[DOCID: f:hr655.110]
From the House Reports Online via GPO Access

110th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     110-655




May 19, 2008.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed


Mr. Oberstar, from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 339]

  The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, to whom 
was referred the bill (H. Res. 339) supporting the goals of 
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, having considered the same, 
report favorably thereon with an amendment and recommend that 
the bill as amended do pass.

  The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following:
That the House of Representatives--
          (1) recognizes the contribution motorcycles make to the 
        transportation mix;
          (2) encourages all road users to be more aware of motorcycles 
        and motorcyclists' safety;
          (3) encourages all riders to receive appropriate training and 
        practice safe riding skills; and
          (4) supports the goals of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

                       PURPOSE OF THE LEGISLATION

    H. Res. 339, as amended, expresses support for the goals of 
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, recognizes the important 
contribution that motorcycles bring to creating transportation 
choices, encourages all road users to be more aware of 
motorcycles and motorcyclists' safety, and encourages all 
riders to receive appropriate training and practice safe riding 
skills at all times.


    Motorcycles represent a valuable component of the 
transportation network in our nation. In 2005 there were over 
6.2 million registered motorcycles in the United States. 
Motorcycles continue to grow in popularity each year with 
motorcycle registrations increasing by over 60 percent from 
1998 to 2005. The rising popularity of motorcycles can be 
attributed to the benefits of motorcycle usage, including 
greater fuel-efficiency, and can lead to decreased roadway 
congestion while inflicting very little wear and tear on 
American roadways. The United States is the world leader in 
advancing motorcycle safety, promoting education, licensing, 
use of protective gear, and motorcycle awareness.
    The need for increased awareness of motorcycle safety 
issues is evident from the alarming safety statistics for 
motorcycle accidents. In 2006, motorcycle rider fatalities 
increased for the ninth straight year. According to the 
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (``NHTSA''), 
between 1996 and 2006, there were 35,546 motorcyclist 
fatalities and 708,000 motorcyclist injuries on U.S. roadways. 
In 2006, there were 4,810 motorcycle fatalities and 88,000 
injuries, up from 2,161 fatalities and 55,000 injuries in 1996. 
Over the past decade, motorcyclist fatalities and injuries have 
increased 112 percent and 60 percent, respectively. In 2006, 
motorcyclists accounted for more than one in nine U.S. road 
fatalities. Statistics have found that per vehicle mile 
traveled, motorcyclists are roughly 37 times more likely than 
passenger car occupants to die in a traffic crash.
    With the warmer spring weather arriving in May, the number 
of motorcycles on the road will increase significantly, which 
will require increased alertness and awareness on the part of 
passenger vehicle drivers. The motorcycle community remains 
committed to the reduction of motorcycle crashes through 
licensing, training, education, enforcement, personal 
responsibility, and increased public awareness of the 
importance of motorcycle safety. Public awareness of motorcycle 
safety benefits everyone that uses our nation's roadways, not 
just motorcyclists, because it can lead to a decrease in car-
motorcycle crashes.
    Throughout Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, riders will 
be educated on the importance of following the rules of the 
roadway, being alert to other drivers, and always wearing 
protective gear such as a helmet. NHTSA estimates that helmets 
saved 1,658 motorcyclists' lives in 2006, and that 752 more 
lives could have been saved if the motorcyclists involved in 
fatal non-helmeted crashes had worn helmets.
    NHTSA promotes Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month to remind 
all riders and motorists to always share the road.

                       SUMMARY OF THE LEGISLATION

    H. Res. 339, as amended, expresses support for the goals of 
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, recognizes the important 
contribution that motorcycles bring to creating transportation 
choices, encourages all road users to be more aware of 
motorcycles and motorcyclists' safety, and encourages all 
riders to receive appropriate training and practice safe riding 
skills at all times.


    On April 26, 2007, Representative Michael C. Burgess 
introduced H. Res. 339. This resolution has not been introduced 
in a previous Congress.
    On May 15, 2008, the Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure met in open session to consider H. Res. 339. The 
Committee adopted an amendment that added one provision to the 
resolve clause that encourages all riders to receive 
appropriate training and practice safe riding skills and the 
resolution, as amended, was agreed to and reported favorably to 
the House by voice vote.

                              RECORD VOTES

    Clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the House of Representatives 
requires each committee report to include the total number of 
votes cast for and against on each record vote on a motion to 
report and on any amendment offered to the measure or matter, 
and the names of those members voting for and against. There 
were no recorded votes taken in connection with any amendments 
offered to H. Res. 339 or in ordering H. Res. 339 reported. A 
motion to order H. Res. 339, as amended, reported favorably to 
the House was agreed to by voice vote with a quorum present.


    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(I) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the 
Committee's oversight findings and recommendations are 
reflected in this report.

                          COST OF LEGISLATION

    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(d)(2) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, H. Res. 339 
is a resolution of the House of Representatives and therefore 
does not have the force of law. As such, there is no cost 
associated with this resolution for fiscal year 2008, or for 
any fiscal year thereafter.


    1. With respect to the requirement of clause 3(c)(2) of 
rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, and 
308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee 
advises that the resolution contains no measure that authorizes 
funding, so no comparison of the total estimated funding level 
for the relevant programs to the appropriate levels under 
current law is required.
    2. With respect to the requirement of clause 3(c)(4) of 
rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the 
Committee advises that the resolution contains no measure that 
authorizes funding, so no statement of general performance and 
objectives for any measure that authorizes funding is required.
    3. With respect to the requirement of clause 3(c)(3) of 
rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and 
section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
Committee advises that the resolution contains no measure that 
authorizes funding. Neither a cost estimate nor comparison for 
any measure that authorizes funding is required.


    Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House 
of Representatives, H. Res. 339 does not contain any 
congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff 
benefits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of rule XXI 
of the Rules of the House of Representatives.


    With respect to clause (3)(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, H. Res. 339 is a resolution of 
the House of Representatives and therefore does not have the 
force of law. As such, clause (3)(d)(1) of rule XIII does not 

                       FEDERAL MANDATES STATEMENT

    The Committee adopts as its own the estimate of Federal 
mandates prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget 
Office pursuant to section 423 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform 
Act (Public Law 104-4).

                        PREEMPTION CLARIFICATION

    Section 423 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 
requires the report of any Committee on a bill or joint 
resolution to include a statement on the extent to which the 
bill or joint resolution is intended to preempt state, local, 
or tribal law. The Committee states that H. Res. 339 does not 
preempt any state, local, or tribal law.


    No advisory committees within the meaning of section 5(b) 
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act are created by this 


    The Committee finds that the resolution does not relate to 
the terms and conditions of employment or access to public 
services or accommodations within the meaning of section 
102(b)(3) of the Congressional Accountability Act (Public Law 


    H. Res. 339 makes no changes to existing law.
