U.S. Census Bureau
2002 Economic Census main page

Industry Statistics Sampler
NAICS 31-33

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Employers: 2002
Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Nonemployers are shown below. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.

Description Estab-
Value of shipments
  31-33 Manufacturing 350,828 3,916,136,712 576,170,541 14,699,536
Go to this NAICS 311 Food mfg 27,915 458,786,540 45,519,634 1,506,932
Go to this NAICS 312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 3,025 105,714,263 6,923,024 160,305
Go to this NAICS 313 Textile mills 3,932 45,652,142 7,666,079 269,064
Go to this NAICS 314 Textile product mills 7,304 32,273,047 4,759,988 183,333
Go to this NAICS 315 Apparel mfg 13,038 44,521,126 7,454,143 343,450
Go to this NAICS 316 Leather & allied product mfg 1,522 6,254,100 1,160,833 44,543
Go to this NAICS 321 Wood product mfg 17,202 89,085,026 16,054,554 540,565
Go to this NAICS 322 Paper mfg 5,520 153,766,022 21,497,243 491,436
Go to this NAICS 323 Printing & related support activities 37,538 95,726,203 25,627,770 715,777
Go to this NAICS 324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 2,262 215,312,899 6,151,468 102,836
Go to this NAICS 325 Chemical mfg 13,476 460,424,786 44,556,764 852,297
Go to this NAICS 326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 15,529 174,369,289 32,619,736 983,757
Go to this NAICS 327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 16,706 95,261,480 17,929,311 483,161
Go to this NAICS 331 Primary metal mfg 5,194 139,343,112 21,399,636 490,417
Go to this NAICS 332 Fabricated metal product mfg 62,219 247,059,502 57,534,861 1,574,827
Go to this NAICS 333 Machinery mfg 28,306 252,476,407 49,838,051 1,172,889
Go to this NAICS 334 Computer & electronic product mfg 15,910 358,414,047 64,562,501 1,262,063
Go to this NAICS 335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 6,499 102,879,191 18,082,952 494,370
Go to this NAICS 336 Transportation equipment mfg 12,639 636,758,285 82,067,852 1,676,198
Go to this NAICS 337 Furniture & related product mfg 22,523 75,964,713 17,400,405 595,915
Go to this NAICS 339 Miscellaneous mfg 32,569 126,094,532 27,363,736 755,401


Nonemployers: 2002
Data based on 2002 Nonemployer Statistics. Table includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
All firms Nonemployers Employers
Receipts ($1,000) Establishments Receipts Establish-
Value of shipments ($1,000)
Number % of all $1,000 % of all
31-33 Manufacturing 641,208 3,929,538,352 290,380 45.3 13,401,640 0.3 350,828 3,916,136,712
311 Food mfg 48,008 459,659,876 20,093 41.9 873,336 0.2 27,915 458,786,540
312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 4,631 105,849,732 1,606 34.7 135,469 0.1 3,025 105,714,263
313 Textile mills 5,687 45,694,757 1,755 30.9 42,615 0.1 3,932 45,652,142
314 Textile product mills 9,697 32,369,774 2,393 24.7 96,727 0.3 7,304 32,273,047
315 Apparel mfg 40,805 45,377,875 27,767 68.0 856,749 1.9 13,038 44,521,126
316 Leather & allied product mfg 5,552 6,389,128 4,030 72.6 135,028 2.1 1,522 6,254,100
321 Wood product mfg 43,922 90,251,781 26,720 60.8 1,166,755 1.3 17,202 89,085,026
322 Paper mfg 6,972 153,838,196 1,452 20.8 72,174 0.0 5,520 153,766,022
323 Printing & related support activities 65,735 97,210,626 28,197 42.9 1,484,423 1.5 37,538 95,726,203
324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 3,557 215,390,655 1,295 36.4 77,756 0.0 2,262 215,312,899
325 Chemical mfg 20,608 460,834,842 7,132 34.6 410,056 0.1 13,476 460,424,786
326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 20,980 174,719,387 5,451 26.0 350,098 0.2 15,529 174,369,289
327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 27,514 95,620,951 10,808 39.3 359,471 0.4 16,706 95,261,480
331 Primary metal mfg 9,143 139,589,347 3,949 43.2 246,235 0.2 5,194 139,343,112
332 Fabricated metal product mfg 97,882 249,004,469 35,663 36.4 1,944,967 0.8 62,219 247,059,502
333 Machinery mfg 41,507 253,246,542 13,201 31.8 770,135 0.3 28,306 252,476,407
334 Computer & electronic product mfg 23,266 358,829,101 7,356 31.6 415,054 0.1 15,910 358,414,047
335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 13,166 103,230,818 6,667 50.6 351,627 0.3 6,499 102,879,191
336 Transportation equipment mfg 17,018 637,072,271 4,379 25.7 313,986 0.0 12,639 636,758,285
337 Furniture & related product mfg 39,838 76,725,183 17,315 43.5 760,470 1.0 22,523 75,964,713
339 Miscellaneous mfg 95,720 128,633,041 63,151 66.0 2,538,509 2.0 32,569 126,094,532


Definition: NAICS 31-33   Manufacturing

The Manufacturing sector comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. The assembling of component parts of manufactured products is considered manufacturing, except in cases where the activity is appropriately classified in Sector 23, Construction.

