Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

Table B-2. Review of FHWA RD&T Program

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Investment Criterion Program Evidence
Relevance •   Research program is mission-oriented and supports FHWA and DOT goals.
•   Stakeholders are engaged throughout the R&T process, including agenda setting and planning.
•   Stakeholders are involved in agenda setting and planning through the TRB Research and Technology Coordinating Committee, the National Partnership Initiative, and other advisory groups.
•   Stakeholders are engaged in the development of multi-year program plans, which are revisited annually.
•   External experts and advisory groups ensure program relevance throughout the research process itself.
•   Stakeholders are engaged in technology transfer and innovation delivery activities.
•   The program employs a number of mechanisms for customer feedback, including surveys and focus groups.
Quality •   Investment decisions are based on competition and merit review whenever possible.
•   External experts are consulted frequently during the conduct of research; merit reviews of results are encouraged.
•   An assessment process for the FHWA's 24 laboratories provides independent expert evaluation of research efforts.
Performance •   Stakeholders are involved in reviewing performance retrospectively.
•   The FHWA has conducted cost-benefit studies for elements of the program.
•   Program results are linked to the FHWA and DOT performance plans.
•   Performance is documented in an annual performance report.

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