Top 25 US Import Sources for Motorcycles and Parts
SIC 37512    Customs Value

Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Percent Change
1999 - 2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Japan 687,878 741,352 770,530 923,835 919,517 849,109 993,409 1,320,977 1,963,112 48.6%
Italy 23,358 21,009 31,494 35,160 34,431 50,942 69,791 95,053 126,875 33.5%
Germany 29,485 34,751 38,500 59,553 45,955 57,661 64,622 102,945 110,185 7.0%
Taiwan 31,583 36,001 40,007 51,738 44,695 39,743 45,080 67,512 101,124 49.8%
United Kingdom 3,930 5,472 16,038 32,693 25,031 32,940 37,272 42,849 48,951 14.2%
Austria 2,975 6,747 10,043 13,770 12,861 15,625 23,061 25,093 35,218 40.4%
Korea 770 1,114 1,367 2,168 1,847 3,987 4,692 15,326 23,722 54.8%
Australia 3,031 2,983 4,347 7,678 11,843 13,980 15,272 18,400 22,103 20.1%
Canada 2,035 1,979 2,324 4,194 5,607 6,423 7,483 11,641 12,498 7.4%
France 86 195 524 455 685 2,138 1,720 6,451 12,466 93.2%
Mexico 9,307 13,418 6,784 9,386 12,702 10,808 10,270 16,477 12,239 -25.7%
China 176 30 352 2,110 2,903 2,698 3,783 6,450 10,523 63.1%
Brazil 1,200 1,420 1,222 2,647 1,195 2,540 2,500 5,178 6,466 24.9%
Spain 563 589 1,019 808 1,005 1,405 1,997 4,495 5,939 32.1%
Thailand 184 92 47 111 171 412 198 429 4,625 978.1%
Slovenia 695 3,309 5,036 5,158 4,515 3,133 1,458 3,251 3,843 18.2%
Philippines 859 1,199 1,842 1,006 1,510 1,954 1,182 1,122 3,835 241.8%
Sweden 948 1,310 2,272 2,531 2,431 2,104 2,225 1,339 2,800 109.2%
India 7 288 299 1,102 2,161 539 848 1,952 2,508 28.5%
Czech Republic 0 417 278 305 411 565 1,313 1,107 1,685 52.2%
Netherlands 1,473 1,070 1,292 1,967 2,624 2,467 1,786 1,578 1,583 0.4%
Denmark 31 991 637 1,173 1,052 815 1,023 1,283 1,084 -15.5%
Argentina 142 71 0 0 28 229 418 1,243 958 -22.9%
Switzerland 16 8 33 19 52 21 133 151 957 532.0%
Subtotal : 800,732 875,813 936,287 1,159,566 1,135,232 1,102,238 1,291,536 1,752,303 2,515,301 43.5%
All Other: 1,936 802 1,144 1,964 2,194 1,886 1,384 2,473 4,101 65.8%
Total 802,668 876,615 937,432 1,161,530 1,137,427 1,104,124 1,292,919 1,754,776 2,519,402 43.6%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Last updated on 3/13/01 by JV