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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Next set of MEPS workshops scheduled for spring 2002

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality will offer two Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data users' workshops this spring in San Francisco. The first workshop is scheduled for March 4, 2002. This 1-day lecture will offer practical information about the MEPS Household Component survey design, file content, and the construction of analytic files. The cost to attend this workshop is $50, and attendance is limited to 50 participants.

The second workshop, also in San Francisco, will be held March 6-7. This is a 2-day, hands-on workshop. Participants will be provided with an opportunity to construct analytic files with the assistance of AHRQ staff. A PC will be available for each participant. The cost is $100, and a maximum of 40 participants can be accommodated.

For detailed workshop descriptions, registration forms, and logistics sheets, visit the MEPS Web site.

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