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Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)
Fact Sheets
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Fact Sheets

--10/24/08  United Nation Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004): 1540 Committee Renewal
--10/11/08  Existing Sanctions and Reporting Provisions Related to North Korea
--10/11/08  U.S.-North Korea Understandings on Verification
--09/30/08  Recent U.S. Actions to Halt Iran's Procurement Practices for Attempted Acquisition of WMD-Related Items
--06/17/08  Fourth Meeting of the Global Initiative, Madrid
--06/16/08  Updated P5+1 Package
--05/26/08  The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
--05/22/08  Proliferation Security Initiative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
--05/22/08  U.S.-Morocco International Transshipment Conference
--04/04/08  UN Security Council Resolution 1803 on Iran's Nuclear Program
--04/01/08  START Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms
--02/27/08  Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
--02/27/08  Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Questions and Answers
--02/04/08  Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation

--07/27/07  50th Anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency
--04/12/07  Chemical Weapons Convention States Parties and Signatories

--11/28/06  Chemical Weapons Convention States Parties and Signatories
--11/07/06  Partner Nations Endorse Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism Statement of Principles
--09/05/06  Chemical Weapons Convention States Parties and Signatories
--07/15/06  Announcing the Global Initiative To Combat Nuclear Terrorism; The White House; Joint Statement by U.S. President George Bush and Russian Federation President V.V. Putin ; St. Petersburg, Russia
--07/15/06  The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
--07/15/06  U.S.-Russia Joint Fact Sheet on the Global Initiative To Combat Nuclear Terrorism
--06/30/06  Draft Decision: Request by The United States of America for Establishment of A Revised Date for the Final Deadline for Destroying All of Its Category 1 Chemical Weapons
--04/20/06  U.S. Request for Establishment of a Revised Date for the Phase 4 Deadline for the Destruction of Category 1 Chemical Weapons in the U.S.
--04/20/06  U.S. Request to Extend Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Deadline for Complete Destruction of Chemical Weapons Stocks

--10/21/05  Protocols to the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA)
--09/20/05  The MANPADS Menace: Combating the Threat to Global Aviation from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems
--07/29/05  Beginning To Transform the State Department to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century
--05/26/05  Proliferation Security Initiative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
--05/26/05  The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI): Second Anniversary
--04/21/05  2005 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference: U.S. Objectives; Bureau of Arms Control; Washington, DC  
--02/17/05  U.S.-EU Cooperation on the Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
--01/11/05  Proliferation Security Initiative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

--10/22/04  Japanese Regional Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Maritime Interdiction Exercise (Team Samurai '04)
--09/20/04  Terminating the National Emergency with Respect to Libya: Revocation of Executive Order Sanctions
--08/24/04  The G-8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction
--08/17/04  The U.S. Bio-Chem Redirect Program
--08/14/04  The United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands Proliferation Security Initiative Shipboarding Agreement
--08/10/04  The Australia Group
--08/02/04  Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
--08/02/04  Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Questions and Answers
--07/29/04  The Nuclear Suppliers Group
--07/29/04  The Zangger Committee
--06/09/04  G-8 Action Plan on Nonproliferation
--05/12/04  The United States and Panama Proliferation Security Initiative Ship Boarding Agreement
--05/11/04  Global Transshipment Control Enforcement Workshop, Valletta, Malta, May 11-14, 2004
--04/28/04  President Bush Signs Biodefense for the 21st Century
--04/28/04  UN Security Council Resolution on Non-Proliferation
--03/22/04  Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
--02/11/04  Strengthening International Efforts Against WMD Proliferation
--02/06/04  Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

--12/19/03  The President's National Security Strategy to Combat WMD: Libya's Announcement
--12/18/03  Redirection of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Experts Short-term Program
--09/16/03  BioIndustry Initiative
--09/15/03  Proliferation Security Initiative [PDF]
--09/04/03  Proliferation Security Initiative: Statement of Interdiction Principles
--06/02/03  Aviation Security
--06/02/03  Broadening the Partnership To Stop the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction
--06/02/03  Countering the "Dirty Bomb" Threat
--06/02/03  U.S. Actions at the G-8 Summit
--06/02/03  U.S. Actions at G-8 Summit, Day One
--05/20/03  National Policy on Ballistic Missile Defense
--05/05/03  The Middle East and the NPT
--05/01/03  Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
--05/01/03  U.S. Actions and Policies in Support of Its NPT Article VI Obligations Related to Nuclear Disarmament
--03/10/03  Historic Review of UNMOVIC's Report on Unresolved Disarmament Issues
--02/19/03  Sanctions Imposed on Indian Entities Pursuant to the Chemical/Biological Weapons Sanctions Law
--01/14/03  Iraq Goods Review List

--12/20/02  Oil-for-Food Program
--12/19/02  Illustrative Examples of Omissions From the Iraqi Declaration to the United Nations Security Council
--12/11/02  Parties and Signatories of the Biological Weapons Convention (Current as of December 11, 2002)
--11/08/02  Security Council Resolutions Concerning Iraq
--11/08/02  Text of UN Security Council Resolution on Iraq: November 8, 2002; United Nations; New York, New York
--08/23/02  Project Vinca
--06/27/02  G-7/8 Kananaskis Summit: Day Two - U.S. Accomplishments
--06/27/02  G-8 Summit: Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
--06/27/02  The G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction
--06/19/02  Message to the Congress of the United States
--06/19/02  Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation Created by the Accumulation of Weapons-Usable Fissile Material in the Territory of the Russian Federation
--05/22/02  The Biological Weapons Convention
--05/14/02  "Goods Review List" for Iraq
--05/14/02  U.S.- lAEA Additional Protocol
--02/05/02  Defending Against Biological Terrorism

--10/19/01  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT): Accomplishments and Challenges
--10/17/01  Parties and Signatories of the Biological Weapons Convention (Current as of October 17, 2001)
--10/15/01  Export Controls on High Performance
--09/25/01  Plenary Meeting of the Missile Technology Control Regime
--09/01/01  Missile Defense and Nonproliferation
--08/31/01  Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
--02/15/01  U.S. -DPRK Agreed Framework
--01/20/01  African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty
--01/20/01  African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (The Treaty of Pelindaba)
--01/20/01  Article IV of the NPT: U.S. Support for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation
--01/20/01  Australia Group Export Controls on Materials Used in the Manufacture of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Control List of Dual-Use Chemicals: Commercial and Military Application
--01/20/01  Guidelines for Schedules of Chemicals
--01/20/01  NPT Article IV: U.S. Support for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation
--01/20/01  START I: Lisbon Protocol and The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
--01/20/01  South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty
--01/20/01  Argentina and Chile Bring Into Force The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear in Latin America and the Caribbean (The Treaty of Tlatelolco)
--01/20/01  The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: A Global Success

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