All Toys, Games and Dolls SIC 3942, 3944: Customs Value by Customs Value
For ALL Countries

U.S. Imports For Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Dec


Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
China 2,944,034 3,303,420 3,989,750 4,698,591 5,842,821 7,490,601 8,308,484 8,520,636 9,232,515 8,520,636 9,232,515 8.4%
Japan 1,898,809 2,454,434 1,274,038 1,033,840 1,349,627 2,473,572 2,463,679 2,399,232 2,084,084 2,399,232 2,084,084 -13.1%
Mexico 174,722 232,739 332,463 455,865 466,796 489,209 558,298 502,098 403,974 502,098 403,974 -19.5%
Taiwan 678,474 553,406 386,068 417,335 309,019 248,856 222,560 231,269 278,320 231,269 278,320 20.3%
Hong Kong 233,473 161,457 148,355 149,742 183,021 228,660 246,381 205,930 223,542 205,930 223,542 8.6%
Canada 50,770 66,777 91,392 155,064 166,566 163,729 176,883 192,267 200,574 192,267 200,574 4.3%
Indonesia 64,081 106,077 110,376 124,971 105,619 99,768 102,220 98,971 137,503 98,971 137,503 38.9%
Malaysia 186,345 184,678 240,078 228,969 292,952 185,081 186,761 139,233 124,992 139,233 124,992 -10.2%
Thailand 152,877 183,777 203,840 182,165 158,052 125,308 95,591 100,824 106,989 100,824 106,989 6.1%
Korea 155,315 107,677 64,502 54,050 65,961 50,833 69,268 79,287 84,013 79,287 84,013 6.0%
Germany 72,465 75,237 86,761 105,391 99,280 97,025 100,142 99,594 83,234 99,594 83,234 -16.4%
Denmark 61,269 53,870 48,106 46,660 87,174 77,756 95,472 142,065 77,515 142,065 77,515 -45.4%
United Kingdom 36,737 36,444 45,297 49,748 69,017 56,813 87,224 77,810 69,194 77,810 69,194 -11.1%
Italy 34,114 39,679 50,626 63,972 59,846 56,540 56,735 62,130 58,665 62,130 58,665 -5.6%
Switzerland 16,651 15,238 16,121 20,347 35,689 35,796 38,066 78,569 49,510 78,569 49,510 -37.0%
Spain 9,474 8,676 10,708 11,730 13,408 15,125 16,445 23,381 29,632 23,381 29,632 26.7%
Philippines 42,750 49,960 43,183 40,510 47,546 36,000 27,349 25,036 21,630 25,036 21,630 -13.6%
Singapore 68,801 45,192 50,262 44,064 34,272 26,547 19,181 18,780 20,799 18,780 20,799 10.7%
France 21,168 23,812 36,926 26,198 21,031 17,573 15,488 11,648 16,598 11,648 16,598 42.5%
Sweden 13,272 13,124 16,859 18,293 18,258 14,544 16,273 14,256 11,327 14,256 11,327 -20.5%
Sri Lanka 6,324 13,342 16,280 14,601 17,981 12,976 11,817 10,901 7,881 10,901 7,881 -27.7%
Belgium 5,319 4,268 21,473 9,352 6,219 2,972 2,280 4,988 7,813 4,988 7,813 56.6%
Israel 5,300 5,088 5,157 6,798 7,179 7,264 6,908 6,467 7,804 6,467 7,804 20.7%
Netherlands 6,395 4,330 3,746 4,262 6,174 6,543 7,653 8,309 6,984 8,309 6,984 -15.9%
India 610 1,682 2,969 4,008 4,676 4,406 4,323 3,888 4,628 3,888 4,628 19.0%
Subtotal : 6,939,548 7,744,385 7,295,338 7,966,525 9,468,183 12,023,497 12,935,481 13,057,570 13,349,719 13,057,570 13,349,719 2.2%
All Other: 171,148 152,592 150,085 74,687 55,172 39,157 34,922 37,225 36,045 37,225 36,045 -3.2%
Total 7,110,696 7,896,978 7,445,424 8,041,211 9,523,354 12,062,654 12,970,403 13,094,795 13,385,764 13,094,795 13,385,764 2.2%


Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.