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West Africa Local time in Cote d'Ivoire: 05:31 PM

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Education and Training Services



Contact: Hamdane Annadif, Managing Director
BP. 6159 Université de N'Djamena
Phone: 235 520-525, Cell. 235 246 581
Fax: 235 527-113

The Institution of Valorization (UNIVALOR) created by the University of N'Djaména is a private company, which has as goals to take part in the economic and technological development of the country, to meet the needs of official and private partners and to make known the University of N'Djaména. It offers continuous training services, analyses, expertise, measurements, studies, investigations and piloting of projects. Our consultants may, together with you, work out project according to your aims of development and adapted to your constraint. Regardless the size of your company or service, a tailored solution is possible.



Contact: Mrs. Guesse Ndoubayidi, Director
BP. 193, Moundou
Phone: 235 268 633
Fax: 235 268 633

The purpose of the Centre of the Initiatives for Development (CIDE) is to setup development initiatives that allow the blooming of populations by several activities of which training. It contains professionals of various qualifications, which help learners to improve their English knowledge according to their needs. The CIDE provide also direct translation services.