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November 05, 2008
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APTA > Strategic Planning Process  

APTA Strategic Plan 2005–2009

(Adopted October 10, 2004, by the APTA Board Of Directors)

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This strategic plan is built upon APTA’s commitment to strengthen and advance public transportation. APTA’s diverse membership is united in support of public transportation. We recognize the essential role that it plays both within and between our communities, for the people who depend on our services, and for those who benefit indirectly.

Public transportation:

  • Offers freedom of mobility, accessibility, opportunity, and choice for people in all walks of life;

  • Benefits communities through increased business revenues, growing property values, and more tax revenues;

  • Creates and sustains jobs -- 47,500 for each billion dollars invested—and yields a six-fold return on public investments;

  • Supports healthy, livable communities with vibrant business and employment centers;

  • Provides environmentally responsible and safe mobility choices that reduce traffic congestion, noise, air pollution, and associated public health risks;

  • Supports mixed land use and sustainable development that combat sprawl;

  • Improves a community’s ability to respond to emergencies and security threats; and

  • Makes the entire transportation system work better for all its users—people and freight.

With these striking benefits, we need to make public transportation more widely available. Nearly half of U.S. households do not have access to satisfactory public transportation services. With the growth and aging of our population, public transportation becomes ever more important to support and maintain the mobility of all our citizens.

We must champion investments that:

  • Maintain and expand existing public transportation services and enhance connections with other transportation modes;

  • Support the people who work and will work in our industry; and

  • Foster use of advanced and emerging technologies to make public transportation more efficient and effective.

APTA must build on its success in partnering with transportation and non-transportation advocacy groups, to the benefit of public transportation. The future of public transportation depends on our collective voice, our commitment to action, and our adaptability to shifts in the environment impacting our industry. APTA’s proactive role with its members and partners positions us to meet these challenges. The vision, mission, and values in APTA’s strategic plan support this commitment; and the goals and strategies APTA will be carrying out translate the Association’s vision and values into action.

Vision Be the leading force in advancing public transportation.
Mission To strengthen and improve public transportation, APTA serves and leads its diverse membership through advocacy, innovation, and information sharing.
Core Values Leadership, Integrity, Excellence, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Fairness and Equity, Teamwork, Professionalism, and Accountability.

APTA’s Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal 1: RIDERSHIP

Improve services that support members’ efforts to increase ridership and transportation choices.


Increase services that support members’ efforts to strengthen the economic vitality of the public transportation industry and the communities they serve.

Strategic Goal 3: ADVOCACY

Support and advance public transportation by influencing and educating decision-makers at the federal level and assisting APTA members in shaping state and local policies favorable to public transportation.

Strategic Goal 4: IMAGE

Improve the image of public transportation.


Promote services to members that enhance the strengths and effectiveness of their organizations.


Provide services, standards, and effective practices that create safe and secure environments for public transportation riders, workers, and communities.


Strengthen APTA to better serve its members.

Strategic Goal 1: RIDERSHIP

Improve services that support members’ efforts to increase ridership and transportation choices.



a. Increased resources to grow ridership and improve the quality of public transportation services.

a-1. Greater number of resources and improved dissemination of information.

a-2. Positive feedback from members on ridership, service quality, transportation choices, and efficiency improvements.

a-3. Positive change in ridership statistics.

b. Increased effectiveness of sessions, workshops, and forums devoted to ridership development and customer service.

b-1. Positive feedback from members on the quality of sessions, workshops, and forums.

c. Tools for members’ use that increase understanding by local officials and businesses of factors that contribute to ridership.

c-1. Increased targeted resources and usage by APTA members.


Ridership Strategies:

  1. Continue ridership and customer service program sessions.

  2. Survey members on their needs regarding ridership growth and retention.

  3. Research and present techniques to increase and retain ridership, both peak and off-peak, and grow market share.

  4. Partner with FTA and others to increase resources available.

  5. Identify and promote best practices and technologies that grow ridership and improve customer service.

  6. Create forums for information exchange.

  7. Partner with transit agencies to promote seamless multimodal trips.

  8. Promote employer pass programs.

  9. Provide tools and technologies that can be used to assist riders in increasing their use of fixed route services rather than special services.

