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ESA News Release: [01/11/2005]
Contact Name: Yvonne Ralsky or Dolline Hatchett
Phone Number: 202-693-4650 or x4651
Release Number: 05-0077-NAT

Statement of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao On Energy Employees Occupational Injury Compensation Program Act

WASHINGTON—“The Department of Labor is committed to helping the energy workers and families who have sacrificed for America 's freedom.

Four years ago, Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Injury Compensation Program Act. This program– called EEOICPA– compensates workers for the illnesses many suffered from working in Federal nuclear facilities. The Department of Labor took the lead in helping these workers and their families quickly.

Recently, Congress gave the Department of Labor added responsibility for getting benefits to workers and their families. Part E has replaced the old Part D, which was previously administered by the Department of Energy.

The Department of Labor is committed to getting benefits to eligible workers and their families as quickly as possible.

The Department expects to publish Interim Final Regulations for Part E at the end of May. The regulations will be open for public comment. The Department also plans to have staff and procedures in place to help claimants by the end of May.

The 25,000 claimants who have already filed under Part D should experience a seamless transition. The Department is processing their claims and will be in touch with them.

New claims may also be filed. Claimants may use the old forms until new Part E ones are available.

Fortunately, some claims can be paid before we issue final regulations. The Department is processing these now. The Department has already approved approximately 100 claims. Three of these have been paid. The rest should be paid out within the next month. The Department expects to approve hundreds of additional cases before issuing regulations.

America 's energy workers helped build the technology that won the Cold War. Because of their exposure to certain materials, many of them took ill. And many gave their lives.

Their sacrifice helped keep America free. And they, or their surviving loved ones, deserve quick and compassionate compensation.

This Administration and all Americans are grateful for the sacrifice of these workers and families. The Department of Labor is committed to ensuring that they are compensated as quickly as possible.”

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