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GAO Comptroller General Decisions: About

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is the investigative arm of Congress.
Its mission is to support Congress in meeting its Constitutional responsibilities
(e.g. oversight, policy, and funding decisions) and to help improve the
performance and accountability of the Federal Government for the American
GAO Comptroller General Decisions contains decisions and opinions issued
by the Comptroller General in areas of Federal law such as appropriations,
bid protests, and Federal agency rulemaking.
The GAO Comptroller General Decisions application on GPO Access
is sponsored by the GAO and contains all publicly released GAO decisions
and opinions from October 1995 to the present. The database is updated
within two business days after decisions have been released. Documents
are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
Recent decisions (within the last 90 days are available in HTML format
on GAO's
Web site.
Each decision is identified by a numbering system beginning with B-(number)
and is uniquely identified by B-number and date.