  10. Promote 511 telephone traveler information services and similar national web-based mechanisms.


Increase services that support members’ efforts to strengthen the economic vitality of the public transportation industry and the communities they serve.



a. Facilitated industry dialogues that lead to improved business relationships between the public and private sectors that strengthen the economic health of the industry.

a-1. Improved mutual understanding of the business needs, challenges, and potential of the public and private sectors.

a-2. Increased member success in gaining and doing business in the industry.

b. Services that improve the capabilities of private sector members to do business in the industry.

b-1. Increased business member participation in APTA meetings, committees, and activities.

c. Exploration of innovative approaches to diversify members’ revenue base.

c-1. New/refined tools and processes to generate revenue.

d. Services that enhance community understanding of public transportation and promote its role in building vibrant communities.

d-1. Increased ridership from transit-oriented development.

d-2. More successful ballot initiatives.

d-3. Growth in transit-oriented development zoning.

d-4. Increased multimodal participation in corridor studies.

d-5. Increased support for public transportation from non-riders.


Economic Vitality Strategies:

  1. Increase number and use of forums on best practices.

  2. Provide additional networking opportunities among APTA members.

  3. Develop mechanisms for disseminating market information and intelligence.

  4. Increase information exchanges, tools, and innovative processes for members to enhance revenues.

  5. Continue development and use of forums to discuss industry business issues.

  6. Continue education efforts, activities, and conferences in local venues and forums.

  7. Encourage partnerships with local development communities.

  8. Expand the development of tools and resources for use at the local level.

  9. Identify of best practices, research tools, and technologies to increase community awareness and support.

Strategic Goal 3: ADVOCACY

Support and advance public transportation by influencing and educating decision-makers at the federal level and assisting APTA members in shaping state and local policies favorable to public transportation.



a. Increased public and private investment in public transportation.

a-1. Increased private investment in public transportation.

a-2. Increased funding from all levels of government.

a-3. Guaranteed, needs-based federal funding

a-4. The business case for public transportation is made.

b. Public transportation policies advanced in legislative, regulatory, and administrative agendas.

b-1. Decisions favorable to public transportation.

c. Long-term education, research, and outreach program to support public transportation.

c-1. Decision on a long-term follow-on program to (PT)2.

d. Partnerships with other interest groups to advance common goals that benefit public transportation.

d-1. Increased funding and support for public transportation.

e. Expanded links with state public transportation associations to advocacy.

e-1. Increased use of APTA information and products by state transportation associations to support their programs, members, and advocacy initiatives.

f. Increased support for transit-friendly land use policies that support the integration of transit, land use, and economic development.

f-1. Increased information and programs on land use and developmental benefits of public transportation.

f-2. Increased state and local transit-oriented development policies.

g. Increased federal support for public transportation security that is separate from, but in addition to federal transit funding.

g-1. Increased understanding of public transportation security needs and operations.

g-2. Increased funding for security.

h. APTA’s advocacy program includes inter-city rail.

h-1. Increased support for intercity rail.

h-2. Intercity rail funding strategy separate and distinct from, but complementary to the traditional federal transit program.


Advocacy Strategies:

  1. Influence federal legislation to benefit and fund public transportation and its infrastructure.

  2. Create and communicate the business case for public transportation.

  3. Provide services and funding to assist members with local advocacy needs.

  4. Partner with state public transportation associations.

  5. Continue to fund local coalitions that support public transportation.

  6. Provide information on best practices on land use/transit integration.

  7. Promote educational opportunities that foster public transportation agencies’ participation in transportation system planning, multimodal corridor studies, and Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

  8. Create an awareness program on sustainable development and mobility.

  9. Educate new federal executive and legislative staff on the benefits of public transportation.

  10. Promote and emphasize the economic and community benefits of public transportation through development of a new (PT)2 program.

