, or calendar year of volunteering as a mentor on or 
after the date of enactment of the College Opportunity and 
Affordability Act of 2007 as described in subsection (b), not 
to exceed 5 years, the Secretary shall forgive $10 of the 
student loan obligation of a borrower that is outstanding after 
the completion of each such school, academic, or calendar year 
of employment, for every hour of mentoring committed, not to 
exceed $10,000 in the aggregate for any borrower.
  ``(d) Priority.-- The Secretary shall grant loan forgiveness 
under this section on a first-come, first-served basis, and 
subject to the availability of appropriations.''.

 22. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Cooper of Tennessee, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

    Page 244, line 7, strike ``$300,000,000'' and insert 
``$500,000,000''; and on line 11, strike ``$100,000,000'' and 
insert ``$125,000,000''.

 23. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Ryan of Ohio, or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title VIII of the bill, add the following new 


  (a) Pilot Grant Program.--From the amounts appropriated 
pursuant to subsection (e), the Secretary shall make grants on 
a competitive basis to not more than 10 institutions of higher 
education to support pilot programs that expand the services of 
bookstores to provide the option for students to rent course 
materials in order to achieve savings for students.
  (b) Application.--An institution of higher education that 
desires to obtain a grant under this section shall submit an 
application to the Secretary at such time, in such form, and 
containing or accompanied by such information, agreements, and 
assurances as the Secretary may reasonably require.
  (c) Use of Funds.--The funds made available by a grant under 
this section may be used for--
          (1) purchase of course materials that the entity will 
        make available by rent to students;
          (2) any equipment or software necessary for the 
        conduct of a rental program;
          (3) hiring staff needed for the conduct of a rental 
        program, with priority given to hiring enrolled 
        undergraduate students; and
          (4) building or acquiring extra storage space 
        dedicated to course materials for rent.
  (d) Evaluation and Report.--
          (1) Evaluations by recipients.--After a period of 
        time to be determined by the Secretary, each 
        institution of higher education that receives a grant 
        under this section shall submit a report to the 
        Secretary on the effectiveness of their rental programs 
        in reducing textbook costs for students.
          (2) Report to congress.--Not later than September 30, 
        2010, the Secretary shall submit a report to Congress 
        on the effectiveness of the textbook rental pilot 
        programs under this section, and identify the best 
        practices developed in such pilot programs. Such report 
        shall contain an estimate by the Secretary of the 
        savings achieved by students who participate in such 
        pilot programs.
  (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section $50,000,000 for 
fiscal year 2009 and 2010.

    24. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Van Hollen of 
          Maryland, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 minutes

  At the end of section of section 271 of the Higher Education 
Act of 1965, as added by section 201 of the bill, add the 
following new subsection:
  ``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--Of the sums 
authorized to be appropriated by section 240, the amount 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section shall 
not exceed--
          ``(1) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
          ``(2) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
          ``(3) such sums as may be necessary for each of the 3 
        succeeding fiscal years''.

  25. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gillibrand of New 
            York, or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 406, line 17, strike ``and'' and after such line insert 
the following new paragraph (and redesignate the succeeding 
paragraph accordingly):
          (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking clauses (i) and 
        (ii) and inserting the following:
                          ``(i) the law enforcement authority 
                        of campus security personnel;
                          ``(ii) the working relationship of 
                        campus security personnel with State 
                        and local law enforcement agencies, 
                        including whether or not the 
                        institution has a written agreement, 
                        such as a memorandum of understanding, 
                        with such agencies;
                          ``(iii) the institution's plan, which 
                        shall address coordination with State 
                        and local law enforcement agencies, for 
                        the investigation of--
                                  ``(I) any felony described in 
                                subparagraph (F) of this 
                                paragraph occurring in the 
                                areas described in 
                                subparagraphs (A) through (D) 
                                of paragraph (12) of this 
                                subsection; and
                                  ``(II) a report of a missing 
                                student; and
                          ``(iv) policies which encourage 
                        accurate and prompt reporting of all 
                        crimes to the campus police and the 
                        appropriate police agencies;''.

