Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

North Dakota Wildlife Management Area Guide

North Dakota Game and Fish Department
100 North Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501-5095

This resource is based on the following source:
North Dakota Game and Fish Department.  1986.  Wildlife Management
     Guide.  North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Bismarck, ND.  6pp.
This resource should be cited as:
North Dakota Game and Fish Department.  1986.  Wildlife Management
     Guide.  North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Bismarck, ND. 
     Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 15JAN99).

This resource lists the locations of Wildlife Management Areas owned and managed by the state of North Dakota. The name and size, the most common game species, and opportunity for fishing are listed for each area, along with regulations for public use.

Information is organized by county. From the map or links below, locate the county in which you are interested, and follow the links.

GIF -- Clickable map of ND counties

  01 - Adams         14 - Eddy              27 - McKenzie         40 - Rolette
  02 - Barnes        15 - Emmons            28 - McLean           41 - Sargent
  03 - Benson        16 - Foster            29 - Mercer           42 - Sheridan
  04 - Billings      17 - Golden Valley     30 - Morton           43 - Sioux
  05 - Bottineau     18 - Grand Forks       31 - Mountrail        44 - Slope
  06 - Bowman        19 - Grant             32 - Nelson           45 - Stark
  07 - Burke         20 - Griggs            33 - Oliver           46 - Steele
  08 - Burleigh      21 - Hettinger         34 - Pembina          47 - Stutsman
  09 - Cass          22 - Kidder            35 - Pierce           48 - Towner
  10 - Cavalier      23 - LaMoure           36 - Ramsey           49 - Traill
  11 - Dickey        24 - Logan             37 - Ransom           50 - Walsh
  12 - Divide        25 - McHenry           38 - Renville         51 - Ward
  13 - Dunn          26 - McIntosh          39 - Richland         52 - Wells
                                                                  53 - Williams

Downloading Instructions -- Instructions on downloading and extracting files from this site.
Download icon ( 46K) -- North Dakota Wildlife Management Area Guide
Installation: Extract all files and open index.htm in a web browser. Divide Williams McKenzie Golden Valley Billings Slope Bowman Burke Mountrail Dunn Stark Hettinger Adams Renville Ward McLean Mercer Oliver Morton Grant Sioux Bottineau McHenry Sheridan Burleigh Emmons Rolette Pierce Benson Wells Kidder Logan McIntosh Towner Ramsey Eddy Foster Stutsman LaMoure Dickey Cavalier Nelson Griggs Steele Barnes Ransom Sargent Richland Cass Traill Grand Forks Walsh Pembina
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