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Galileo Galilei is perhaps one of the most well known scientists and astronomers in history

A sketch of the Moon by Galileo Galilei

A portrait of Galileo Galilei

One of Galileo Galilei's telescopes

Launch of the Galileo spacecraft onboard the space shuttle Atlantis, October 1989

The Astrogeology Research Program conducts and participates in a wide range of scientific research. The primary areas of focus are the geological and geophysical processes on the rocky planets and satellites, including not only our neighbors in the solar system, but also the Earth itself. Areas of study include geology, remote sensing, monitoring, astrobiology, and ices and other materials. Such research leads to an understanding of the character of our neighboring planets, the origins of the solar system, and a better comprehension of our own planet, Earth.

Research Topics

Geology Mapping and gaining a scientific understanding of the geologic materials and processes operating on a planetary body
Monitoring Tracking planetary processes to help us comprehend not only the history but the future of a planetary body's evolution
Remote Sensing The development and use of remote sensing technology and procedures, such as satellite imagery, to collect, map, monitor, and analyze information about a planetary body
Ice & Polar The study of ices, polar regions, and glaciers to understand the composition, effects, and interactions of ices in a geologic system
In the Lab Research conducted in a laboratory environment to assist in understanding the effects of geophysical processes
Other Research Various research in other fields of study
Publications Recent publications in journals, magazines, and other print media
Organizations Society and organization web pages hosted on this site