Gov't Charge Cards Publications and Presentations

GSA SmartPay Publications and Presentations

Point of Sale Discount and Program Transition Documents
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Point of Sale Discounts and Transition Management Documents Word 458k 9/24/2004
  GSA Charge Card Management Plan Template Other 107k  
  Transition Quick Reference PDF 81k  
  RFP With Amendments Word 2985k  
  Fleet RFP Version Word 2664k  
  Integrated RFP Version Word 2707k  
  Purchase RFP Version Word 2631k  
  Travel RFP Version Word 2704k  
  Executive Briefing PowerPoint 590k  
  Pre-Award Checklist Word 753k  
  Transition Frequently Asked Questions Word 365k  
  Agency/Organization Needs Assessment Tool Word 433k  
  Transition Communications Planning Tool Word 294k  
  Supplement For Transition Communications Planning Tool Excel 22k  
  A/OPC Information Technology Quick Reference Word 120k  
  CITIBANK SmartPay 2 Pricing Other 747k  
  JP Morgan Chase SmartPay 2 Pricing Other 142k  
  U.S. Bank SmartPay 2 Pricing Other 117k