Top 25 Export Destinations For High Value-Added

Consumer-Ready Foods

FAS Value         U.S. Domestic Exports

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Sept

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 1,700,279 1,859,012 2,126,266 2,190,061 2,400,291 2,682,907 2,944,481 3,067,099 2,247,787 2,348,690 4.5%
Japan 1,095,084 1,162,327 1,518,502 1,679,514 1,618,317 1,602,278 1,653,161 1,623,028 1,204,400 1,207,279 0.2%
Mexico 476,475 605,924 701,275 393,720 444,492 569,936 759,283 842,102 546,880 762,942 39.5%
United Kingdom 297,292 319,476 323,197 387,478 438,502 472,085 511,703 492,698 376,773 322,982 -14.3%
Netherlands 175,154 180,691 234,241 245,971 282,250 282,590 328,396 387,984 292,696 301,512 3.0%
Germany 302,421 354,669 356,856 401,605 495,572 429,942 391,762 309,933 223,686 208,807 -6.7%
Hong Kong 183,435 244,005 294,559 311,446 382,535 431,833 296,070 300,672 213,976 156,773 -26.7%
Korea 160,168 209,827 201,116 275,345 319,968 326,427 174,987 274,202 186,712 238,990 28.0%
Taiwan 186,312 238,950 281,833 288,812 292,184 343,837 284,727 240,703 183,947 169,248 -8.0%
Belgium 54,057 70,440 149,583 156,957 154,855 119,930 145,345 185,032 156,046 96,027 -38.5%
Australia 121,950 138,490 127,330 138,060 146,673 174,608 178,884 180,032 127,258 139,010 9.2%
Philippines 87,518 72,444 89,120 93,319 129,297 159,398 101,086 138,851 105,375 100,496 -4.6%
Spain 81,708 46,691 74,662 123,261 151,003 113,845 150,090 133,675 92,355 72,490 -21.5%
France 180,925 199,154 149,136 145,855 176,034 187,318 139,623 107,682 76,760 74,533 -2.9%
Singapore 80,303 89,804 101,990 114,178 115,151 118,240 89,750 98,438 71,682 74,841 4.4%
Saudi Arabia 81,465 81,685 74,533 72,553 76,110 85,264 87,928 93,327 67,964 68,849 1.3%
Israel 34,894 37,286 58,930 66,305 110,938 87,252 91,107 83,038 61,225 67,860 10.8%
Italy 59,657 70,733 73,261 90,472 109,669 101,576 115,609 78,250 55,987 54,987 -1.8%
Dominican Rep 17,459 29,013 34,820 38,820 42,613 58,058 63,285 74,746 50,629 48,856 -3.5%
China 4,282 8,568 14,296 23,768 33,670 48,688 50,602 73,496 46,199 75,868 64.2%
Panama 40,778 43,547 45,817 41,220 42,867 50,791 61,245 72,675 50,802 45,658 -10.1%
Brazil 14,599 17,075 48,110 157,894 114,395 106,446 94,924 68,052 54,059 49,060 -9.2%
Malaysia 35,959 36,699 48,707 49,897 65,733 75,082 46,820 67,537 48,216 44,132 -8.5%
Venezuela 38,253 37,805 22,567 29,017 24,287 35,677 54,437 66,554 50,323 44,082 -12.4%
Bahamas 62,777 76,763 75,070 76,015 94,957 68,970 59,424 63,152 44,629 53,647 20.2%
Subtotal : 5,573,205 6,231,078 7,225,775 7,591,546 8,262,363 8,732,979 8,874,729 9,122,958 6,636,365 6,827,620 2.9%
All Other: 1,058,742 1,236,710 1,366,184 1,532,117 1,611,272 1,797,793 1,627,815 1,436,950 1,050,895 1,091,336 3.8%
Total 6,631,947 7,467,789 8,591,960 9,123,663 9,873,635 10,530,772 10,502,544 10,559,907 7,687,260 7,918,956 3.0%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Last Updated by Donald A. Hodgen/U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Cunsumer Goods/12-18-00