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The Food Safety and Inspection Service is dedicated to becoming a world-class Public Health Organization. A well-trained and competent workforce is a key element to making any organization successful.
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Workforce Training
Contains key features by the Center For Learning (CFL), along with links to Regional training, Online References, and a schedule of courses.
To achieve our public health goals, it is absolutely necessary that we have a workforce that is scientifically and technically trained and is dedicated to ensuring a safe supply of meat, poultry, and egg products. We can achieve this by effective training and education programs that improve and sustain our employees' skill levels. These programs will give them the tools to effectively perform on the job.

The FSIS Center for Learning (CFL) is responsible for providing leadership in the formulation, administration, and evaluation of Agency training and employee development policies and procedures. This includes designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating training programs for federal, state, and other personnel engaged in meat, poultry, and egg products inspection and leadership development. The vision of CFL is to be "The First Choice in Continuous Learning."

Certain positions within FSIS have specific training requirements that must be satisfied in order to retain employment in the Agency. New employees selected for positions subject to "training as a condition of employment" are required to attend formal training shortly after accepting the positions. This may require travel outside the duty location for an extended period. Employees in these positions must attend and successfully complete the training by attaining passing grades. Employees must also sign a training agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of their employment.

In partnership with major universities and other federal agencies, CFL provides formal classes that ensure our diverse, highly skilled inspection force is prepared to provide public health protection today and in the future. The numerous training and education programs provided by CFL cover a variety of subjects including:
The Center for Learning's Organization and Employee Development Branch (OEDB), located in Washington, DC, provides a multi-functional approach to training and organization effectiveness through leadership development, coaching and consulting. OEDB has a team of internal consultants certified in training and organization development. These consultants are available to help FSIS individuals and groups learn to achieve superior developmental results in a continuously changing environment.

CFL provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to learning by taking learning to the employees. The Food Safety Virtual University provides electronically formatted course materials that can be delivered to a widely dispersed and very diverse audience. The Virtual University makes it possible for almost anyone to access information, training, and education. Among the courses offered are HACCP computer-based training, canning technology training, processing training and other inspection-related topics. English, math, Spanish and many basic science courses and other distance learning resources are also offered. Many of these self-study courses can be completed through correspondence (by mail). An added feature is the Certificate of Excellence program that recognizes members of the workforce who attain prescribed levels of learning through the self-study courses. CFL is continually evaluating distance learning options so that an increasing number of training choices are available as close to the employee work place as possible.

CFL's capable and talented media and technology development staff provide a variety of instructional aids using the latest digital technology. They provide a wide variety of support to Agency and USDA customers.

The Continuing Education Program (CEP) encourages the pursuit of professional education. In this program, field employees can enroll in college/university courses that benefit their job positions and receive reimbursement when the courses are successfully completed. CFL is working to expand this opportunity to all Agency employees.

As the role of Agency training and education expands, CFL is moving to a more contractually based approach to course development and delivery. Working with a variety of federal, state, local, and commercial partners, the CFL is continually exploring new ways to provide the best learning experiences possible to the FSIS workforce.

Continuous learning is a critical aspect of human capital development. It enhances the employee's knowledge, skills and abilities that enhance the Agencies capability to respond in the increasingly complex arena of public health. The Center for Learning is committed to making available the best possible training and education programs in support of our public health mission, so that each employees will have maximum opportunity for personal and career growth.
Employee Services

Last Modified: March 28, 2006



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