  26. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Patrick Murphy of 
        Pennsylvania, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  In section 490, after subsection (d), insert the following 
new subsection (and redesignate the succeeding subsection 
  (e) Commitment to and Notice of Tuition Levels.--
          (1) Amendment.--Section 487(a) is further amended by 
        adding at the end the following new paragraph:
          ``(29)(A) The institution will provide to each 
        admitted student considering an undergraduate or 
        graduate program--
                  ``(i) a multi-year tuition and fee schedule; 
                  ``(ii) a single-year tuition and fee 
                schedule, and nonbinding, multi-year estimate 
                of net costs after all financial aid is 
                awarded, assuming constant family and student 
                income, assets, and relevant circumstances.
          ``(B) Multi-year schedules and estimates required by 
        subparagraph (A)--
                  ``(i) may include a percentage or dollar 
                increase or decrease of any size the 
                institution deems appropriate from one year to 
                the next; and
                  ``(ii) shall indicate, on a year-by-year 
                basis, costs for the normal duration of the 
                relevant student's undergraduate or graduate 
          ``(C) Institutions that elect a single-year tuition 
        and fee schedule under subparagraph (A)(ii) shall 
        include with each multi-year estimate the average 
        deviation, in percentage terms, between previous year 
        estimates and actual net costs for students at their 
          ``(D) The Secretary shall waive the requirements of 
        subparagraph (A), and of the commitment made therender, 
        if the institution demonstrates to the Secretary that 
        the requirements of subparagraph (A) are not 
        practicable because of the occurrence of one or more 
        events causing the institution severe economic 
        distress, dramatic reduction of State or Federal aid, 
        or any other circumstance the Secretary deems valid.''.
          (2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this 
        subsection shall be effective on July 1, 2009.

   27. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Shuler of North 
          Carolina, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  After section 111 of the bill, insert the following new 
section (and redesignate the succeeding sections accordingly):


  Part C of title I (20 U.S.C. 1015) is further amended by 
adding after section 135 (as added by section 111 of this Act) 
the following new section:


  ``(a) Purpose.--It is the purpose of this section to carry 
out a pilot program to assist not more than 5 States to develop 
State-level postsecondary student data systems to--
          ``(1) improve the capacity of States and institutions 
        of higher education to generate more comprehensive and 
        comparable data, in order to develop better-informed 
        educational policy at the State level and to evaluate 
        the effectiveness of institutional performance while 
        protecting the confidentiality of students' personally 
        identifiable information; and
          ``(2) identify how to best minimize the data-
        reporting burden placed on institutions of higher 
        education, particularly smaller institutions, and to 
        maximize and improve the information institutions 
        receive from the data systems, in order to assist 
        institutions in improving educational practice and 
        postsecondary outcomes.
  ``(b) Definition of Eligible Entity.--In this section, the 
term `eligible entity' means--
          ``(1) a State higher education system; or
          ``(2) a consortium of State higher education systems, 
        or a consortium of individual institutions of higher 
        education, that is broadly representative of 
        institutions in different sectors and geographic 
  ``(c) Competitive Grants.--
          ``(1) Grants authorized.--The Secretary shall award 
        grants, on a competitive basis, to not more than 5 
        eligible entities to enable the eligible entities to--
                  ``(A) design, test, and implement 
                postsecondary student data systems that provide 
                the maximum benefits to States, institutions of 
                higher education, and State policymakers; and
                  ``(B) examine the costs and burdens involved 
                in implementing a State-level postsecondary 
                student data system.
          ``(2) Duration.--A grant awarded under this section 
        shall be for a period of not more than 3 years.
  ``(d) Application Requirements.--An eligible entity desiring 
a grant under this section shall submit an application to the 
Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such 
information as the Secretary determines is necessary, including 
a description of--
          ``(1) how the eligible entity will ensure that 
        student privacy is protected and that individually 
        identifiable information about students, the students' 
        achievements, and the students' families remains 
        confidential in accordance with the Family Educational 
        Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g); and
          ``(2) how the activities funded by the grant will be 
        supported after the 3-year grant period.
  ``(e) Use of Funds.--A grant awarded under this section shall 
be used to--
          ``(1) design, develop, and implement the components 
        of a comprehensive postsecondary student data system 
        with the capacity to transmit student information 
        within States;
          ``(2) improve the capacity of institutions of higher 
        education to analyze and use student data;
          ``(3) select and define common data elements, data 
        quality, and other elements that will enable the data 
        system to--
                  ``(A) serve the needs of institutions of 
                higher education for institutional research and 
                  ``(B) provide students and the students' 
                families with useful information for decision-
                making about postsecondary education;
                  ``(C) provide State policymakers with 
                improved information to monitor and guide 
                efforts to improve student outcomes and success 
                in higher education;
          ``(4) estimate costs and burdens at the institutional 
        level for reporting to the postsecondary student data 
        system; and
          ``(5) test the feasibility of protocols and standards 
        for maintaining data privacy and data access.
  ``(f) Evaluation; Reports.--Not later than 6 months after the 
end of the projects funded by grants awarded under this 
section, the Secretary shall--
          ``(1) conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the pilot 
        program authorized by this section; and
          ``(2) report the Secretary's findings, as well as 
        recommendations regarding the implementation of State-
        level postsecondary student data systems to the 
        authorizing committees.
  ``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may 
be necessary for fiscal year 2009 and each of the 4 succeeding 
fiscal years.''.