Establishments in the Manufacturing sector are often described as plants, factories, or mills and characteristically use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment. However, establishments that transform materials or substances into new products by hand or in the worker's home and those engaged in selling to the general public products made on the same premises from which they are sold, such as bakeries, candy stores, and custom tailors, may also be included in this sector. Manufacturing establishments may process materials or may contract with other establishments to process their materials for them. Both types of establishments are included in manufacturing.

The materials, substances, or components transformed by manufacturing establishments are raw materials that are products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, or quarrying as well as products of other manufacturing establishments. The materials used may be purchased directly from producers, obtained through customary trade channels, or secured without recourse to the market by transferring the product from one establishment to another, under the same ownership. The new product of a manufacturing establishment may be finished in the sense that it is ready for utilization or consumption, or it may be semifinished to become an input for an establishment engaged in further manufacturing. For example, the product of the alumina refinery is the input used in the primary production of aluminum; primary aluminum is the input to an aluminum wire drawing plant; and aluminum wire is the input for a fabricated wire product manufacturing establishment.

The subsectors in the Manufacturing sector generally reflect distinct production processes related to material inputs, production equipment, and employee skills. In the machinery area, where assembling is a key activity, parts and accessories for manufactured products are classified in the industry of the finished manufactured item when they are made for separate sale. For example, a replacement refrigerator door would be classified with refrigerators and an attachment for a piece of metal working machinery would be classified with metal working machinery. However, components, input from other manufacturing establishments, are classified based on the production function of the component manufacturer. For example, electronic components are classified in Subsector 334, Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing and stampings are classified in Subsector 332, Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing.

Manufacturing establishments often perform one or more activities that are classified outside the Manufacturing sector of NAICS. For instance, almost all manufacturing has some captive research and development or administrative operations, such as accounting, payroll, or management. These captive services are treated the same as captive manufacturing activities. When the services are provided by separate establishments, they are classified to the NAICS sector where such services are primary, not in manufacturing.

The boundaries of manufacturing and the other sectors of the classification system can be somewhat blurry. The establishments in the manufacturing sector are engaged in the transformation of materials into new products. Their output is a new product. However, the definition of what constitutes a new product can be somewhat subjective. As clarification, the following activities are considered manufacturing in NAICS: Milk bottling and pasteurizing; Water bottling and processing; Fresh fish packaging (oyster shucking, fish filleting); Apparel jobbing (assigning of materials to contract factories or shops for fabrication or other contract operations) as well as contracting on materials owned by others; Printing and related activities; Ready-mixed concrete production; Leather converting; Grinding of lenses to prescription; Wood preserving; Electroplating, plating, metal heat treating, and polishing for the trade; Lapidary work for the trade; Fabricating signs and advertising displays; Rebuilding or remanufacturing machinery (i.e., automotive parts) Ship repair and renovation; Machine shops; and Tire retreading. Conversely, there are activities that are sometimes considered manufacturing, but which for NAICS are classified in another sector (i.e., not classified as manufacturing). They include: 1.

Logging, classified in Sector 11, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting is considered a harvesting operation; 2. The beneficiating of ores and other minerals, classified in Sector 21, Mining, is considered part of the activity of mining; 3. The construction of structures and fabricating operations performed at the site of construction by contractors, is classified in Sector 23, Construction; 4. Establishments engaged in breaking of bulk and redistribution in smaller lots, including packaging, repackaging, or bottling products, such as liquors or chemicals; the customized assembly of computers; sorting of scrap; mixing paints to customer order; and cutting metals to customer order, classified in Sector 42, Wholesale Trade or Sector 44-45, Retail Trade, produce a modified version of the same product, not a new product; and 5.

Publishing and the combined activity of publishing and printing, classified in Sector 51, Information, perform the transformation of information into a product where as the value of the product to the consumer lies in the information content, not in the format in which it is distributed (i.e., the book or software diskette).


Historical comparability

Almost Comparable   NAICS 31-33, Manufacturing, is close, but not quite comparable between 2002 and 1997. See the Bridge Between 2002 NAICS and 1997 NAICS for changes to constituent industries.

In comparisons with data before 1997, 1997 NAICS 31-33 is nearly comparable to SIC . See the Bridge Between 1997 NAICS and 1987 SIC.

