Customs Value by Customs Value
For ALL Countries

U.S. Imports For Consumption

Annual Data


Country 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Percent Change
2004 - 2005
In 1,000 Dollars
China 9,242 17,184 21,951 29,738 48,608 47,341 59,265 79,778 94,004 120,939 28.7%
Canada 43,994 62,827 77,704 76,357 79,086 87,759 89,507 84,429 88,717 76,952 -13.3%
United Kingdom 62,741 76,093 63,567 27,298 26,822 19,331 22,235 20,883 52,981 68,128 28.6%
Hong Kong 49,211 58,650 54,969 51,018 56,119 56,494 51,223 50,304 50,632 44,088 -12.9%
Singapore 18,057 26,909 31,629 22,273 21,341 26,728 27,613 28,929 28,742 29,849 3.9%
Japan 12,145 14,940 12,980 16,942 20,201 15,508 13,920 15,594 18,087 20,887 15.5%
Korea 5,479 4,830 6,214 6,625 5,569 9,583 11,835 12,117 12,677 17,011 34.2%
Spain 8,952 12,563 10,695 10,449 15,536 14,869 12,574 11,990 10,969 11,940 8.9%
Italy 13,727 16,470 19,957 15,269 16,363 18,792 17,908 15,886 12,546 10,825 -13.7%
Mexico 1,691 2,796 1,622 2,966 3,864 4,922 3,717 6,248 5,162 9,369 81.5%
Germany 8,202 4,364 4,130 4,311 4,200 3,555 6,659 4,198 4,941 5,764 16.7%
Colombia 1,511 1,433 1,567 2,047 3,329 2,461 3,201 5,410 3,938 5,665 43.9%
France 4,382 3,227 2,067 2,350 3,630 4,538 4,042 3,400 3,368 3,901 15.8%
Malaysia 1,073 2,105 1,307 1,875 3,235 2,430 3,244 3,324 3,480 3,692 6.1%
Thailand 1,117 1,133 785 873 1,033 1,063 991 1,595 1,422 2,220 56.2%
Subtotal : 241,523 305,525 311,146 270,391 308,935 315,376 327,933 344,084 391,665 431,230 10.1%
All Other: 20,421 20,715 21,159 18,276 20,602 19,271 18,287 17,963 17,476 17,549 0.4%
Total 261,944 326,241 332,304 288,667 329,537 334,647 346,220 362,047 409,142 448,779 9.7%


Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.