US Imports of Steel Mill Products
FOR Tin Plate -- C & A

Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Graph Country Census Data Preliminary
Census Data
License Data
  AUG07 SEP07 OCT07 NOV07 DEC07 JAN08 FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 SEP08 OCT08
M WORLD 36,856 47,237 42,202 33,965 34,044 28,758 22,508 27,943 13,203 20,152 21,364 20,821 18,934 30,769 31,476 34,515
M CANADA 12,368 13,481 12,721 9,775 8,518 11,490 5,334 10,361 5,899 10,938 12,371 12,301 9,723 12,724 13,461 16,573
M NETHERLANDS 7,213 12,412 4,148 5,334 4,137 6,849 4,238 12,489 2,904 4,219 494.7 3,013 447.3 7,408 7,417 11,206
M GERMANY 12,633 4,221 12,532 3,720 13,018 3,414 4,908 2,835 2,154 3,029 2,597 2,629 358.5 6,212 6,229 2,175
M NORWAY . . . . . . . . . 618.1 398.4 205.6 5,401 . . .
M KOREA . 568.6 269.7 396.3 297.6 194.0 3,271 218.1 280.4 372.5 2,061 374.6 400.4 3,396 3,396 1,486
M CHINA 1,273 2,517 2,390 2,478 2,970 1,490 4,192 520.8 923.0 28.4 2,233 1,875 1,261 692.4 594.6 2,376
M BRAZIL . 11,085 . 5,530 930.8 4,342 130.5 600.1 511.4 454.0 726.6 . 782.3 . . 373.5
M JAPAN 542.9 355.8 304.4 117.7 109.2 62.9 322.4 136.5 77.0 92.3 341.2 351.1 238.0 167.6 169.1 170.1
M FRANCE 2,054 2,594 7,113 4,925 3,743 82.6 68.4 411.7 394.3 241.5 139.9 69.9 211.3 69.9 . 77.4
M TAIWAN 305.9 . 30.1 . 147.4 . 41.3 . . . . . 39.6 98.1 98.1 0.37
M BELGIUM 458.1 . . . 31.9 . . 370.5 54.6 158.8 . . 70.6 . . .
M MEXICO . . . . . . . . 3.06 . . . . . 2.30 2.94
M SPAIN . . . 9.62 137.9 . . . . . . . . . . .
M THAILAND 5.70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M UNITED KINGDOM . . 2,692 1,676 . 831.1 . . . . . . . . . .
M UNITED STATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.7 71.9

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: November 4, 2008, with
Licensing data collected through November 4, 2008 and
Preliminary Census data compiled through September 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months of Census data, including peliminary data
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

Link to Annual Summary of Census Data

Link to Summary Level of Monthly Census Data