Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR) CD-ROMs
Latest data on federal spending in states, counties, and cities.
Availability: Available on CD-ROM (see listing below). Contact the Customer Services Center at (301) 763-INFO (4636).
Format: dBase III+; disc has "GO" display-retrieval and EXTRACT software.
Subject content: Data obtained from federal government agencies on federal expenditures and obligations for the following categories: grants, salaries and wages, procurement contracts, direct payments for individuals, other direct payments, direct loans, guaranteed or insured loans, and insurance. Dollar amounts reported represent either actual expenditures or obligations.
CFFR data file gives the government identification code, program identification code, object/assistance type code, amount in whole dollars, and FIPS geographic code. For each unique government unit code, all programs are listed and for each program, all records with different object categories are listed.
CFFR geographic reference file contains the name and governmental unit code for all state, county and subcounty areas in the nation. In addition, the file contains associated geographic codes (FIPS, GSA, MSA, and Census Bureau place codes), census population figures, and the codes for Congressional districts for each governmental unit. Also includes limited aggregate information from the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS).
Geography: States, the District of Columbia, counties, and subcounty areas: U.S. territories.
Census contact: Customer Services (orders), 301-763-INFO (4636); Governments Division (content) 301-763-1522.
Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Years-1987-1996 | C1-G96-CFFR-09-US1 | Released July 17, 1997
Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Years-1986-1995 | C1-G95-CFFR-09-US1 | Released September 23, 1996
Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Years-1985-1994 | C1-G94-CFFR-09-US1 | Released October 3, 1995
Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Years-1984-1993 | C1-G93-CFFR-09-US1 | Released January 9, 1995
Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Years-1983-1992 | C1-G92-CFFR-09-US1 | Released March 18, 1994