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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount Rainier, Washington
Volcano Lahar Warning System

A two-year cooperative pilot project is now underway to develop, deploy, and begin operation of an automated system to detect the occurrence of a lahar in the Puyallup River valley. The U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program and the Pierce County, Washington, Department of Emergency Management are full partners in the pilot project. The Puyallup River drains the west flank of Mount Rainier, and the densely populated Puyallup valley extends about 70 kilometers diagonally across Pierce County from Mount Rainier to the Port of Tacoma on Puget Sound. Upon detection of a lahar in the valley, the system is intended to issue an automatic notice to County emergency-management officials that would trigger immediate, preplanned emergency-response actions. -- Excerpt from: VHP Website, 1999

Click for link Link to: Mount Rainier Volcanic Hazards Response Plan
-- Link courtesy Pierce County Department of Emergency Management

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10/29/08, Lyn Topinka