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November 05, 2008
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APTA Online Publications and Surveys

10 Ways to Enhance Your Community: Unleash the Power of Public Transportation (pdf file)
Aging Americans: Stranded Without Options
America Rides the Bus, Part 1 (pdf file)
America Rides the Bus, Part 2 (pdf file)
America under Threat: Transit Responds to Terrorism (pdf file)
The Benefits Of Public Transportation Series:

Public Transportation: Benefits for the 21st Century

Building Investment Value in Our Economy and Marketplace

Critical Relief for Traffic Congestion

Essential Support for a Strong Economy

Expanding the Transportation Options in an Aging Society

Mobility for America’s Small Urban and Rural Communities

Providing Safe & Secure Transportation: Ensuring America's Emergency Response

Public Transportation Reduces Greenhouse Gases and Conserves Energy

The Route to Better Personal Health

APTA Recommendations on Federal Public Transportation Authorizing Law -- Post SAFETEA-LU – Transportation for the Future

The Benefits of TEA 21 Funding Guarantees (pdf file)
Bring Back the Streetcars!: A Conservative Vision of Tomorrow's Urban Transportation (by Weyrich & Lind)
The Broader Connection between Public Transportation, Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Conservatives and Mass Transit: Is it Time for a New Look? (by Weyrich & Lind) (pdf file)
Counting Transit So That Transit Counts
Does Transit Work?  A Conservative Reappraisal (by Weyrich & Lind)
The Economic Importance of Public Transit
Effects of Fare Changes on Bus Ridership (Bus Fare Elasticity)

Energy Price Increases and Public Transportation: Summary of an APTA Survey (2001) (pdf file)

Enhancing Mobility Options for Older Americans -- A Five Year National Action Agenda

Expanded State and National Transit Investment Analysis (March 2007) (pdf file)

Fatigue: Analysis of the Survey to Determine Status of the Transit Industry with Regard to Fatigue
Financing High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail With Tax Credit Bonds: Policy Issues And Fiscal Impacts
Glossary of Transit Terminology (1994)
Handbook for Transit Board Assistants (pdf file)
Healthy Returns: The Economic Impact of Public Investment in Surface Transportation
How Transit Agencies are Addressing the Impact of Fuel Price and Ridership Increases -- September 22, 2008
How Transit Benefits People Who Do Not Ride It: A Conservative Inquiry (by Weyrich & Lind)
Impact of the National Economic Slowdown on Public Transportation (2003)
Impact of Economic Conditions on Public Transportation Performance (July 2005) (PDF FILE)

Impact of Rising Fuel Costs on Transit Services -- Survey Results -- May 2008

An Investment in America: TEA 21 Reauthorization Proposal
It Pays to Ride Public Transportation: Transit Commuter Benefits
It Pays to Ride Public Transportation: Transit Commuter Benefits -- Frequently Asked Questions
Local Coalition Workbook (pdf file)
Making Our Communities Go -- The Business Case for Public Transportation Investment
Manual for the Development of System Safety Program Plans for Commuter Railroads
Mobility Management -- A New Role for Public Transportation
Mobility Options that Will Enable Freedom, Opportunity and Independence for Older Adults: A Vision of our Transportation Future  By William Millar
Mobility Services for All Americans -- (MSAA) Initiative Stakeholder Outreach Plan -- Version 1.0 -- September 2008 (PDF file)
Money at Work   (The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century in Action) (pdf file)
Money at Work   (The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century in Action) (pdf file)
A Profile of Public Transportation Passenger Demographics and Travel Characteristics Reported in On-Board Surveys
Public Transportation's Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Public Transportation and Petroleum Savings in the U.S.: Reducing Dependence on Oil
Public Transportation and the Nation's Economy (A Quantitative Analysis of Public Transportation's Economic Impact) (pdf file)
Public Transportation: Benefits for the 21st Century
Public Transportation Means Business (pdf file)
Public Transportation Programs for Seniors (pdf file)
Rail Transit In America: A Comprehensive Evaluation Of Benefits -- Executive Summary (pdf file)
Rail Transit In America: A Comprehensive Evaluation Of Benefits
Reauthorize TEA 21 -- Don't Slow American Down
Rising Fuel Costs: Impacts on Transit Ridership and Agency Operations -- Survey Results -- September 2008
System Safety Glossary, November 1998
Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines (These downloadable files are in Microsoft Word format. To download, RIGHT-click on the link, then "save as" into a directory in your computer.)

Commercial Terms and Conditions (October 10, 1997)
High-floor Diesel Buses--Introduction (March 25, 1999)
High-floor Diesel Buses--Text (March 25, 1999)
Low-floor Compressed Natural Gas Buses--Introduction (May 8, 2000)
Low-floor Compressed Natural Gas Buses--Text (May 8, 2000)
30-foot Low-floor Diesel Buses--Introduction (June 28, 2002)
30-foot Low-floor Diesel Buses--Text (June 28, 2002)
40-foot Low-floor Diesel Buses--Introduction (July 3, 2001)
40-foot Low-floor Diesel Buses--Text (July 3, 2001)

Survey of Motor Fuel Price Increases and Impact on Transit Service, Summary of Findings (2004) (pdf file)
Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation (2005) (pdf file)
Survey of United States Transit System Security Needs and Funding Priorities (2004) (pdf file)
System Safety Glossary
TEA 21 Reauthorization Recommendations (pdf file)
TEA 21 Transit Funding Provisions (updated August 2004) (pdf file)
This is Light Rail Transit (pdf file)

TransITech Conference Presentations: 2002

TransITech Conference Presentations: 2001

A Vision for 2050 -- Final Report of APTA’s TransitVision 2050 Task Force

Trends Affecting Public Transit's Effectiveness -- A Review and Proposed Actions (pdf file)
Twelve Anti-Transit Myths: A Conservative Critique (by Weyrich & Lind)(pdf file)
The 2005 Urban Mobility Report Of Texas Transportation Institute
Winning Transit Referenda: Some Conservative Advice
The World Economy Is Moving -- Can America Keep Up? Efficient Transportation Creates The Competitive Edge

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