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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > CIO > Capital Planning > IT Governance   

IT Governance Structure

At the top of the structure are four senior management entities including the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Deputy CIO, Management Review Board (MRB), and Technical Review Board (TRB). Four subcommittees including the Enterprise Architecture, Capital Planning, IT Architecture, and IT Security Sub-Committees report directly to the TRB. The TRB in turn reports to the Deputy CIO and the MRB. The MRB and CIO provide the highest level of governance leadership for IT investments. A fifth sub-committee called the Configuration Control Sub-Committee reports to the IT Architecture Sub-Committee. All of the sub-committees are supported, advised, and counseled by the OCIO EA Program Office, Capital Planning Office, and Security, which are managed by and report to the Deputy CIO. The colored boxes in the figure illustrate the high-level responsibilities each sub-committee is tasked with in relation to this governance structure.

MRB and CIO provide the highest level of governance leadership for IT investments. A fifth sub-committee called the Configuration Control Sub-Committee reports to the IT Architecture Sub-Committee. All of the sub-committees are supported, advised, and counseled by the OCIO EA Program Office, Capital Planning Office, and Security, which are managed by and report to the Deputy CIO. The colored boxes in the figure illustrate the high-level responsibilities each sub-committee is tasked with in relation to this governance structure.

IT Governance within DOL / Management Structures and Linkages

The following is a summary of each of the entities that comprise the DOL IT Governance Structure.

Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO): In part, the OCIO is responsible for establishing and managing the Departmental IT SDLCM, CPIC, Security, EA processes and has established program offices to manage and oversee these processes. With respect to the CPIC process, the OCIO reviews and approves all Threshold 2, 3, and 3i IT investments. The CIO provides recommendations on major investments to the MRB and the Deputy CIO provides recommendations to the TRB. Agencies are required to self-certify and govern threshold 1 investments and the OCIO has an oversight role.

Management Review Board (MRB): The MRB provides strategic direction for the Department, conducts eGov reviews, approves IT strategic guidance; approves, controls, and evaluates Departmental IT portfolios; and ensures alignment between IT investments and the mission, goals, and objectives of the Department.

Technical Review Board (TRB): The TRB serves as the Department’s forum to identify and resolve Department-wide IT-related issues. The TRB makes recommendations on the appropriate disposition of major IT investments to the MRB.

Enterprise Architecture Sub-Committee (EASC): The EASC serves as a forum to identify, manage, and resolve Department-wide EA issues. The EASC makes EA recommendations to the TRB.

IT Capital Planning Sub-Committee (ITCPSC): The CPSC serves as a forum to identify, manage, and resolve Department-wide CPIC issues. The CPSC makes CPIC recommendations to the TRB.

IT Architecture Sub-Committee (ITASC): The ITASC serves as a forum to identify, manage, and resolve Department-wide IT architecture issues. The ITASC makes IT architecture recommendations to the TRB.

IT Security Sub-Committee (ITSSC): The ITSSC serves as a forum to identify, manage, and resolve Department-wide IT security issues. The ITSSC makes IT security recommendations to the TRB.

Configuration Control Sub-Committee (CCSC): The CCSC serves as a forum to identify, manage, and resolve Department-wide IT Architecture configuration control issues. The CCSC makes IT Architecture configuration recommendations to the ITASC.

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