In the following table, both 1997 and 2002 data are classified by 1997 NAICS, so that the two years are comparable.


Comparative Statistics: 2002 and 1997

Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. "% change" rows show percent change between 1997 and 2002.
1997 NAICS Description Year Establishments Value of shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
31-33 Manufacturing 2002 350,728 3,914,719,163 575,165,127 14,664,385
1997 362,829 3,834,700,920 569,808,845 16,805,127
% change -3.3 2.1 0.9 -12.7


See maps in
Link to graphic Industry Snapshot
Geographic Distribution -- Manufacturing: 2002

Data for manufacturing industries are published for the U.S., states with 100+ employees, metropolitan areas with 250+ employees, and counties and cities with 500+ employees. Counts of establishments are also published for ZIP Codes.

Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Nonemployers are shown above. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description Estab-
Value of shipments
Value of shipments
% of
Value of shipments
per capita
See other industries in this state United States 350,828 3,916,136,712 100.00 13,592 576,170,541 14,699,536
See other industries in this state California 48,473 378,454,294 9.66 10,805 66,408,969 1,616,289
See other industries in this state Texas 21,446 310,743,683 7.93 14,279 34,094,491 855,303
See other industries in this state Ohio 17,491 242,884,764 6.20 21,279 35,298,752 868,679
See other industries in this state Michigan 15,191 221,421,638 5.65 22,058 33,168,564 736,165
See other industries in this state Illinois 16,859 188,222,486 4.81 14,944 29,838,276 741,754
See other industries in this state Pennsylvania 16,661 181,309,256 4.63 14,715 27,510,766 715,186
See other industries in this state Indiana 9,223 160,924,309 4.11 26,147 22,852,682 565,559
See other industries in this state North Carolina 10,763 156,909,393 4.01 18,874 20,653,125 623,521
See other industries in this state New York 21,065 147,402,586 3.76 7,690 25,390,968 641,742
See other industries in this state Georgia 8,805 126,166,158 3.22 14,674 15,720,820 452,834
See other industries in this state Wisconsin 9,914 124,649,845 3.18 22,920 19,331,297 503,147
See other industries in this state Tennessee 6,947 109,285,149 2.79 18,880 14,840,454 411,984
See other industries in this state New Jersey 10,653 96,229,119 2.46 11,219 15,752,976 368,015
See other industries in this state Missouri 7,207 92,475,502 2.36 16,280 12,453,642 319,761
See other industries in this state Louisiana 3,523 89,545,364 2.29 20,030 6,425,628 150,360
See other industries in this state Kentucky 4,283 88,513,497 2.26 21,647 10,077,029 263,202
See other industries in this state Virginia 5,909 83,952,547 2.14 11,523 11,632,963 311,787
See other industries in this state South Carolina 4,455 80,976,390 2.07 19,745 10,594,414 289,672
See other industries in this state Minnesota 8,136 80,499,482 2.06 16,021 14,059,229 351,188
See other industries in this state Washington 7,535 79,303,026 2.03 13,064 11,163,873 265,010
See other industries in this state Florida 15,201 78,463,816 2.00 4,703 14,079,987 377,092
See other industries in this state Massachusetts 8,858 77,976,318 1.99 12,125 15,571,473 349,148
See other industries in this state Alabama 5,119 66,686,220 1.70 14,893 9,744,347 284,127
See other industries in this state Iowa 3,804 65,042,043 1.66 22,159 8,125,864 222,968
See other industries in this state Kansas 3,218 50,897,796 1.30 18,748 6,877,335 177,825
See other industries in this state Arkansas 3,185 46,723,576 1.19 17,265 6,309,251 210,394
See other industries in this state Oregon 5,597 45,864,552 1.17 13,017 7,173,223 184,151
See other industries in this state Connecticut 5,383 44,990,361 1.15 13,011 9,872,570 214,721
See other industries in this state Arizona 4,935 41,910,739 1.07 7,697 7,080,603 168,155
See other industries in this state Oklahoma 4,027 39,924,050 1.02 11,445 5,355,937 149,983
See other industries in this state Mississippi 2,796 38,276,054 0.98 13,369 5,476,928 182,822
See other industries in this state Maryland 3,999 36,344,562 0.93 6,679 6,475,210 151,307
See other industries in this state Colorado 5,349 34,661,204 0.89 7,702 6,323,772 148,831
See other industries in this state Nebraska 1,975 30,607,855 0.78 17,723 3,385,632 103,011
See other industries in this state Utah 3,061 25,104,045 0.64 10,793 4,003,961 110,007
See other industries in this state West Virginia 1,480 18,911,332 0.48 10,482 2,586,956 67,319
See other industries in this state Delaware 705 16,417,927 0.42 20,380 1,564,801 37,287
See other industries in this state New Hampshire 2,213 15,235,144 0.39 11,959 3,421,148 83,545
See other industries in this state Idaho 1,814 15,174,196 0.39 11,288 2,192,645 61,538
See other industries in this state Maine 1,880 13,851,915 0.35 10,681 2,627,814 67,738
See other industries in this state Rhode Island 2,131 10,758,058 0.27 10,068 2,294,561 62,285
See other industries in this state South Dakota 926 10,710,187 0.27 14,087 1,096,775 37,019
See other industries in this state New Mexico 1,587 10,168,130 0.26 5,480 1,241,383 33,085
See other industries in this state Vermont 1,176 9,661,516 0.25 15,678 1,757,617 43,827
See other industries in this state Nevada 1,764 8,466,212 0.22 3,903 1,642,783 42,503
See other industries in this state North Dakota 724 6,856,654 0.18 10,821 757,012 23,370
See other industries in this state Montana 1,234 4,987,577 0.13 5,479 638,834 18,582
See other industries in this state Wyoming 560 4,061,516 0.10 8,140 364,592 9,608
See other industries in this state Alaska 513 3,828,233 0.10 5,977 361,214 10,909
See other industries in this state Hawaii 929 3,460,199 0.09 2,806 421,269 13,200
See other industries in this state District of Columbia 146 246,237 0.01 425 76,126 2,021