  11. Coalitions and partnerships with transportation-related groups, as well as non-traditional allies.

  12. Maintain ongoing mobilization efforts with members on significant public transportation policy issues.

  13. Expand partnerships with organizations that address development, sustainability, the environment, user groups, and other topics related to public transportation.

  14. Build a strategy to advocate for intercity rail.


Strategic Goal 4: IMAGE

Improve the image of public transportation.



a. Positive media environment for public transportation.

a-1. Positive, pro-transit national, regional, and local stories.

a-2. Increased communication and cooperation between APTA and member organizations’ public information officers.

b. Public and community support for increased investment in public transportation.

b-1. More local, state, federal, and private money invested in public transportation.

b-2. Increased recognition by communities of the benefits of public transportation investment and its link with economic vitality and congestion relief.

b-3. Increased number of successful local referenda and initiatives.

b-4. Increased number of new partnerships and coalitions in support of public transportation.

c. Public transportation is seen as a desirable and necessary mobility choice.

c-1. Public agreement that a good transportation system must include transit.

d. APTA is seen as the leading association for public transportation and a source of information, innovation, and partnerships.

d-1. Media, public interest groups and state, local, and federal representatives consistently turn to APTA for latest industry information.


Image Strategies:

  1. Develop a long-term image program (including a funding strategy) to build on the successes of (PT)2.

  2. Continue research on public perceptions of public transportation.

  3. Conduct research on demographic profiles of transit riders and develop communication strategy.

  4. Continue proactive media outreach programs.

  5. Generate positive information about public transportation and continue efforts to respond to negative publicity about public transportation.

  6. Provide information resources to promote public transportation at state and local levels.

  7. Develop programs to expand private sector support for public transportation.

  8. Develop a strategy and outreach program to highlight the importance of public transportation for the growing aging population.

  9. Enhance the image of public transportation through promoting new technologies.



Promote services to members that enhance the strengths and effectiveness of their organizations.



a. Services that improve member organizations' business management skills and practices.

a-1. Increased opportunities for transit industry employees at all levels to improve their operating and management skills.

b. Improved knowledge and skills of employees and transit board members in the public transportation industry.

b-1. Increased opportunities for information sharing on industry changes and innovations in response to new technology, increased communication, workforce development, and economic issues.

b-2. Increased opportunities for transit board members to improve their oversight skills and knowledge.

c. Programs that enable members to improve the productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency of operations and public transportation investments.

c-1. Increased use of standards.

c-2. Streamlined procurement practices.

c-3. Improved operational performance.

c-4. Improved capital project management and program implementation performance.

c-5. Enhanced employee knowledge and skills.

d. Services that help members compete successfully in the global economy.

d-1. Increased and enhanced partnerships with organizations outside of the public transportation industry on issues of mutual interest.

d-2. International trade shows, missions, and increased information sharing programs, technology, and management systems exchange.

e. Programs and activities that promote public transportation as a career.

e-1. Increased pool of people skilled and trained for public transportation careers.

f. Improved members' knowledge, skills, and use of basic and advanced technologies to plan, operate, and improve public transportation.

f-1. Greater use of basic and advanced technology in public transportation.


People and Organizations Strategies:

  1. Increase number and use of materials and sessions on advanced technologies and industry innovations.

  2. Continue and expand APTA’s standards development program and encourage adoption of APTA standards by all service providers.

  3. Identify and provide resources and forums on improved business practices.

  4. Foster appropriate partnerships that will enhance awareness of public transportation careers.

  5. Use web-based technologies to link members with outside resources.

  6. Create an awareness program to foster sustainable practices in the public transportation industry.

  7. Promote the use of findings from TCRP projects and other research and development activities.

  8. Increase involvement with international transit organizations.

  9. Maximize the benefits of cooperative agreements with APTA's partners.

  10. Explore opportunities to provide certification and/or continuing education credits for APTA's training sessions.

  11. Encourage local education and internship programs.

  12. Create a program of committee activities, conferences, and workshops to identify best practices for capital program development and implementation.



