Distilleries (31214): FAS Value by FAS Value
for ALL Countries

U.S. Domestic Exports

Annual and Year Through the Most Recent Full Quarter (2nd)


Country 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008
In 1,000 Dollars
United Kingdom 30,302 34,318 43,839 70,864 83,825 98,546 119,385 134,884 145,820 152,795 58,756 61,958
Canada 40,478 38,725 47,670 70,716 64,723 75,228 99,487 94,418 122,447 140,267 55,936 67,691
Germany 50,956 69,988 61,059 62,703 65,256 72,049 81,525 77,318 83,929 92,368 43,233 48,094
Australia 42,843 45,492 47,688 54,782 55,840 59,804 77,592 72,260 79,414 81,402 37,267 40,189
Japan 107,596 102,494 81,636 72,873 71,617 50,369 53,441 60,174 66,979 61,723 31,917 30,173
France 15,000 22,348 22,351 24,241 29,890 24,386 27,166 39,534 45,030 59,389 22,392 34,368
Spain 11,079 17,823 14,075 21,621 25,840 27,825 34,411 33,157 41,052 46,729 24,609 22,527
Italy 12,610 13,960 15,448 19,611 18,453 22,924 30,308 24,358 30,719 38,314 16,235 17,354
South Africa 3,154 3,735 3,148 4,467 6,265 5,560 15,202 25,729 27,482 35,198 13,997 7,818
Netherlands 24,062 14,104 24,281 11,801 12,986 20,044 24,343 23,136 27,708 27,010 11,645 14,790
New Zealand 8,437 8,523 10,727 4,860 9,044 9,196 11,553 15,999 17,610 20,620 8,291 9,047
Mexico 14,431 13,765 12,042 20,796 17,525 23,805 16,766 12,684 13,738 17,832 8,789 8,539
Latvia 2,935 199 653 2,216 1,625 1,325 1,800 3,395 7,741 15,687 4,344 3,129
Greece 5,553 5,496 5,309 5,896 6,471 6,754 8,385 6,313 8,441 10,949 4,833 7,940
Belgium 5,360 5,725 4,897 5,204 3,617 5,209 5,715 5,519 6,584 8,996 4,029 5,411
Singapore 3,711 4,119 2,140 3,159 2,354 3,708 4,858 5,492 8,192 8,168 3,310 4,662
Austria 1,392 2,534 2,245 2,258 2,441 3,285 4,473 5,453 6,329 7,334 3,108 2,748
Switzerland 1,141 2,778 5,779 3,092 2,508 3,527 4,740 4,138 5,731 6,966 3,587 3,550
Ireland 1,378 1,547 1,491 2,014 1,961 2,559 7,977 3,484 6,665 6,840 3,220 3,694
China 321 224 939 960 1,341 1,864 2,642 3,089 6,599 6,475 3,336 4,154
Romania 567 115 571 497 872 1,608 2,706 4,397 4,561 6,098 1,779 4,544
Korea 6,844 1,135 2,986 3,278 4,807 9,538 2,969 2,387 3,206 5,823 2,645 3,453
Hong Kong 1,645 2,043 2,062 2,269 2,387 2,246 7,327 9,552 8,424 5,786 2,452 1,549
Chile 933 1,464 1,399 1,551 2,404 1,731 1,845 2,629 5,144 5,702 2,201 1,941
Malaysia 428 307 382 787 629 1,396 2,280 1,840 3,372 5,545 2,776 2,889
Subtotal : 393,155 412,960 414,817 472,513 494,681 534,484 648,897 671,340 782,918 874,014 374,688 412,214
All Other: 93,020 50,532 56,836 52,048 46,056 47,419 57,591 60,330 77,422 90,253 39,395 51,337
Total 486,175 463,492 471,654 524,561 540,738 581,903 706,487 731,670 860,340 964,267 414,083 463,550

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.