Products, Size, and Other Data from the Economic Census -- Manufacturing
to pdf
Series number Title Link to AFF or Drill-down
Contents Geography
link to PDF EC02-00C-BDG Bridge Between NAICS 2002 and NAICS 1997 Link to drill-down tables Relationships between NAICS 1997 and NAICS 2002 for those industries redefined US
link to PDF EC02-00C-COMP Comparative Statistics Link to drill-down tables 2002 and 1997 data side by side on a comparable NAICS 1997 basis US, states
link to PDF EC02-31SG-1 General Summary Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics for Industry Groups & Industries US
Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics by Subsectors for Selected States US, states
Link to data in AFF Detailed Statistics by Subsector US
Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics for Subsectors by Employment Size US
Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics US, states
Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics for Metropolitan Areas US, states, metros
Link to data in AFF Detailed Statistics US, states
Link to data in AFF Method of Inventory Valuation by Subsector US
Link to data in AFF Inventories With LIFO Valulation by Subsector US
Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics for Subsectors by Legal Form of Organization US
link to    
PDF EC02-31A Geographic Area Series Link to data in AFF Industry Statistics for the States, Metropolitan & Micropolitan Statistical Areas, Counties, and Places States
Link to data in AFF Detailed Statistics for the State States
link to PDF SB02-00A Survey of Business Owners Link to data in AFF Business Ownership by Gender, Hispanic or Latino Origin, and Race US
Drill-down iconDown arrows link to tables in "drill-down" format for easy navigation. AFF iconAFF icons link to tables in American FactFinder, which supports further manipulation and downloading. link to PDF PDF symbols link to reports in Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader which is available free from the Adobe web site.


Data from the Other Census Bureau Programs -- NAICS 31-33
Hypertext Tables Title (with link to data) Frequency Contents Geography
  Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Annual Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees US
Link to table for this industry Annual Survey of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series Annual General statistics for states (click AFF icon, select "ASM: GAS: Stats for All Mfg by State", then filter rows to this industry) US, states
Link to table for this industry Annual Survey of Manufactures: Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries Annual Detailed national statistics for the industry (click AFF icon, select "ASM: GS: Stats for Ind Groups & Ind", then filter rows to this industry) US
Link to table for this industry Annual Survey of Manufactures: Value of Product Shipments Annual National statistics for 7-digit product classes (click AFF icon, select "ASM: VPS: Val of Shps for Product Classes", then filter rows to desired products US
  County Business Patterns Annual Employees; payroll; number of establishments by employment size of establishment US, states, metro areas, counties
  E-Commerce Statistics Annual Total sales and e-commerce sales, receipts or value of shipments US
  Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Monthly Value of shipments, inventories, new orders and unfilled orders US
  Monthly Trade Inventory and Sales Monthly Sales, inventories, and inventory/sales ratios US
Link to table for this    
industry Nonemployer Statistics Annual Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees US, states, metro areas, counties
  Profile of U.S. Exporting Companies Annual Number of exporters and value of exports by employment size of company for the U.S.; number of exporting companies by state U.S., states
  Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly Income, retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios for the domestic operations of manufacturing corporations with assets over $250,000, and corporations in the mining and trade areas with over $50 million. US
Link to table for this            
industry Statistics of U.S. Businesses Annual Number of firms, employees, payroll, (and revenue, for 2002 only) by employment-size of the enterprise US, states, metro areas


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