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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 42  

Coordinated Enforcement

29 CFR 42.4 - Structure of the National Committee.

  • Section Number: 42.4
  • Section Name: Structure of the National Committee.

    (a) The National Committee shall consist of the Under Secretary of 
Labor, the Solicitor of Labor, and the Assistant Secretaries for the 
Employment Standards Administration (ESA), the Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration (OSHA), and the Employment and Training 
Administration (ETA).
    (b) The Committee shall be headed by the Under Secretary, who shall 
assign to one of his/her Special Assistants the responsibility of 
directing the necessary staff work required by the Committee.
    (c) The National Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis to review 
the Department's responsibilities affecting migrant farmworkers, and at 
any other time as determined by the Under Secretary to be necessary to 
carry out the National Committee's responsibilities.
    (d) There shall be a National Committee staff level working group 
consisting of senior staff representatives from the Branch of Farm Labor 
Law Enforcement, the Wage and Hour Division, the U.S. Employment Service 
(the National MSFW Monitor Advocate), the Employment and Training 
Administration, the Office of Field Coordination and the Directorate of 
Federal Compliance and State Programs in the Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration, and the Office of the Solicitor.
    (e) The Special Assistant to the Under Secretary shall be the 
director of the staff level working group.
    (f) The staff level working group shall meet monthly or more 
frequently as requested by the director.
    (g) The director, or another member of the National Committee, shall 
attend the annual public meeting of each of the Regional Farm Labor 
Coordinating Committees.
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