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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table F.2. NHQR quality measures for all conditions when available by State, alphabetically Montana through Wyoming (continued)

Part 1 - Montana to North Carolina

Measure Title Year Metric U.S. Est. MT Sig. NE Sig. NV Sig. NH Sig. NJ Sig. NM Sig. NY Sig. NC Sig. Source NHQR Table
Maternal and Child Health
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received all recommended vaccinesn 2001 Percent 74 ns + ns ns ns - ns + NIS 1.52e
2000 Percent 73 ns ns ns + ns - ns + NIS 1.52f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 4 doses of DTaP vaccine 2001 Percent 82 ns ns - + ns - + + NIS 1.53e
2000 Percent 82 ns ns ns + ns ns ns + NIS 1.53f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of polio vaccine 2001 Percent 89 ns ns ns + ns - ns + NIS 1.54e
2000 Percent 90 ns ns ns + ns ns ns + NIS 1.54f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of MMR vaccine 2001 Percent 91 + ns - + ns ns ns + NIS 1.55e
2000 Percent 91 ns ns ns + ns - + + NIS 1.55f
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of Hib vaccine 2001 Percent 93 ns ns ns + ns ns ns ns NIS 1.56e
2000 Percent 93 ns ns ns ns + - ns + NIS 1.56f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine 2001 Percent 89 ns ns ns ns ns - ns ns NIS 1.57e
2000 Percent 90 ns ns - ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.57f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of varicella vaccine 2001 Percent 76 - - - ns ns ns ns + NIS 1.58e
2000 Percent 68 - ns - ns ns ns ns + NIS 1.58f
Respiratory Diseases
Immunization, influenza:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 28.60 ns n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ns n/a BRFSS 1.69b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 65.40 + + ns + ns + ns ns BRFSS 1.70b
Immunization, pneumonia:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 18.40 ns n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ns n/a BRFSS 1.73b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 60.80 + ns + ns ns ns ns + BRFSS 1.74b
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who have blood cultures collected before antibiotics are administered 2000-2001 Percent 81.21 + ns - + ns ns ns ns CMS 1.76bjj
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic dose within 8 hours of hospital arrival 2000-2001 Percent 85.80 + + ns + ns ns - ns CMS 1.77bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic consistent with current recommendations 2000-2001 Percent 84.45 + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns CMS 1.78bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive influenza screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 26.22 ns ns ns ns + ns + - CMS 1.79bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive pneumococcal screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 24.76 ns + + ns + ns + - CMS 1.80bjj

Part 2: North Dakota to South Dakota

Measure Title Year Metric U.S. Est. ND Sig. OH Sig. OK Sig. OR Sig. PA Sig. RI Sig. SC Sig. SD Sig. Source NHQR Table
Maternal and Child Health
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received all recommended vaccinesn 2001 Percent 74 + ns ns ns + + ns ns NIS 1.52e
2000 Percent 73 + ns ns ns + + + ns NIS 1.52f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 4 doses of DTaP vaccine 2001 Percent 82 ns ns ns ns + + ns ns NIS 1.53e
2000 Percent 82 + ns - ns ns + ns ns NIS 1.53f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of polio vaccine 2001 Percent 89 ns ns ns ns ns + ns ns NIS 1.54e
2000 Percent 90 ns ns - ns + + + ns NIS 1.54f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of MMR vaccine 2001 Percent 91 ns ns ns ns + + + ns NIS 1.55e
2000 Percent 91 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.55f
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of Hib vaccine 2001 Percent 93 ns ns ns ns ns + + ns NIS 1.56e
2000 Percent 93 + ns ns ns ns + + ns NIS 1.56f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine 2001 Percent 89 ns ns ns ns ns + ns ns NIS 1.57e
2000 Percent 90 + ns ns ns + + + ns NIS 1.57f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of varicella vaccine 2001 Percent 76 - - + ns ns + ns - NIS 1.58e
2000 Percent 68 - - ns + + + ns - NIS 1.58f
Respiratory Diseases
Immunization, influenza:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 28.60 ns ns + n/a n/a n/a ns n/a BRFSS 1.69b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 65.40 + ns + + ns + ns + BRFSS 1.70b
Immunization, pneumonia:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 18.40 ns ns ns n/a n/a n/a ns n/a BRFSS 1.73b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 60.80 ns ns + + ns + ns ns BRFSS 1.74b
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who have blood cultures collected before antibiotics are administered 2000-2001 Percent 81.21 ns ns ns + + - ns ns CMS 1.76bjj
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic dose within 8 hours of hospital arrival 2000-2001 Percent 85.80 + ns ns + ns ns - + CMS 1.77bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic consistent with current recommendations 2000-2001 Percent 84.45 ns ns ns ns - + ns ns CMS 1.78bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive influenza screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 26.22 + ns ns + ns ns - ns CMS 1.79bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive pneumococcal screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 24.76 + - + - - ns - ns CMS 1.80bjj

Part 3- Tennessee to Wyoming

Measure Title Year Metric U.S. Est. TN Sig. TX Sig. UT Sig. VT Sig. VA Sig. WA Sig. WV Sig. WI Sig. WY Sig. Source NHQR Table
Maternal and Child Health
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received all recommended vaccinesn 2001 Percent 74 + ns - + ns ns ns + ns NIS 1.52e
2000 Percent 73 ns - ns ns ns ns ns ns + NIS 1.52f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 4 doses of DTaP vaccine 2001 Percent 82 + ns ns + ns ns + + ns NIS 1.53e
2000 Percent 82 + - ns + ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.53f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of polio vaccine 2001 Percent 89 + ns ns + ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.54e
2000 Percent 90 ns - ns + ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.54f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of MMR vaccine 2001 Percent 91 + ns ns + ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.55e
2000 Percent 91 ns - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.55f
Immunization, childhood:
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of Hib vaccine 2001 Percent 93 + ns ns + ns ns + ns ns NIS 1.56e
2000 Percent 93 + - ns + ns ns ns ns + NIS 1.56f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine 2001 Percent 89 ns ns - ns ns ns ns ns ns NIS 1.57e
2000 Percent 90 ns - - ns ns ns ns ns + NIS 1.57f
Process: Percent of children 19-35 months who received 1 dose of varicella vaccine 2001 Percent 76 + + - - + - ns - - NIS 1.58e
2000 Percent 68 ns + - - + - - - - NIS 1.58f
Respiratory Diseases
Immunization, influenza:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 28.60 ns n/a ns n/a ns ns ns n/a ns BRFSS 1.69b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who received an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months 2001 Percent 65.40 ns ns ns + ns + ns + + BRFSS 1.70b
Immunization, pneumonia:
Process: Percent of high risk persons (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) age 18-64 who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 18.40 ns n/a + n/a ns ns ns n/a + BRFSS 1.73b
Process: Percent of persons age 65 and over who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination 2001 Percent 60.80 ns ns + + ns + ns + + BRFSS 1.74b
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who have blood cultures collected before antibiotics are administered 2000-2001 Percent 81.21 ns ns ns + ns ns ns + + CMS 1.76bjj
Treatment of pneumonia:
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic dose within 8 hours of hospital arrival 2000-2001 Percent 85.80 ns ns + ns ns + ns ns + CMS 1.77bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive the initial antibiotic consistent with current recommendations 2000-2001 Percent 84.45 ns ns ns ns + - ns + ns CMS 1.78bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive influenza screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 26.22 ns - + + ns ns + ns - CMS 1.79bjj
Process: Percent of patients with pneumonia who receive pneumococcal screening or vaccination 2000-2001 Percent 24.76 ns - + - ns ns ns ns - CMS 1.80bjj

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