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March/April 2004


Hyperfix 65/70
by Gary Mroczka, Val Straumins, and Jim Pinkelman
Indiana closed a major interstate corridor for repairs and reopened it a month ahead of schedule.

Coordinating Incident Response
by K. Craig Allred
Guidelines demonstrate how agencies can apply unified command to managing highway emergencies.

Erosion Control with Recycled Materials
by Timothy Barkley
Texas produced an award-winning program for using compost to control soil erosion along roadways.

Glenwood Canyon 12 Years Later
by Karen Stufflebeam Row, Eva LaDow, and Steve Moler
More than a decade after its completion, has this marvel of highway engineering in western Colorado attained its original goals?

A Tale of Two Canyons
by Steve Moler
Colorado DOT applies lessons learned from the Glenwood project to a similar highway in the Snowmass valley, near the famed Aspen ski resort.

Spotlight on the South
by Gary Strasburg
Innovative highway projects in seven southern States demonstrate environmental leadership.

The AIRS Approach to Analyzing Intersection Crashes
by Jessica Rich
A transportation management center in Kentucky pioneers a new recording system to improve driver safety and accountability.

Resource Center Goes National
by Steve Moler, Marie Roybal, and Gary Strasburg
Four FHWA regional centers become one national center operating through virtual teams that can be placed anywhere across the country.

March/April 2004 · Vol. 67 · No. 5


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration