Top 25 Export Destinations for Meat & Poultry products

SIC 201            FAS Value    U.S. Domestic Exports

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Sep

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Japan 2,330,252 2,397,524 2,481,608 3,239,402 3,167,958 2,739,176 2,537,172 2,696,599 1,971,853 2,267,094 15.0%
Mexico 814,181 722,015 910,707 531,459 742,642 972,902 1,121,165 1,124,060 784,841 973,316 24.0%
Korea 811,883 718,644 873,824 1,084,253 898,619 930,996 487,383 765,835 540,143 855,696 58.4%
Canada 663,609 686,616 725,996 741,321 744,301 818,796 795,155 758,021 558,156 629,848 12.8%
Hong Kong 187,471 227,033 360,909 536,591 570,219 598,001 504,824 527,613 377,769 422,971 12.0%
Taiwan 148,402 153,923 225,345 290,703 264,762 281,281 237,028 291,226 231,530 248,955 7.5%
China 18,087 37,091 78,548 143,680 181,977 192,543 204,721 191,434 139,343 216,481 55.4%
Russia 14,174 116,240 360,027 786,130 1,101,461 1,011,916 709,598 149,819 83,162 426,639 413.0%
Latvia 49 4,435 502 1,578 73,418 99,353 96,885 142,231 115,113 65,591 -43.0%
Estonia 30 132 326 55,277 25,475 22,649 42,538 81,750 54,698 31,812 -41.8%
Italy 49,234 38,924 56,677 60,360 78,005 76,545 89,551 58,233 41,006 62,134 51.5%
Egypt 7,414 25,427 22,045 25,271 14,809 24,845 30,594 51,028 44,810 21,259 -52.6%
Poland 27,930 38,749 55,660 57,720 70,521 69,205 68,578 39,265 34,553 19,951 -42.3%
Philippines 9,264 6,860 7,878 11,188 17,343 23,272 14,379 35,612 24,885 24,208 -2.7%
Dominican Rep 2,521 1,673 2,182 4,326 3,922 18,926 26,852 35,110 27,148 19,019 -29.9%
Germany 37,021 28,387 34,276 31,381 44,103 35,527 32,861 31,562 25,991 26,881 3.4%
Guatemala 12,760 11,563 9,744 12,527 12,946 20,743 23,610 29,559 21,238 21,954 3.4%
France 71,321 44,480 42,578 45,170 44,114 33,163 30,130 29,557 20,704 24,802 19.8%
Haiti 614 1,548 1,678 10,175 15,442 17,979 24,474 27,822 21,388 10,950 -48.8%
Singapore 42,533 47,204 53,028 54,645 53,478 43,145 24,010 24,346 17,703 28,496 61.0%
Colombia 13,775 16,067 16,794 34,943 32,004 29,906 31,979 23,961 18,552 14,754 -20.5%
Bahamas 16,102 10,749 11,818 10,370 11,784 20,595 23,873 23,857 15,103 11,884 -21.3%
Jamaica 15,254 19,873 17,409 19,843 23,904 24,716 32,947 23,672 18,938 14,474 -23.6%
Belgium 44,532 52,279 34,554 32,999 33,464 32,056 33,846 22,062 16,563 18,592 12.2%
United Kingdom 33,800 24,439 23,083 18,351 29,422 28,767 31,923 21,847 17,133 19,319 12.8%
Subtotal : 5,372,210 5,431,876 6,407,194 7,839,663 8,256,093 8,167,001 7,256,078 7,206,081 5,222,324 6,477,080 24.0%
All Other: 424,658 422,927 498,522 560,738 555,358 575,634 635,500 494,183 352,873 399,392 13.2%
Total 5,796,869 5,854,803 6,905,716 8,400,401 8,811,451 8,742,635 7,891,578 7,700,264 5,575,197 6,876,473 23.3%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Last Updated by Donald A. Hodgen/U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Cunsumer Goods/12-18-00