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coastal marshAdaptive Responses of Upland Coastal Marsh Plant Communities to Climate Change



Why This Research Is Needed:

Wetlands account for over 20% of the carbon stored in terrestrial soils, enough to increase the present atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than 50%. Therefore the cycling of carbon in these systems represents an important component in the global carbon cycle. In the past 100 years, the global carbon balance of wetlands may have shifted from being a sink for CO2 to a source, due to conversion and drainage of wetlands for agriculture and combustion of peat soil for fuel. These recent changes in wetland carbon cycles may therefore be contributing to rising atmospheric CO2 and global warming. However, the future role of wetlands as either sources or sinks of carbon will depend on how wetlands respond to global changes such as rising CO2, increasing temperatures and changes in hydrology. Since plants have the potential to adaptively respond to changing climate conditions, it is possible that natural selection for tolerant genotypes may involve indirect and unexpected consequences on ecosystem processes such as carbon sequestration. Because genetic adaptation of wetland plant species may alter community dynamics and carbon sequestration under predicted scenarios of future environmental conditions (i.e., increased atmospheric CO2, changes in salinity or sea level), research characterizing plants' evolutionary responses to changing climate conditions will improve models that predict ecosystem-wide impacts of global change.

Expected Outputs/Outcomes:


US EPA ReVA Program, Duke University, The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Florida International University

Contact: Mike Blum (blum.mike@epa.gov) (Cincinnati, OH)

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