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A team of scientists and engineers, led by the High Energy Space Environment Branch at the Naval Research Laboratory developed CREME96. This work has been supported by NASA's Space Environments and Effects (SEE) Program and the Office of Naval Research.

All of the models and capabilities of CREME96 are superior to the corresponding elements of the old CREME code (reference 1). Comparisons to on-orbit data (reference 2,3) have demonstrated the accuracy of the model improvements in CREME96. CREME96 was extensively beta-tested by volunteers over the Internet for a period of approximately 18 months prior to final release on 30 June 1998. CREME96 should therefore be used instead of previous versions of CREME. However, since use of the old CREME code is often a contractual requirement, it is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission from his/her sponsor(s) before using CREME96 for space-system design.

Since completion of the CREME96 development, only very limited funds are available to maintain the CREME96 website and to provide user support. Users with questions about the applicability and limitations of CREME96 are therefore urged to first of all consult the website's on-line documentation. Further information about the CREME96 model improvements can be found in peer-reviewed publications. Questions which are not adequately addressed in these sources may be directed to the NRL Principal Investigator at allan.tylka@nrl.navy.mil

The Historic Solar Event of January 20, 2005

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Disclaimer: The Government of the United States (including the Naval Research Laboratory, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, their officers, employees, and agents) make no representation, warranty, or any other type of undertaking with respect to use of the CREME96 software suite by any user. The Government expressly disclaims all liabilities for damages of any kind arising out of the use of or reliance on CREME96. No guarantees or warranties, including (but not limited to) any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose, are made by the Government with respect to the use of CREME96. Except as provided by the Federal Tort Claims Act, the Government shall not be liable to any user of CREME96 for any claims whatsoever, including loss of revenue, profits, or other indirect or consequential damages.
Privacy Policy: "We will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit this site unless you choose to provide such information to us. If you choose to send e-mail to the site webmaster or submit an online feedback form, any contact information that you provide will be solely used to respond to your request and not be permanently stored."
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Website manager: cremeweb@ssd5.nrl.navy.mil
NRL Principal Investigator: Dr. Allan J. Tylka, NRL
Certifying Authority: Dr. Jill Dahlburg, Acting Superintendent, Space Science Division
Last updated: 24 April 2007
Visitor count since 6/15/97:
High Energy Space Environment Branch, Space Science Division, Code 7650, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375-5352
US Patent Pending