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2007: The Economy and Investment Climate in Russia

AmCham Annual Holiday Party & Corporate Social Responsibility Recognition Dinner

After a tough autumn, it’s time to unwind and prepare for the well-deserved holidays. Join us for AmCham's Annual Holiday Party & Corporate Social Responsibility Recognition Dinner on December 6 at the Marriott Grand Hotel. The American Chamber of Commerce's Holiday Party has always been one of the biggest events in Moscow’s international business community.

Republic of Bashkortostan Regional Briefing

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia invites members to attend a regional briefing with a delegation of senior officials from the Republic of Bashkortostan at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at the Marriott Grand Hotel.

Dr. Rail Sarbayev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan, will speak on investment opportunities in the region.

Registration will begin at  2:30 p.m. and the briefing will be followed by a tasting session of Bashkortostan national cuisine.

Regional Briefing with Vladimir Oblast

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia held a regional briefing on November 13, 2008 at the Marriott Grand Hotel. Vladimir Veretennikov, First Deputy Governor of the Vladimir Oblast, discussed investment opportunities in his region.

G-20 Declaration of the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy

The leaders of the Grounp of Twenty held an initial meeting in Washington on November 15, 2008, amid serious challenges to the world economy and financial markets. The group expressed their determination to enhance cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the world's financial systems.
The declaration may be downloaded here. [source -]

Vladimir Putin approves recovery plan for financial sector

Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, has approved the recovery plan of the financial sector. The plan approves a number of bills on the improvement of the financial infrastructure and the banking system.
The plan may be downloaded here.

AmCham Annual Tax Seminar

Arkady Dvorkovich, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, made a keynote speech during the 2008 Annual Tax Seminar on Wednesday, October 29, 2008, at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel. The popular annual half-day seminar, which is a vital forum for discussing key developments in the Russian tax system, this time attracted over 120 representatives of major American and international companies.

“I always do my best to attend this event, organized by AmCham, as I consider it to be very important,” Dvorkovich said in his opening remarks.

The Presidential Aide, who is one of the key figures involved in the discussions of the anti-crises measures, used the AmCham event to make several important statements regarding the steps that Russia’s Government is already taking and planning to take in the tax sphere to help companies and small business cope with the financial crises.

Olympic Infrastructure Briefing

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia held an Olympic Infrastructure Briefing on October 30, 2008 at the Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel. Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Chairman, RF Government and Victor Kolodyazhny, President, Olimpstroy, discussed the program of construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi.

The purpose of the event was to inform potential investors on existing opportunities and to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to the Sochi 2014 Olympics. The high-profile event, which attracted about 150 business representatives from different companies, including construction, supplies, telecommunications, project management and consulting, was a result of the agreement reached between AmCham President Andrew Somers and Victor Kolodyazhny during the Sochi Investment Forum in September.

Regional Briefing with Novgorod Oblast

On October 28, 2008, AmCham held a Regional briefing with representatives of the Novgorod Oblast administration. AmCham President Andrew Somers welcomed Deputy Governor Alexander Gabitov - a key figure in the Oblast’s economics and foreign investments. The event was attended by around two dozen representatives of AmCham member companies.

Regional Briefing with the Republic of Komi

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia held a regional briefing on October 17 with Vladimir Torlopov, Head of the Republic of Komi. The event was held at the Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel. In his presentation Vladimir Torlopov pointed to the stable political and economic environment in the region as one of the key factors attracting long-term investments.

Vedomosti interview with AmCham President Andrew Somers

In a recent interview to the leading Russian business newspaper Vedomosti, Andrew Somers talks about American business expectations from the new U.S. Administration, AmCham priorities and values in the new economic and political environment, and discusses his interest in Russian language and history.

AmCham Encourages Government Transparency in Bailout

In a recent interview to the leading Russian business newspaper Vedomosti, Andrew Somers talks about American business expectations from the new U.S. Administration, AmCham priorities and values in the new economic and political environment, and discusses his interest in Russian language and history.

AmCham Trade Mission to Yekaterinburg

On September 24, AmCham conducted a trade mission to Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast’s capital and the third largest city in Russia. During the mission, the AmCham delegation, comprising twenty-five people representing eighteen companies and the Chamber, met with Governor Eduard Rossel, First Deputy Chairman of the Government Mikhail Maximov, key economic ministers, the vice-mayor of the city, and local business leaders. The delegation also visited the construction site of a new Hyatt Hotel, which soon will be the largest hotel of the area.

AmCham's Participation in the 2008 Sochi International Investment Forum

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia was an active participant in the 2008 Sochi International Investment Forum taking place September 18-20. On Saturday, September 20, AmCham President Andrew Somers co-chaired a U.S.-Russia Business Roundtable with Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), which was organized by AmCham and RSPP, and supported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. A senior Russian government official and Russian and AmCham company executives took part in the discussion. The roundtable was attended by guests of the Forum and the press, and throughout the informative discussion, participants all generally stressed the importance of maintaining and developing business ties between the United States and Russia in the wake of financial turmoil and the Georgian conflict.

AmCham Cooperation with the Federal Migration Service

During an AmCham breakfast held on August 5, representatives of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) provided details of the recent changes in the administrative regulations of public service procedures to issue resolutions for employment of foreign nationals and employment permits, work permits (plastic cards) and Russian visa invitation letters for foreign nationals. The FMS officials spoke on the application processes and addressed members' questions and concerns.

New administrative regulations of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) now make it possible to simultaneously submit via "one window" the required documents for obtaining permits 1) to hire foreign workers; 2) work permits for individuals (plastic cards) and 3) work visa invitations, after AmCham member companies have registration with the FMS. The new arrangement between the FMS and AmCham will reduce waiting times from four months to approximately one and a half months. Further information and application documents are available here.

Useful Links to the Federal Migration Service Website

Below are links to the official site of the Federal Migration Service with information on migration registration of foreign citizens in Russia and instructions for applying for Russian visas.

Procedure for issuing and extending Russian visas - English | Russian
Migration registration of foreign citizens in Russia - English | Russian

U.S. Visa Premium Processing for AmCham Members

In cooperation with the U.S. Embassy Consular Section AmCham has implemented a system to expedite the U.S. visa application process for AmCham members. Premium Processing allows AmCham member company employees to obtain a visa within five business days or less.
Please click here for further details.

AmCham takes part in three events at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia organized or co-organized three events at the 2008 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

On June 7, the heads of twenty AmCham companies met for a roundtable, chaired by AmCham President Andrew Somers, at the Astoria Hotel. The roundtable provided an opportunity for AmCham member companies to discuss with U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Russia. Secretary Gutierrez also came to the roundtable with members of the President’s Export Council, who will be presenting a report to President Bush.

Photographs from the forum featuring
AmCham President Andrew Somers and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez
[click for bigger pictures]

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