Census of Governments, Volume 1, No. 1: Government Organization
Availability: Printed report with statistics based on the Census of Governments conducted every five years, available for purchase from the Customer Services Center at (301) 763-INFO (4636). First of two volumes. Also available online in PDF. Downloadable files also online.
Subject content: Provides information on the number and selected characteristics of governmental units and public school systems as of the beginning of the census year. Data are shown on number of county, municipal, and township governments, by selected type of service, and their estimated populations, by population-size classes; school districts and other public school systems by selected characteristics such as type of system, enrollment, number of schools operated, area served; amount of debt; numbers of local governments, by type, population, and with or without property-taxing power; and intercounty and local governments, by type.
Geography: United States, regions, states, counties, municipalities, townships, school districts, and special districts
Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), (301) 763-INFO (4636); Governments Division, 1-800-242-2184 or email: govs.cms.inquiry@census.gov (content)
2002: Series GC02-(1)-1 | Product ID: D1-G02-CG11-00-US1 | $30 | 105 pages | Released December 2002
1997: Series GC97-(1)-1 | Product ID: P1-G97-CG11-00-US1 | $20 | 355 pages | Released August 1999
1992: Series GC92-(1)-1 | Product ID: D1-G92-CG11-00-US1 | $70 | 377 pages | Released April 1994
1992: Series GC92-(1)-2 | Product ID: D1-G92-CG12-00-US1 | $60 | 273 pages | Released June 1995