Business Consulting (MOBIS) Library

MOBIS Library includes FAQs geared toward vendors; existing schedule contractors; and Schedule Input Program (SIP)Instructions.

Acquisition Management Support Instructions
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  MOBIS Sample Nondisclosure Statement Word 26k 3/27/2008
  SIN 6 Ordering Guide Powerpoint Presentation PowerPoint 96k 1/25/2008
  Special Ordering Instructions for MOBIS Acquisition Management Support Word 46k 1/25/2008
MOBIS References
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  FAQs on MOBIS Proposal Submissions Word 98k 6/10/2008
  Frequently Asked Questions for Marketing the Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Contract Word 46k 10/22/2007
MOBIS Schedule 874
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  GSA MOBIS Schedule PDF 9333k 2/16/2006
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Instructions For Adding Labor Categories or Items Word 126k 10/13/2005
  Instructions For Adding SINs Word 65k 7/10/2008
  Instructions For Economic Price Adjustment Word 119k 2/15/2007
  Instructions For Novations or Change of Name Agreements Word 81k 7/19/2005
  Instructions for Administrative Changes (MOBIS) Word 37k 1/8/2008
  Modification Submission Checklist for Adding SINs Word 20k 7/10/2008
  Sample Pricing Proposal Template Word 83k 7/10/2008