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National Survey

The NC and the Gutt-macher Institute are con-ducting a national survey of young adults. Details here.

Election 2008

As newly-elected officials prepare to take office, we offer actions for the new President and Congress.

New Report

This new downloadable paper reports on the recent rise in teen birth rates and discusses prevention efforts.

Teen Pregnancy and TV

A new study indicates a link between sex on TV and teen pregnancy. Read the study and see our thoughts.

about us

our mission

The National Campaign seeks to improve the well-being of children, youth, families, and the nation by preventing unplanned and teen pregnancy.


why it matters

Teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy among young adults is at the root of a number of important public health and social challenges.


what we do

We work in many areas in order to:

  • strengthen a culture of personal responsibility regarding sex, getting pregnant, and bringing children into the world
  • support responsible policies that will increase the use of contraception
  • provide more education to teens, parents, and young adults.

