Top 25 Import Sources for Miscellenous Food Products

                                        SIC 209          Customs Value         U.S. Imports For Consumption

 Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Sept

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 335,978 355,675 385,651 466,234 473,258 524,135 723,234 825,719 608,137 636,611 4.7%
Thailand 345,150 257,852 314,601 232,752 225,980 248,028 296,008 362,921 296,293 233,248 -21.3%
India 59,887 79,452 87,344 75,089 125,880 183,669 229,666 222,978 172,300 135,920 -21.1%
Italy 105,566 112,501 155,225 181,601 192,158 205,133 201,076 200,804 134,835 148,433 10.1%
Mexico 112,914 86,179 80,605 101,170 136,387 161,806 168,820 176,307 129,508 136,532 5.4%
Indonesia 90,032 78,733 104,004 142,229 127,119 134,641 172,921 176,046 131,918 149,826 13.6%
China 51,611 59,205 72,994 88,191 89,367 92,263 103,027 162,843 120,322 104,270 -13.3%
Philippines 45,033 46,368 56,732 74,439 85,767 103,382 120,501 104,535 86,129 67,431 -21.7%
Ecuador 7,671 27,016 33,767 50,946 66,884 59,416 61,632 96,827 77,781 65,313 -16.0%
Brazil 53,725 56,372 82,260 90,110 94,688 70,149 85,304 93,009 48,876 57,496 17.6%
Japan 65,556 69,568 71,507 72,640 70,528 72,132 64,607 76,936 53,515 66,143 23.6%
United Kingdom 22,445 22,267 23,379 27,327 32,031 35,627 37,605 73,522 61,960 29,540 -52.3%
Korea 74,266 70,267 70,068 66,351 67,982 65,969 65,290 71,050 50,285 57,523 14.4%
Germany 56,208 54,469 58,892 65,735 78,087 81,372 87,735 65,539 47,078 56,961 21.0%
France 33,484 32,500 37,232 41,812 45,573 43,573 46,655 52,017 37,336 35,578 -4.7%
Netherlands 26,885 31,201 37,899 45,757 43,447 50,093 50,637 48,947 35,684 39,282 10.1%
Taiwan 48,875 51,040 43,624 34,275 43,449 43,959 35,982 44,420 33,254 33,825 1.7%
Denmark 24,705 27,765 27,974 32,410 35,877 34,208 40,559 42,106 29,944 38,724 29.3%
Spain 36,657 34,693 35,248 57,212 45,497 42,963 46,641 41,135 29,481 33,805 14.7%
Chile 16,147 24,309 28,650 27,444 37,670 38,497 43,365 38,447 30,055 33,355 11.0%
Argentina 33,794 28,776 30,190 25,060 28,829 35,018 43,410 38,005 30,321 29,020 -4.3%
Colombia 7,646 11,326 19,648 30,699 24,340 36,012 36,901 31,713 23,714 18,408 -22.4%
Sweden 18,441 19,331 29,446 41,899 40,045 41,428 36,581 27,765 19,541 20,250 3.6%
Norway 23,990 22,368 21,500 23,440 22,204 23,469 24,606 27,257 19,623 23,756 21.1%
Malaysia 19,425 10,032 14,924 14,037 15,353 24,214 18,565 25,907 21,638 31,028 43.4%
Subtotal : 1,716,093 1,669,264 1,923,365 2,108,859 2,248,401 2,451,156 2,841,329 3,126,756 2,329,528 2,282,280 -2.0%
All Other: 192,619 202,385 207,096 223,332 222,518 235,331 274,246 324,018 245,933 262,704 6.8%
Total 1,908,712 1,871,649 2,130,462 2,332,192 2,470,919 2,686,487 3,115,575 3,450,774 2,575,461 2,544,984 -1.2%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Last Updated by Donald A. Hodgen/U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Cunsumer Goods/12-18-00