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Environmental Science Institute

Environmental Science Institute
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
US EPA Campus, Research Triangle Park, NC
July 10-12, 2007

PDF Version of the Announcement (PDF) (1 page, 68KB, About PDF)

The US Environmental Protection Agency is hosting an Environmental Science Institute for teachers and other environmental educators. This Institute incorporates EPA’s Air Quality Workshop that qualifies for Criteria I of the Environmental Education Certification Program.

Topics and Activities:

Schedule: July 10 -12, 2007

Tuesday – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm  (Registration begins at 8:30 am)

Wednesday – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Thursday – 9:00 am – 12 noon

Location: US EPA Campus, Research Triangle Park, NC

For Driving Directions: http://www.epa.gov/rtp/facilities/maindirections.htm

To Apply: We can only accept 40 participants this year so please submit applications no later than June 25. Complete the application form and send to Donna Rogers at rogers.donna@epa.gov. You will receive confirmation within five days.

Application Forms

Contact Information: Donna Rogers
phone: 919-541-5478
fax: 919-541-0242

Additional Information: A packet of information will be mailed to you approximately three weeks prior to the workshop. This will include directions, parking information, security requirements, lunch and snack information, etc.

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