[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR1320.11]

[Page 157-159]
Sec. 1320.11  Clearance of collections of information in proposed rules.

    Agencies shall submit collections of information contained in 
proposed rules published for public comment in the Federal Register in 
accordance with the following requirements:
    (a) The agency shall include, in accordance with the requirements in 
Sec. 1320.5(a)(1)(iv) and Sec. 1320.8(d)(1) and (3), in the preamble to 
the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking a statement that the collections of 
information contained in the proposed rule, and identified as such, have 
been submitted to OMB for review under section 3507(d) of the Act. The 
notice shall direct comments to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs of OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for [name of agency].
    (b) All such submissions shall be made to OMB not later than the day 
on which the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is published in the Federal

[[Page 158]]

Register, in such form and in accordance with such procedures as OMB may 
direct. Such submissions shall include a copy of the proposed regulation 
and preamble.
    (c) Within 60 days of publication of the proposed rule, but subject 
to paragraph (e) of this section, OMB may file public comments on 
collection of information provisions. The OMB comments shall be in the 
form of an OMB Notice of Action, which shall be sent to the Senior 
Official or agency head, or their designee, and which shall be made a 
part of the agency's rulemaking record.
    (d) If an agency submission is not in compliance with paragraph (b) 
of this section, OMB may, subject to paragraph (e) of this section, 
disapprove the collection of information in the proposed rule within 60 
days of receipt of the submission. If an agency fails to submit a 
collection of information subject to this section, OMB may, subject to 
paragraph (e) of this section, disapprove it at any time.
    (e) OMB shall provide at least 30 days after receipt of the proposed 
collection of information before submitting its comments or making its 
decision, except as provided under Sec. 1320.13.
    (f) When the final rule is published in the Federal Register, the 
agency shall explain how any collection of information contained in the 
final rule responds to any comments received from OMB or the public. The 
agency shall include an identification and explanation of any 
modifications made in the rule, or explain why it rejected the comments. 
If requested by OMB, the agency shall include OMB's comments in the 
preamble to the final rule.
    (g) If OMB has not filed public comments under paragraph (c) of this 
section, or has approved without conditions the collection of 
information contained in a rule before the final rule is published in 
the Federal Register, OMB may assign an OMB control number prior to 
publication of the final rule.
    (h) On or before the date of publication of the final rule, the 
agency shall submit the final rule to OMB, unless it has been approved 
under paragraph (g) of this section (and not substantively or materially 
modified by the agency after approval). Not later than 60 days after 
publication, but subject to paragraph (e) of this section, OMB shall 
approve, instruct the agency to make a substantive or material change 
to, or disapprove, the collection of information contained in the final 
rule. Any such instruction to change or disapprove may be based on one 
or more of the following reasons, as determined by OMB:
    (1) The agency has failed to comply with paragraph (b) of this 
    (2) The agency had substantially modified the collection of 
information contained in the final rule from that contained in the 
proposed rule without providing OMB with notice of the change and 
sufficient information to make a determination concerning the modified 
collection of information at least 60 days before publication of the 
final rule; or
    (3) In cases in which OMB had filed public comments under paragraph 
(c) of this section, the agency's response to such comments was 
unreasonable, and the collection of information is unnecessary for the 
proper performance of the agency's functions.
    (i) After making such decision to approve, to instruct the agency to 
make a substantive or material change to, or disapprove, the collection 
of information, OMB shall so notify the agency. If OMB approves the 
collection of information or if it has not acted upon the submission 
within the time limits of this section, the agency may request, and OMB 
shall assign an OMB control number. If OMB disapproves or instructs the 
agency to make substantive or material change to the collection of 
information, it shall make the reasons for its decision publicly 
    (j) OMB shall not approve any collection of information under this 
section for a period longer than three years. Approval of such 
collection of information will be for the full three-year period, unless 
OMB determines that there are special circumstances requiring approval 
for a shorter period.
    (k) After receipt of notification of OMB's approval, instruction to 
make a substantive or material change to, disapproval of a collection of 
information, or failure to act, the agency shall publish a notice in the 
Federal Register to inform the public of OMB's decision.

[[Page 159]]

    (l) As provided in Sec. 1320.5(b) and Sec. 1320.6(a), an agency may 
not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless the collection 
of information displays a currently valid OMB control number and the 
agency informs potential persons who are to respond to the collection of 
information that such persons are not required to respond to the 
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB 
control number.