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October 15, 2008
Poster: ETV Collaborations (PDF) (1 p, 74 KB) September 2008

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September 12, 2008
Environmental Technology Verification Report, Terre Hill Concrete Products, Terre Kleen™ 09 (PDF) (57 pp, 1.27 MB) July 2008 | Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 68 KB)

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August 21, 2008
Rapid Detection of Whole Soil and Soil Extract Toxicity (PDF) (42 pp, 197 MB) July 2008

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August 1, 2008
Building Energy Solutions, LLP Tecogen DG/CHP Installation (PDF) (40 pp, 678 KB) July 2008

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July 27, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Air Stakeholder Committee Teleconference (PDF) (9 pp, 57 KB) May 8, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV APCT Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting (PDF) (6 pp, 40 KB) March 27, 2007
The Evolution of Improved Baghouse Filter Media as Observed in the Environmental Technology Verification Program (PDF) (12 pp, 172 KB), presented at Air & Waste Management Association, 101st Annual Conference June 24–27, 2008

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July 25, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Water Stakeholder Committee Teleconference (PDF) (7 pp, 99 KB) May 15, 2008

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July 15, 2008
Pelletized wood fuel, developed by Renewafuels, LLC, co-fired with coal at the University of Iowa Main Power Plant Boiler 10 (a Riley Stoker Corporation unit) (PDF) (62 pp, 1.93 MB) April 2008 | Verification Statement (PDF) (7 pp, 206 KB)
Wood waste co-fired with coal at the Minnesota Power, Rapids Energy Center Boiler 5 (a Foster Wheeler Spreader Stoker Boiler) (PDF) (60 pp, 1.73 MB) April 2008 | Verification Statement (PDF) (7 pp, 201 KB)

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June 25, 2008
The Monitor Newsletter (PDF) (2 pp, 1.08 MB) June 2008

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June 21, 2008
Determination of Emissions from Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heaters (PDF) (17 pp, 123 KB) June 2008
NSF International WaterWORKS Newsletter: NSF Offers Training on LT2 Testing Requirements (PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer (8 pp, 6.03 MB) Summer 2008

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May 7, 2008
Environmental Technology Verification Report, JSC Optec 3.02 P-A Chemiluminescent Ozone Analyzer (PDF) (37 pp, 345 KB) February 2008 | Verification Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 56 KB)

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April 23, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Ballast Water Stakeholder Advisory Group (PDF) (14 pp, 113 KB) August 16, 2007

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April 16, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Air Stakeholder Committee Informal Update at 2008 SES Conference (PDF) (4 pp, 167 KB) March 3, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Air Stakeholder Committee Teleconference (PDF) (7 pp, 104 KB) December 6, 2007

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April 10, 2008
Meeting Summary, ETV Water Stakeholder Committee Teleconference (PDF) (6 pp, 98 KB) December 4, 2007

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March 13, 2008
U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) Guidelines for Proper Use of the ETV Name and Logo (PDF) (15 pp, 646 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/029) March 2008
U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program, Purpose of Verifications and Use of Program Name and Logo (PDF) (1 p, 33 KB) March 2008

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March 6, 2008
Environmental Technology Verification Program, Policy Compendium (PDF) (38 pp, 220 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/025) February 2008
Meeting Summary, Stakeholder Steering Committee Meeting (PDF) (6 pp, 36 KB) | Meeting Agenda and Information Packet (PDF) (9 pp, 56 KB) November 27, 2007

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February 8, 2008
Environmental Technology Verification Program Quality Management Plan (PDF) (84 pp, 744 KB) January 2008

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February 4, 2008
Environmental Technology Verification, Biological Inactivation Efficiency by HVAC In-Duct Ultraviolet Light Systems, American Ultraviolet Corporation, DC 24-6-120 (PDF) (18 pp, 312 KB) January 2008 | Statement (PDF) (3 pp, 72 KB)

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January 23, 2008
Call for Technologies, EPA Science Forum Environmental Technology Expo

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December 17, 2007
Environmental Technology Verification Centers Funding Announcement

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December 4, 2007
Environmental Technology Verification Report, Dakota Technologies, Inc., Ballast Water Exchange Assurance Meter (BEAM) 100 (PDF) (50 pp, 996 KB) September 2007 | Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 60 KB)

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November 29, 2007
Environmental Technology Verification Report, Removal of Synthetic Organic Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water, RASco, Inc., Advanced Simultaneous Oxidation Process (ASOP) (PDF) (41 pp, 660 KB) September 2007 | Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 88 KB)

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November 16, 2007
Fact Sheet: Rapid Beach Water Quality Screening Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 52 KB) August 2007

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November 9, 2007
Environmental Technology Verification Report, SKC, Inc., Sioutas Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler With Leland Legacy Pump (PDF) (98 pp, 1.38 MB) September 2007 | Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 56 KB)
Environmental Technology Verification Report, Sensicore, Inc., WaterPOINT 870 (PDF) (32 pp, 732 KB) September 2007 | Verification Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 102 KB)

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