Provide services, standards, and effective practices that create safe and secure environments for public transportation riders, workers, and communities.



a. Enhanced public confidence in the safety and security of public transportation.

a-1. Increased positive media coverage, member feedback, and public recognition.

b. Programs to encourage safer and more secure public transportation systems.

b-1. Positive change in the number of incidents and response processes.

c. Sustained development and implementation of industry standards.

c-1. Adoption and use of industry standards.

d. Programs and services on standards and effective safety practices for public transportation systems.

d-1. Increased participation in APTA’s Safety Audit Program and other industry safety initiatives.

e. Full engagement of the public transportation industry in shaping government safety and security polices and programs.

e-1. Safety and security policies and programs adopted with industry concurrence.


Safety and Security Strategies:

  1. Maintain regular communication with members regarding APTA and industry safety and security resources and initiatives.

  2. Continue the exchange on effective safety and security practices through committees, conferences, and workshops.

  3. Educate governmental security agencies and facilitate partnerships with them to foster responsiveness to industry and user needs.

  4. Continue to develop operational and cost-effective industry standards that promote safety and security.

  5. Assess APTA’s safety audit program and identify opportunities for improvement.

  6. Continue to promote the vital role of public transportation in local and regional emergency preparedness.

  7. Identify, promote, and encourage the use of industry best practices for safety and security initiatives developed in partnership with governmental organizations.

  8. Facilitate partnerships to develop and implement innovative responses to transit security threats.



Strengthen APTA to better serve its members.  



a. Increased overall membership.

a-1. Annually achieve a net increase in new members over the previous year.

a-2. Attract members from all segments of the industry.

b. Attract APTA members in every congressional district and state.

b-1. APTA members in every congressional district and state.

c. Increased member satisfaction.

c-1. Increased inclusiveness and participation of APTA’s diverse membershipin conferences, committees, and organizational leadership. 

c-2. Increased utilization of APTA products and services.d services.  

c-3. Annual survey results showing positive improvements in all member service areas.

d. APTA staff skilled and experienced to meet the organization’s needs.

d-1. APTA staff succession planning process is in place. d-2. Strengthened leadership and skills in information technology.

e. Increased use of new and innovative technology by APTA to enhance communication and improve analysis capabilities.

e-1. Improved information sharing and analysis capabilities.

f. Improved knowledge and skills of APTA staff to support APTA’s goals and objectives.

f-1. Increased professional development, training resources, and new methods to improve member services.

g. Improved financial stability.

g-1. Balanced annual operating budget and yearend reconciliation.

  g-2. Adherence to financial policies.

g-3. Unqualified annual audit opinion. g-4k. Increased revenues from new sources, consistent with APTA policies.

Association Development Strategies:

  1. Increase number of new members through the development of targeted campaigns to identify and recruit viable prospect candidates.

  2. Reduce the number of resignations by continuing programs that support and maintain the membership base.

  3. Recruit members in every congressional district and state.

  4. Provide affordable and relevant conferences.

  5. Target promotion of conferences, committee activities, products, services, and leadership opportunities, to increase participation of APTA’s diverse membership (such as intercity rail and international members).

  6. Offer new products and services to better serve our members.

  7. Strengthen leadership in information technology functions.

  8. Look for opportunities to generate additional revenue consistent with adopted policy.

  9. Use Web-based technologies for webinars, e-learning, and other member support services.

  10. Provide specialized training opportunities for staff development.

  11. Develop an APTA staff succession planning process.


Implementing the Plan

APTA actively uses the strategic plan to guide its activities and assess its performance. This includes the efforts of APTA’s leadership, staff, and committees; the ways time, money and other resources are programmed; the considerations that go into decision making; and how progress and results are tracked and reported to APTA’s leaders and the membership at large.

Staff prepares an annual Business Plan, which contains specific activities by which each of the strategic goals will be implemented in a given year, including performance measures. Progress reports are made regularly at meetings of APTA’s Executive Committee and to the full membership via publications and the website.

The strategic plan is occasionally revised and fine-tuned during its five year life to respond to changing conditions that impact the organization and to keep the plan relevant in guiding APTA to fulfill its mission and best serve its members.

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