Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Influence of Fire and Trapping Effort on Ground
Beetles in a Reconstructed Tallgrass Prairie

Kirk J. Larsen and Jason B. Williams

Abstract: The effects of fire on communities of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were investigated between 9 April and 28 October 1996 in Anderson Prairie, a reconstructed tallgrass prairie in Decorah, Iowa. We collected ground beetles in pitfall traps from prairie plots burned in the spring of 1994, 1995, or 1996. We collected a total of 1,772 beetles representing 45 species. Recently burned plots (burned in 1996) had a lower diversity and evenness of carabid assemblages than plots burned in 1994. However, species richness was greatest in the most recently burned plots. Short-term sampling, consisting of three one-week exposures during the peak beetle activity period, yielded similar abundance, species diversity, and evenness trends to biweekly, full-season sampling.

Key words: Carabidae, Coleoptera, fire, pitfall traps, tallgrass prairie.

This resource is based on the following source:
Larsen, Kirk J., and Jason B. Williams.  1999.  Influence of fire 
     and trapping effort on ground beetles in a reconstructed 
     tallgrass prairie.  Prairie Naturalist 31(2):75-86.

This resource should be cited as:

Larsen, Kirk J., and Jason B. Williams.  1999.  Influence of fire 
     and trapping effort on ground beetles in a reconstructed 
     tallgrass prairie.  Prairie Naturalist 31(2):75-86.  Jamestown, 
     ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.  
     (Version 26APR2002).

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Kirk J. Larsen and Jason B. Williams, Department of Biology, Luther College, Decorah, IA 52101
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