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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Calling all AHRQ researchers! Help Us to Help You

We would like to do a better job of promoting and marketing your research. Over the past several years, AHRQ has succeeded in improving communications with grantees and contractors. However, at the present time we only have advance notification of an estimated 37 percent of journal articles stemming from AHRQ-funded research. Obviously, there is much more that can be done.

You can help us in this effort by notifying us once your article has been accepted for publication. When you are notified by a journal that your article will be published, please send a copy of the manuscript, along with the journal name, anticipated publication date, and contact information, to your AHRQ project officer.

Please notify us of your article's acceptance by sending an E-mail to

Your manuscript will be reviewed for potential AHRQ marketing efforts. Please be assured that AHRQ always honors journal embargo, and we do not release any details about your publication outside of the agency prior to publication.

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