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Estimated and Projected Impervious Cover in the Southeastern United States

Downloadable shape and associated GIS files with estimated (year 2000) and projected (2010 to 2030 depending on data available by state) impervious cover as percent of total area for the 8 U.S. Southeastern states by 12 or 14 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC).  The methods for estimation and projection of impervious cover are described in:  Estimating and Projecting Impervious Cover in the Southeastern United States, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Georgia, Publication No. EPA/600/R-05/061. (pdf, 133 pp., 3.2 mb)

(about pdf).

The GIS zipped files are available on the ftp site linked below.   There is a separate PDF metadata file for each state (about pdf).

alabama_ic.ZIP     (44,306 KB)
al_metadata.pdf  (pdf, 2 pp., 84 KB, about pdf )

florida_ic.ZIP       (15,458 KB)
fl_metadata.pdf  (pdf, 2 pp., 84 KB, about pdf )

georgia_ic.ZIP       (27,842 KB)
ga_metadata.pdf (pdf, 2 pp., 81 KB, about pdf )

kentucky_ic.ZIP     (17,327 KB)
ky_metadata.pdf  (pdf, 2 pp., 85 KB, about pdf )
mississippi_ic.ZIP   (30,518 KB)
ms_metadata.pdf (pdf, 2 pp., 84 KB, about pdf )
North Carolina
northcarolina_ic.ZIP (26,321 KB)
nc_metadata.pdf (pdf, 2 pp., 84 kb) (about pdf)
South Carolina
southcarolina_ic.ZIP (6,482 KB)
sc_metadata.pdf  (pdf, 2 pp., 84 kb, about pdf )
tennessee_ic.ZIP    (17,364 KB)
tn_metadata.pdf  (pdf, 2 pp., 83 kb, about pdf )

The following shapefiles are the results of the 'Test Data Set' conducted for Frederick County, Maryland and Atlanta, Georgia.  We manually estimated impervious cover for 13 HUCs in the Atlanta area and 56 complete or partial HUCs in Frederick County, Maryland using digitial ortho quarter quads (DOQQs) from the U.S. Geological Survey.  The details of this part of the project are also contained in the EPA report accessible in the the top paragraph of this page.

Estimated % impervious cover for 13 HUCs in the Atlanta Area

Atlanta Impervious Cover Test Data Set (150 KB)

Estimated % impervious cover for Frederick County, Maryland

Fredirick County, Maryland Impervious Cover Test Data Set (151 KB)

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