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Pollution Control Equipment-Singapore

Pollution Control Equipment





                                              2004            2005            2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                   5035            4044            4651

Total Local Production           3219            2837            3263

Total Exports                         5662            5402            6212

Total Imports                         7478            6609            7600

Imports from the U.S.            1960            1591            1680

Footnote: Exchange rates used:

2004: US$1 = S$1.63

2005: US$1 = S$1.66

2006: US$1 = S$1.56

The above statistics are unofficial estimates

Figures are in millions of US$


With the accession to the Kyoto Protocol, Singapore is committed to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by about 5.0% of its 1990 levels by the target date of 2012.  With that in mind, Singapore has enhanced its anti-pollution and energy efficiency measures.  These measures are likely to have significant impact despite the steady rise in motor vehicles on the roads and the growth in electricity generation.  One vital element has been the switch to natural gas from oil in electricity generation; it is estimated that the conversion of the Senoko power plant, when completed, could cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2.5 million tons per year.


Government development spending on environment and water resources has grown to five times its 1990 level, from US$134 million to over US$641 million today.  Measures that have some impact on greenhouse gas production have included the effort to encourage recycling of waste, targeted to reach 60% by 2012 (compared to 40% in 2000); investment in better insulated and less energy-hungry buildings in public sector; the voluntary labeling scheme indicating the energy consumption levels of air conditioning and refrigerator units to help the public make better-informed decisions; and encouragement of more eco-friendly vehicle use through a “green vehicle rebate.”


At present, Singapore appears to be more interested in solar panel technology as a potential future export-geared business than a supplementary energy provider.  Singapore’s wind and water power potential are negligible.


Singapore is fast becoming a global player in the water industry.  Singapore’s water industry is now the biggest component of Singapore’s environmental services sector, accounting for about 40% of the sector.  The water industry is singled out as a new growth area where Singapore will focus its R&D.


Best Products/Services                          


Upon the completion of the review of the Singapore Green Plan 2012 (SGP 2012), the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources set up action program committees to implement the initiatives of the updated SGP 2012, which includes initiatives for waste management and the improvement of public health.  The measures taken to tighten air emission will give rise to opportunities to supply new air pollution control equipment to Singapore.  American products will have good market prospects, given that imports of environmental products from the U.S. account for about 27% of total environmental imports.  Among the American products imported by Singapore are air filters and water purifiers, gas and smoke analysis apparatus, and ozone oxygen & herosol therapeutic respiration apparatus. Other areas of environmental interest include waste management because of limited land space. Singapore has been tapping into foreign expertise for technologies such as hazardous and solid waste disposal, landfill, and incinerators.




The water industry in Singapore is becoming more liberalized.  The national water agency, the Public Utilities Board (PUB), has opened its doors to private companies that want to test-bed projects using its infrastructure.  PUB also tenders contracts to private companies to build, design and operate water plants.  U.S. companies are encouraged to participate in future contracts offered by the PUB.  American equipment manufacturers could also supply their equipment to the successful prime contractors of PUB projects.  Areas of particular interest include filtering and purifying machinery and apparatus, technologies involving wastewater recycling and treatment, and modular wastewater treatment systems.




Trade Show


Enviro Asia 2007

Nov. 27-30, 2007


Singapore Government Offices


Ministry of The Environment & Water Resources


National Environment Agency


Public Utilities Board


U.S. Commercial Service, Singapore Contact

NG Haw Cheng, Commercial Specialist
