Census or Governments, Volume 3, No. 2: Compendium of Public Employment
Availability: Printed report with statistics based on the Census of Governments conducted every five years, available for purchase from the Customer Services Center at (301) 763-INFO (4636). Also available online in PDF. Downloadable files also online.
Subject content: Summarizes public employment, payrolls, and average earnings as of March 2002. Federal, State, and local (by type) government data are provided for such functions as national defense and international relations, postal service, education, streets and highways, health, hospitals, public welfare, fire and police protection, corrections, natural resources, utilities, financial administration, judicial and legal functions, and other governmental administration.
Data are shown by state and type of government; by population-size groups for counties, municipalities, and townships; by enrollment-size groups for school districts; and by employment-size groups for special district governments. Also included are county area distributions of local government employment and payrolls.
Geography: United States, states, counties, municipalities, townships, school districts, and special districts
Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), (301) 763-INFO (4636); Governments Division, 1-800-642-4901 or email: govs.employ@census.gov (content)
2002: Series GC02-(3)-2 | Product ID: P1-G02-CG32-00-US1 | $20 | 311 pages | Released September 2004
1997: Series GC97-(3)-2 | Product ID: P1-G97-CG32-00-US1 | $20 | 175 pages | Released March 2000
1992: Series GC92-(3)-2 | Product ID: D1-G92-CG32-00-US1 | $50 | 292 pages | Released February 1997