BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Industry Focused Promotion

Medica 2008

FedEx at Medica 2008

400+ U.S. companies at MEDICA 2008 Dusseldorf, Germany on November 19-22 are looking for partners and clients

Looking for high quality suppliers in the field of Medical related technologies and services? Let the U.S. Commercial Service help you find the best U.S. suppliers to meet your needs. We can arrange introductions to the companies listed below -- simply select the U.S. companies that interest you and receive their contact information and have yours sent to them. Choose to have the U.S. Commercial Service make the introductions or meet these companies independently.

This program is designed to generate relevant business leads for the U.S. companies it features, based on their product descriptions and objectives. In order to help us ensure the highest level of service to you and all participating firms, we ask that you please be discriminating when making your selection. Thank you.

  1. Electromedical Equipment/Medical Technology
  2. Laboratory Equipment
  3. Rescue and Emergency Equipment
  4. Diagnostics
  5. Drugs
  6. Physiotherapy/Orthopedic Technology
  7. Single Use Products and Consumer Goods for Surgeries and Hospitals
  8. Communication and Information Technology
  9. Facility Management
  10. Fabrics/Clothing/Textiles
  11. Medical Furniture and Equipment
  12. Premises and Building Technology
  13. Services and Publications
  14. Others