GSA Logo Federal Acquisition Service
Registration for: Household Goods and Freight Forum
Located at: Philadephia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
Meeting on: February 23, 2005  Thru  February 25, 2005
Session: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM        (current count is 195)
Event Description: GSA announces its premier Household Goods and Freight Forum to be held in Philadelphia, PA, February 23-25, 2005. This forum brings together the federal civilian agency transportation community and the transportation industry experts to learn more about transportation policies and programs mutually impacting their functional responsibilities.
If you have used this registration form in past, simply enter your email address and our system will pre-populate some of the information needed in this form.
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Outreach Europe Registration
Required(Indicates Required Fields) (Please spell out acronyms)
Required Salutation:   Mr. Ms. Mrs.
Required First Name:   
Required Last Name: 
Required Email Address:
Required Job Title:
Required Street Address:
     Room/Suite/Floor etc:
Required City:
Required State:
Required Country:
Required Zip Code:
Required Commercial Phone:
(phone number)   nnn nnn-nnnn
    Commercial Fax:
    Special Needs: Yes   No Click "Yes" if you need someone to contact you about
special access requirements
    Questions and/or Issues: