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Superfund Quick Finder


Agriculture Street Landfill 


This web page provides background information and details about the Agriculture Street Landfill Superfund Project in New Orleans, Louisiana.  The EPA's removal action began in the Fall of 1998 and EPA will use this website as one means to keep the public informed as to project progress.  We have included documents such as the Record of Decision (ROD) and project schedules and plans.   

This project is being managed by a team from EPA Region 6.  The Remedial Project Manager is Ursula Lennox, who may be reached at (214) 665-6743.  The community outreach activities are managed by Janetta Coats, who may be contacted at (214) 665-7308.

Please direct comments or questions regarding this web page to the EPA.    Comments/Questions for the EPA   To ensure quality service, these comments will be logged and forwarded to the appropriate EPA representative. 

Project Background

Resident Guide

Air Sampling Data

Removal Plan & Schedule

EPA Contractors

Investment in the Community

Important Documents


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