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Constitution Crossword Answers

Constitutional Crossword Puzzle (Answers)


1. Place where the original Constitution can be viewed. National Archives
5. First state to ratify the Constitution. Delaware
9. Fearing tyranny from a strong central government, some states demanded this be
added to the Constitution. Bill of Rights
11. He is known as the "Sage of the Constitutional Convention." Franklin
13. These essays were written to defend and promote the ratification of the new
Constitution. Federalist Papers
14. Name given to the group who did not favor ratification of the Constitution.
15. This amendment was repealed. Eighteenth


1. This state's signing ratified the Constitution. New Hampshire
2. State that did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Rhode Island
3. The 13th Amendment abolished . Slavery
4. He introduced the Bill of Rights in the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789.
6. The Constitutional Convention met in this city. Philadelphia
7. The part of the Constitution where you find the phrase "in order to form a more
perfect union." Preamble
8. Number of amendments to the Constitution. Twenty-Seven
10. Article that establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the country. VI
12. The Nineteenth Amendment protects the voting rights of . Women