Astrogeology Research Program

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1367
Version 1.0

The Unified Lunar Control Network 2005

By Brent A. Archinal, Mark R. Rosiek, Randolph L. Kirk, and Bonnie L. Redding


topo map of part of the Moon

This report documents a new general unified lunar control network and lunar topographic model based on a combination of Clementine images and a previous network derived from Earth-based & Apollo photographs, and Mariner 10, & Galileo images. This photogrammetric network solution is the largest planetary control network ever completed. It includes the determination of the 3-D positions of 272,931 points on the lunar surface and the correction of the camera angles for 43,866 Clementine images, using 546,126 tie point measurements. The solution RMS is 20 μm (= 0.9 pixels) in the image plane, with the largest residual of 6.4 pixels. The explanation given here, along with the accompanying files, comprises the release of the network information and of global lunar digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from the network. A paper that will describe the solution and network in further detail will be submitted to a refereed journal, and will include additional background information, solution details, discussion of accuracy and precision, and explanatory figures.


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Data Folders

solution; solution input and output files (187 MB).

derived; Miscellaneous derived files of interest (107 MB).

dems; global DEMs and DEM images (257 MB).

For questions about the content of this report, contact Brent Archinal

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