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1245.505 Records and reports of Government property.

1245.505-14 Reports of Government property.

When Government property is furnished to or acquired by the contractor to perform the contract, the contract shall require the contractor to submit annual reports (see (FAR) 48 CFR 45.505-14) to the contracting officer not later than September 15 of each year. The contractor's report shall be submitted on Form DOT F 4220.43, Contractor Report of Government Property.

1245.505-70 Contract clauses.

Contracting officers shall insert the clause at (TAR) 48 CFR 1252.245-70 in solicitations and contracts when the contract will require Government provided or contractor acquired property.

1245.508-2 Reporting results of inventories.

The inventory report shall also include the following:

(a) Name and title of the individual(s) that performed the physical inventory;

(b) An itemized, categorized listing of all property capitalized:

(1) Land and rights therein;

(2) Other real property;

(3) Plant equipment;

(4) Special test equipment; agency peculiar property; and

(5) Special tooling; and

(c) An itemized listing of the property lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen, the circumstances surrounding each incident, and the resolution of the incident.

1245.511 Audit of property control system.

(a) The property administrator (or other Government official authorized by the contracting officer) shall audit the contractor's property control system whenever there are indications that the contractor's property control system may be deficient. Examples of deficiencies are:

(1) Failure of the contractor to acknowledge receipt of Government-furnished property;

(2) Failure of the contractor to submit the annual property reports required by (TAR) 48 CFR 1245.505-14;

(3) Failure of the contractor to reconcile its physical inventory with its property control record; or

(4) Failure of the contractor to submit a Government property listing when requested by the property administrator.

(b) When it is determined that the contractor's property control system is deficient, the property administrator, in coordination with the contracting officer, shall discuss the deficiencies with the contractor. If the contractor does not take action to correct the deficiencies, the contracting officer shall provide the contractor with a written notice of the deficiencies and the date all deficiencies must be corrected.

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