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 You are in: Under Secretary for Management > Bureau of Diplomatic Security > News from the Bureau of Diplomatic Security > Bureau of Diplomatic Security: Testimonies, Speeches, and Remarks > 2007 

Growing The OSAC Mission

Patrick Donovan, Acting Director of the Diplomatic Security Service
Remarks to the Overseas Security Advisory Council 22nd Annual Briefing
Washington, DC
November 14, 2007

Good morning.

Members of the OSAC community, colleagues and friends — welcome to the State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council’s 22nd Annual Briefing. The Acting Assistant Secretary, Greg Starr, was supposed to be here to welcome you, but was called away to Iraq at the last minute. Greg asked me to convey to you his regrets for not being able to meet with you today. So – it is my good fortune to be representing DS.

Throughout its 22 year history, OSAC has been enormously successful in bringing the public and private sectors together. It is a shining example of government-industry cooperation. And truly – it’s a partnership that works. The reason for the success of OSAC is quite simple. The many hundreds – indeed thousands – of people who contribute to this organization care. They realize that their efforts to collaborate and share with one another around critical security issues make a very real difference. Since its first days in 1985, the OSAC government-private sector partnership has saved lives. And that is the bottom line of what we’re all about.

The growth in OSAC since its creation, in 1985, has been immense. I am proud to tell you that today we have a membership of nearly 4,800 companies, educational institutions, religious organizations, and non-governmental organizations. Our Council and Executive Working Group are comprised of some of the nation’s most respected and experienced security leaders – who dedicate their time and talents to OSAC voluntarily. We also have an executive office comprised of a dedicated staff and resources, administered by the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service. And we are fortunate to have additional resources such as our technical advisors from the FBI, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Treasury Department.

As many of you are well aware, OSAC has another extremely important resource — OSAC is the only organization in the world that has access to a global network of nearly 600 regional security officers serving at U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. But probably, the most amazing part of OSAC is that the membership is free and open to all American-owned companies and non-profit enterprises incorporated in the United States.

I am pleased to report to you that OSAC has had another successful year. DS has underscored its commitment to OSAC by providing additional funding. Already, these funds have been put to good use. OSAC has increased its analytic staff from 9 to 13 analysts. This talented team of international security specialists are at the heart of the OSAC mission. The service they provide to the private sector is valued and critical to the success of OSAC’s overall mission.

These additional resources will also be used for needed technological additions to the OSAC effort. We’re exploring ways to improve the OSAC website. In July of this year, OSAC launched its first web cast from the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, where OSAC was the primary government liaison with the U.S. private sector. As with previous major events, OSAC provided around-the-clock coverage of the event for our constituents.

Next year, OSAC will again be our government’s primary liaison to the U.S. private sector during the Summer Olympic Games in the People’s Republic of China. The use of web casting will be essential because of the major time difference between Beijing and the United States. Once again, OSAC will be able to reach a greater number of its members who would not otherwise be able to participate in these critical briefings.

These are just a few examples of how OSAC is working to serve you better. As you well know, in this time of increased threat to American interests worldwide, it is our mission to provide you with the highest quality service to meet your needs. As new threats emerge, OSAC will continue to develop its ability to assist you in deterring there threats. We are committed to supporting you and in strengthening our partnership. Thank you and again welcome to the Department of State.

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